Other IZH-46M Grips

So I can get Steve Corcoran grips for $225, I can get Rink grips for $285 with deluxe Walnut which is not an option with Corcoran. I have to wait for someone else to buy a set from Steve before he will make them, been a month so far. I shoot right handed but am left eye dominant, Rink offers a solution for this but Corcoran doesn't. It seems Rink is a much more custom grip, anyone have opinions one way or the other, dumb question, bet there are a ton of opinions, lol, fire away.
no, you have all the answers
when it comes to grips nothing is fast
Rink is the main grip maker for custom grips in the target shooting industry and i bet it is a mad house there
Steve C. makes great grip but he kind of does what he wants
there is Precision grip and they light be able to make something that will suit you but not wood
Steve has had that blue-grey-cream laminate set for sale a long time i have been half tempted to buy them myself

so, if you are anything like me once i get an idea of a want no matter if it makes sense or not that itch gets scratch and in your case it would have to be Rink

are they what you want--Yes-- read this and go order them they make beautiful grips
I order from Rink, direct. It usually takes 8 weeks. Rink sells grips with an offset for people who are right handed, left eye-dominant. I have a set of their select walnut grips and they are very nice.

Sport Shooting Depot is a Rink dealer, in the US. They are a good company. They are close to you. Maybe give them a call?

I too tried Steve initially for my Izzy, but he was too busy to promise anything so I went with Rink. It went very well and he even made a change to my spec that he thought would suit me better. My personal suggestion (from experience) for Rink is to register and use their automated progress system vice emailing them for an update (trust me). They too are VERY busy, but my grip came right on time and was well worth the wait.
my only Rink grips sadly to say
i have no understanding of your righthand, left eye shooting needs but you could add say 5mm -10mm of material to the factory grips to see if that could or would correct the grips to your needs
how the angle is measured is not known to me except the pictures at Rink and they may be able to go to 10 degrees but it is a bit of witchcraft and a very personal need
so, the bottom line from my vantage point is, it is a crap shoot and i know it is a lot of money to only have it not work
and i for one could not shoot strong hand right left eye dominate
good luck
I have a left handed Rinke grip for my IZH-46M. Took about eight weeks but well worth it. I shoot left eye dominant. Makes the pistol.
Yea, it'd be better if I shot left handed, but I don't. I'm ready to order a set I just don't know if I want to risk this 7 deg turn option. I did reach out to them and asked exactly what this does, we'll see.
I am right-eye dominant and have a Rink left-handed grip on my Izzy with the 7 degree option. It seems well-designed to me. Caveat: I'm right handed, but have periodic problems with my right shoulder (mountain bike accident). I ordered the Rink grip during one of those periods, and can now shoot both right-and left-handed with the same pistol.
I am right-eye dominant and have a Rink left-handed grip on my Izzy with the 7 degree option. It seems well-designed to me. Caveat: I'm right handed, but have periodic problems with my right shoulder (mountain bike accident). I ordered the Rink grip during one of those periods, and can now shoot both right-and left-handed with the same pistol.
Thanks Offhand. I was hoping someone had tried this option. I'm assuming the 7 degree option moves the pistol towards your dominant eye.
I am left hand /right eye , all my rifles are lefty , I think it would be like starting over if I tried to shoot right eye .
BT....I have quite a few PB rifles and pistols as well as 12 pellet rifles and 4 pellet pistols, everything is right handed except some Ambi stuff. I agree it seems like it would be starting over. May try lefty just to see what it feels like. Been shooting like this for 45 years.
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