Joe Shneehagen accident

Wow. I wish him a quick, pain free, and full recovery.

Metal fails for a lot of reasons. I imagine that there will be a full inquiry with report to follow, eventually.

There isn't a way that this won't be litigated, so we'll know the tank and compressor brands. I imagine that the gage mfgrs will be involved as well.


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Wow. I wish him a quick, pain free, and full recovery.

Metal fails for a lot of reasons. I imagine that there will be a full inquiry with report to follow, eventually.

There isn't a way that this won't be litigated, so we'll know the tank and compressor brands. I imagine that the gage mfgrs will be involved as well.


I no absolutely nothing about the circumstances of this tragedy but I do know a lot a airgun people living on borrowed time because they don’t have their equipment inspected and hydro’d and use crappy wet air. To all of us - safety first!
Wow. I wish him a quick, pain free, and full recovery.

Metal fails for a lot of reasons. I imagine that there will be a full inquiry with report to follow, eventually.

There isn't a way that this won't be litigated, so we'll know the tank and compressor brands. I imagine that the gage mfgrs will be involved as well.


If he wasn’t filling it in a tank cage litigation will be short. But that doesn’t change the fact that this is horrible news. This stuff probably happens more than we know with popularity rising. I’m happy he’s alive but I’m really bothered by this tragedy.
Definitely happens more than we know - they don't report everything on the news - thousands of shootings even don't make the news, so these "minor" accidents wouldn't either.

So where do I get one of these tank cages - nothing like fear to get the masses to step in line. *******

But seriously, I really want to replace my tanks and get a cage now, even though it's probably a .00001% chance... it puckers my btthole thinking about it.
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Man, with some of the comments about tanks that may be being used out of hydro or service life I wonder if it would be prudent at FT and other airgun events to require valid hydro’s and service life still within limit and have to prove it. Might be overkill but one accident is one to many. I think at events they sometimes have a club compressor where members fill there SCBA during the event. It’s standard procedure in the scuba industry. Anyone that utilizes dive shops know that an annual inspection and valid hydro is standard.
You all keep on keeping on, by the looks of it, the tank bisected itself and I've seen intergranular corrosion and gallium contamination do the same in sheet goods from Reynolds before we got a recall notice.

I'd like to know what happened but I'm not going to change what I am doing, I inspect my Luxfer CF tanks every year and because I dont want to destroy them, there is no way in heel i'm going to allow hydro testing. I would do an ultrasound inspection if available near me but I'm not a knee-jerker, I don't have any gallium and I dont do destructive testing, it's just stupid.
Man, with some of the comments about tanks that may be being used out of hydro or service life I wonder if it would be prudent at FT and other airgun events to require valid hydro’s and service life still within limit and have to prove it. Might be overkill but one accident is one to many. I think at events they sometimes have a club compressor where members fill there SCBA during the event. It’s standard procedure in the scuba industry. Anyone that utilizes dive shops know that an annual inspection and valid hydro is standard.

Not counting time spent as a boy playing with airguns, I've only been into airguns for about 14 years.

In that time I've heard of only one high pressure air injury that wasn't due to operator error in some way. It was a high pressure hose in a fill system that ruptured while being handled. The escaping air, concentrated through the rupture, cut the man badly, nearly amputating a digit.

Every other incident that I've read or heard about has been due to misuse, either filling a tank to a pressure much higher than it was rated for, or modifying a gun in an unsafe manner.
I no absolutely nothing about the circumstances of this tragedy but I do know a lot a airgun people living on borrowed time because they don’t have their equipment inspected and hydro’d and use crappy wet air. To all of us - safety first!
A good point: I'm laid up now from shoulder surgery; its the best time to drain my tank and get the last hydro done in its official lifespan.

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People ware these tanks on their backs, you dont hear of firefighters getting into trouble with them . Extreme conditions.
I have worn them for 25 yrs .
Curious what FD’s do as far as inspection frequency on their SCBA’s. No doubt they are 100% compliant on their hydro and end of life but curious what their daily, monthly, yearly SOG is.
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