JTS JTS Airacuda - New Owner - First brand new PCP - Looks used

Hello, I just got my JTS Airacuda in the mail. Stoked! It came with 2000 psi in the air tube. Is that normal? Also I fired the rifle and hear a sort of spring sound, assuming that is normal but when I went to refill the rifle with air, I noticed that the foster fitting has definitely been used before. There is also a lot of dust in the threads of the foster fitting cover.

Then upon further inspection. Saw a little bit of rust on the barrell and a scratch on the stock. Also looks like the bolt action has some use as well.

This came from a vendor out east and was supposed to be new. I don't want to say who they are yet as I am going to email them with a question such as, why is it already filled with air. Hoping ya'll can give me some insight. Perhaps this is from factory testing?

See the pics

You can see the bit of rust right above the threads on the foster fitting cover on the barrel. It's light but there is some. Also look at all the dust in the threads of the foster fitting. Anyways...is this used? Ha. Weird to ask that but again, I have never bought one before.


Then see the part on the gun where the bolt action sits. Definitely looks like it's seen use.

Scratch on the stock
From the store

Hello, yes every airgun from jts has been touched with human hands.

They come into the United States from a foreign country with no air in them.

At jts in Texas they open every box fill them with air and test them for functionality. High pressure air products are not supposed to ship with air in them.

We do ship them with some air in them because customers think they have lost all their air if we ship them with no air in them. Shipping with any air is against all shipping regulations but we have to ship it with some air because of people's thoughts.

If you had followed any of the history of jts you would know that they had some manufacturing issues.

Every jts air gun that was sent to us had to be opened inspected tested and some received replacement parts. Think of this as a pre-factory warranty.

So yes there will be marks on the fill connection. They are filled and tested at the factory filled and tested in Texas and we fill and test them.

They are also shot at the factory shot in Texas and we shoot them during our testing.

Most people would consider this good customer service and some people call it used product.

I can assure you that serial number gun has never been in another customer's hands .

If you have concerns about what I have said you can contact Travis Whitney at jts in Texas. Or David the owner of jts in Texas. They can tell you that I am a trusted dealer and they do send us parts to do warranty repairs on product. We have never returned product to Texas for any of the warrantied upgrades that have been made.”

What would you do?
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Well then it looks like your new gun has been thoroughly tested. The next step is up to you. Some guys are very fickle about everything they receive new in this hobby. God bless them because that’s how it should be. But this hobby gets away with shipping a lot of crap because they know a man can’t part with his new toy once it’s in his hands.

I‘ve received about a used everything. From scopes to rails, bipods and guns. I send them back. If I want used, I shop the classifieds.
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From the store

Hello, yes every airgun from jts has been touched with human hands.

They come into the United States from a foreign country with no air in them.

At jts in Texas they open every box fill them with air and test them for functionality. High pressure air products are not supposed to ship with air in them.

We do ship them with some air in them because customers think they have lost all their air if we ship them with no air in them. Shipping with any air is against all shipping regulations but we have to ship it with some air because of people's thoughts.

If you had followed any of the history of jts you would know that they had some manufacturing issues.

Every jts air gun that was sent to us had to be opened inspected tested and some received replacement parts. Think of this as a pre-factory warranty.

So yes there will be marks on the fill connection. They are filled and tested at the factory filled and tested in Texas and we fill and test them.

They are also shot at the factory shot in Texas and we shoot them during our testing.

Most people would consider this good customer service and some people call it used product.

I can assure you that serial number gun has never been in another customer's hands .

If you have concerns about what I have said you can contact Travis Whitney at jts in Texas. Or David the owner of jts in Texas. They can tell you that I am a trusted dealer and they do send us parts to do warranty repairs on product. We have never returned product to Texas for any of the warrantied upgrades that have been made.”

What would you do?
I agree they are tested beforehand. Yet it appears to have been handled a little rough. Customers do expect a new gun to look like a new gun.
All my PCP's have come with air in them.

I own the Standard unit as well and that pinging sound is nothing to worry about, I've shot thousands of rounds and she's a good shooter. It is a low budget rifle but from what I can see it is a sturdy built unit. Oil on the metal parts collects dust like a magnet, clean it up and enjoy!

