Just curious, what are you shooting, and and at what speed? My AAA likes JSB better at my current tune, doing 908fps. I didn't want to change any settings because it is lights out accurate with the RMR slugs I am mostly shooting right now. It really surprised me how much better the 50gr JSB shot compared to the 50gr AEA, of which I got 10 tins. I will try retuning my gun with them after the critters go to sleep for the winter.
I don't know, but they are not across the board magical, at least to me. In my limited experience and what I have read, The 44gr JSB shoots well in just about every .30 barrel at various speeds. It is a safe bet to try at least. It seems that AEA and JTS are getting there faster than anybody has but it hasn't been that long, no worn out dies to replace, and how long are they going to wait before they do? I am waiting to see how they handle that. JSB has been really good right up to about when the founder died, and the whole MRD debacle really hurt their standing in my opinion. COVID policies didn't help either. I hope they get back on their feet.
AEA (and JTS) definitely came out swinging though, and it is rather strange how they managed to get the high b.c. they got out of the 50gr .30. Maybe they are just that good, or lucky, but magic pixie dust is as good a guess as any too.
JSB has been really good right up to about when the founder died, and the whole MRD debacle really hurt their standing in my opinion.

I’ll do some digging of my own, but could you summarize the MRD debacle for those of us who are unfamiliar? Is it just the wild random flier issues I’m seeing, or is there something more?

As for JTS and AEA, I plan to order some soon and give them a try for myself. I wish there was a better way to pack pellets so JSB could curtail skirt damage and that didn’t come with a price premium, but I don’t know that that’s feasible…
My gun loves the .30 50gr. Of either pellet brand, But of course can’t find them anywhere! Oh why didn’t I buy a whole sleeve?
I am just guessing that it is great weight for that caliber
With Pyramid next week and EBR around the corner .. people have probably stocked up
should be able to find easier after the events
I’ll do some digging of my own, but could you summarize the MRD debacle for those of us who are unfamiliar? Is it just the wild random flier issues I’m seeing, or is there something more?

As for JTS and AEA, I plan to order some soon and give them a try for myself. I wish there was a better way to pack pellets so JSB could curtail skirt damage and that didn’t come with a price premium, but I don’t know that that’s feasible…
You won't have to dig to far, but if you do and get to China you'll find pellets that don't have fliers. A little levity. The MRD debacle, for lack of a better term, wasn't about "random" fliers, everybody was getting them, ergo, not random. Something definately happened and the .22 MRD upset most of the target shooters on the forums who were using them. Many have said that they lost faith in the company. Not good. You know it's bad when a company actually does something about all the complaints it got, and re-introduces an old design. They are still playing catch-up no matter how it gets sugar coated. Every time somebody does a weight check JSB pellets are all over the place and everyone using AEA doesn't bother weighing anymore because of the good consistency. I have no dog in this fight, I am just telling you what I've been reading over the past couple of years. For me, and the JSB pellets I use, I am a happy customer, but I realize that if they don't get their act together and make everybody happy, it will effect me too eventually. I don't think not mentioning problems, or glossing them over helps anybody.
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Ah, thanks for the history lesson!

By “random,” I meant they were totally unpredictable and couldn’t be dealt with via sorting, etc., meaning no matter how hard you tried, you’d sometimes have a great group and then POW!, a nasty flier kills it. Read a few posts from guys who sorted by weight, head diameter, length, and skirt condition, and still got fliers when they least expected it. I can understand the frustration!

Another “newb” question: which Monsters are the good/old/original ones, then? :ROFLMAO: The semi-cylindrical ones? Like anything, I expect that I’ll need to try them myself to verify what each gun likes, but thought it was worth asking.

Per the topic of the thread though, maybe I’ll just skip ‘em and go straight for the JTS heavies/“monsters” and hope I get lucky!
Yeah, I know what you meant, I was just cracking wise. My point was to just call attention to the whole situation because I want JSB to get back in the game, that they are not doing so well at competing in at the moment. The answer of which one to get is a little muddled at the moment with so many having gone over to AEA/JTS. There use to be only one player, now with people winning with other brands there is less testing being done on the new JSB so it may take a while to work out. In the interim AEA/JTS are cleaning house.
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I have a king and it loves the JTS OR AEA .30 50’s if you want to sell them I will BUY them? I will trade for yours for my JSB Both 44’s 50’s I have them listed in the ads
The Pellet Shop just sent me an email saying they have the AEA .30 50gr pellets in stock, hurry! I was on an email notification list, I don't know if this is common knowledge.
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