Ive done it!

Time to celebrate the achievement! A new airgun is in order :D

Lol I like the way you think but not helping!

Is that a relapse I hear coming down the road?
Hope not but no guarantees

Not accessories?...Pellets? Gear?...
My last gun purchase🤔...oh wow I'll have to think...ope nvm the red ryder was not long ago🥴
Pellets honestly has been close to that same time also. I've built up a stash over the years close to 40 tins which at the rate ive been shooting will last me a good decade lol

Yes sir. Haven't owned a different caliber in probably 2-3yrs. Well PCP that is. Have a HW30S .177 I've owned a good while now also but only .22 PCPs for me.
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. Keep working the steps and call your sponsor if you feel the need to shop.
Thanks! No sponsor here everyone wants me to spend my money lol.

The one year chip looks an awful lot like a splatter bullseye...
With one pellet hole. Next year I can shoot it again

I remember all the units that you went through before receiving your Mini....

Congrats on breaking the cycle!
Yeah man wayyyy to many! Was fun but I am happy to have broken the cycle. My wife even more so lol

After the first year of buying my first Evol in .30cal, I bought 2 more Evols immediately after (Evol Mini .22 and Paradigm .22). I don't know what you would call it. Maybe just an addiction to the platform?

Lol I'd love another one. A .30 magnon would be fun, or another .22 15" setup for 20.2gr slugs. Then again too much for shooting on our dairy hence why the Mini fits nicely
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Did you quit cold turkey or was there a 12 step?

My name is Lewis, and I'm an airoholic.
Lol have kids and drastically less time to play with the guns. Totally worth it but is the reality for me.
Love to try one out one day. Congratulations on one of the hardest task we got I feel. The Huben is my go to gun. But I still find myself buying and trying new things. But always back to my Huben.
I will admit a huben is one I do regret not trying. I would highly recommend trying an Evol if you get the chance fantastic guns.

I keep telling myself no, but I don't listen.
Awesome rifle you have there!
Thanks! Oh I did that many times before!

Where is the fun in that?
Didn't say it was fun but has been nice getting to know one gun for a year. Honestly don't know of I could say that about any other gun I owned....
That’s pretty impressive. But I don’t think a Evol will be my antidote. My poisoning is more complex. But I would toss half my gun collection off a bridge if they made a Evol mini in a beautiful walnut stock. That model would flip half the dwarf gun lovers on their lids. Just remember who thought that model up. Heck, I’d even take a laminate.
A year to the date I received my Evol Mini. I have not bought another airgun since then. I have overcome the addiction 💪
View attachment 358561
Congratulations! Where did you attend your meetings!!! Your were an "enabler" for a lot of us though...LOL! Note pix of me getting a Veteran fix...
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So what you are saying is the Evol is that good of a gun?
come on, you can tell me.
Lol for me I guess it is.

Dillon..the only thing I have to say is....YOU DA MAN...😂👍!!! Seriously...I don't think you can do better than your Evol 🤗....I think this one fits all your needs at the farm better than any PCP on the market and does it with aplomb.
Thanks Randall lol yeah hard to beat the Evol for my needs.

That’s pretty impressive. But I don’t think a Evol will be my antidote. My poisoning is more complex. But I would toss half my gun collection off a bridge if they made a Evol mini in a beautiful walnut stock. That model would flip half the dwarf gun lovers on their lids. Just remember who thought that model up. Heck, I’d even take a laminate.
I find it impressive for me with how many guns I went through. A wood stocked Mini I bet would sell alot. I don't do wood as how mine get used they get beat up. But I know others love it and think it would be a cool choice.
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Wouldn't you like " big brother " sitting there?
I've been thinking starting with big brother first.
I would love the whole family there if I could. Actually what I would want most is a Mini in .30. I know Tom built a few. That would be a fun gun to have.

Congratulations! Where did you attend your meetings!!! Your were an "enabler" for a lot of us though...LOL! Note pix of me getting a Veteran fix...View attachment 358629
Lol thanks! I'll still enable don't worry! I'll live vicariously through others that way. I do miss my little Vet Shorty though....

Congratulations on your one year milestone. You give me inspiration that I could possibly overcome my addiction as well. I think I will just buy one or maybe two more myself and then I’m going to quit too. Stay strong brother.
Thanks! Lol sounds like a good plan to me!
I'll be honest I've had the thought many times of trying another gun, like not selling the Evol but just having another and I've had a green light to do so but have a mental block with practicality all of a sudden knowing I probably won't shoot it much having the Evol. Then think do I need a gun just to collect dust? I think being a dad messed with my brain and having to be practical and make sense with the airgun addiction lol
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Well that was short lived. Had a plan to use my Evol for barn shooting and was going to buy a folding stock adapter to easily access the HS adjuster. Well one of the only ones with a hole through it was the Law Tactical. They run $250ish. Thanks to WA state passing an unconstitutional AW ban apparently I can no longer order one for my airgun or anything as a matter a fact when there ban is only for semi auto guns. If you wanted to put one on a bolt action rifle which is legal you can't even get one shipped here anymore. Ridiculous. So instead just using that $260 and bought a Notos since they were in stock. Pretty ticked off about not being able to get a folding stock adapter. But I guess I got a new gun coming shortly. 1 year was long enough lol
Dillon - if it makes you feel better I had tried a Law Tactical folding adapter on the mini I owned a few years back. It's a kinda heavy chunk of metal and throws the balance of the mini off along with making the LOP a bit long.

Now for a while I had confidence in your 1 year achievement. Then as I read through your replies I was like, this man is teetering on a knifes edge. And then, BAMM, I'm sorry but you are going to need to hand back in your shoot'n'see target with the one hole. :)
Dillon - if it makes you feel better I had tried a Law Tactical folding adapter on the mini I owned a few years back. It's a kinda heavy chunk of metal and throws the balance of the mini off along with making the LOP a bit long.

Now for a while I had confidence in your 1 year achievement. Then as I read through your replies I was like, this man is teetering on a knifes edge. And then, BAMM, I'm sorry but you are going to need to hand back in your shoot'n'see target with the one hole. :)
Well thanks for that info Sean. I guess it was going to add like half a pound and that would be a negative.

And yeah lol I didn't even get to shoot the target yet 😂