I chrono'ed the JSB King Heavy Mk2 .25 at 25 meters to find the BC. I just want to double check my results because the numbers I'm getting is quite a bit higher than expected. I'm shooting them at 835 FPS at the muzzle and with the chronograph at 25 meters away, I'm getting a BC of 0.073. This is with air pressure and elevation corrected. This is very high for what I'm expecting out of this projectile. In contrast, all the test I've done using the same calculations with my .22 caliber has always yielded much lower results than what most people report. For example, with the JSB Hades .22 15.89gr, I'm only getting 0.017 BC. Even all the .22 slugs I've tested. Some of those slugs are rated at 0.07+ BC but the highest I've ever seen with .22 slugs is only 0.056 BC. Yes, I know I'm using G1 drag function but in my experience the calculations are spot on at the distances I shoot at with the .22 caliber up to 70 meters away.