It is sad that the seller/dealer couldn't invest 2 minutes to clean it up and wipe it down.
If the gun is new and its sold as new then it should look new BUT in order to facilitate taking the guns from the containers, tested, reboxed, sent to the dealers and shipped to you, these minor items may occur.

My 2 MAX had more issues than yours, I just cleaned them up, filled them up and I shot them!
Looks like a RETURN in my eyes .. being the dead give away at the cocking linkage / breech. Having the anodizing wearing thin where the lever bottoms out upon closing is MORE SO than a test & tune amount of contact wear ... IMO.
Now said ... if BOX / Gun was subjected too a lot of vibration ( say in a cross country truck ) and rifle was resting Cocking lever down it would micro move the handle and create such a wear pattern on the anodize. It would also somewhat account for all the chaff/ dust on everything coming from within box AG was shipped in ???
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Received Airacuda MAX .25 in October 2022, from Pyramyd Air, no air, no marks, no scratches. Doubtful tested since baffle stack bolt wasn't in place and subsequent shots sounded like banging a gong with damaged pellets spiraling to oblivion. The serial numbers of In-store demos and promotional loaners are not considered to have been assigned to a customer and are sold as "new," a policy to which I don't agree. Selling a customer return as "new" is fraud, IMO, but convinced it happens all the time. WM
A electronics store here sell used stuff too, i can not recall what specific name they use for those products maybe " demo"
Anyway there are most likely customer returned things that they have not been able to find a flaw with, so they label them like that and slap on a token discount.

Personally i do not have a trust in pretty much anyone that i would be able to buy such a product.
I remember as a young person buying a used car, always gave me butterflys in the stomach and a nagging feeling that always took a year or two to go away.
And i have always been lucky with my #2 hand cars, opposite my friend which have a miserable track record.
Received Airacuda MAX .25 in October 2022, from Pyramyd Air, no air, no marks, no scratches. Doubtful tested since baffle stack bolt wasn't in place and subsequent shots sounded like banging a gong with damaged pellets spiraling to oblivion. The serial numbers of In-store demos and promotional loaners are not considered to have been assigned to a customer and are sold as "new," a policy to which I don't agree. Selling a customer return as "new" is fraud, IMO, but convinced it happens all the time. WM
I agree it’s fraud also but this hobby is just plain odd. I have seen a hundred topics about look at this piece of crap I just bought, watch me fix it. If retailers didn’t see these topics, which I believe a lot of them have, then they at least tested the waters. Didn’t take long for them to say my god the crazy bast#rd kept it. But I also believe some stuff slips through the cracks of not being truly inspected when returned. Opened up a couple new scope boxes and found beautifully packaged hammered scopes.
Received Airacuda MAX .25 in October 2022, from Pyramyd Air, no air, no marks, no scratches. Doubtful tested since baffle stack bolt wasn't in place and subsequent shots sounded like banging a gong with damaged pellets spiraling to oblivion. The serial numbers of In-store demos and promotional loaners are not considered to have been assigned to a customer and are sold as "new," a policy to which I don't agree. Selling a customer return as "new" is fraud, IMO, but convinced it happens all the time. WM
Pyramydair only tests them when you pay the 10 for 10, or 20 for 20.
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I agree it’s fraud also but this hobby is just plain odd. I have seen a hundred topics about look at this piece of crap I just bought, watch me fix it. If retailers didn’t see these topics, which I believe a lot of them have, then they at least tested the waters. Didn’t take long for them to say my god the crazy bast#rd kept it. But I also believe some stuff slips through the cracks of not being truly inspected when returned. Opened up a couple new scope boxes and found beautifully packaged hammered scopes.
An Airacuda MAX was returned to Pyramyd Air back in late 2022, by an AGN member, because of a cross-threaded gauge. Not long ago another member stated he was returning a newly arrived MAX to PA because of a cross-threaded gauge. :unsure: WM
An Airacuda MAX was returned to Pyramyd Air back in late 2022, by an AGN member, because of a cross-threaded gauge. Not long ago another member stated he was returning a newly arrived MAX to PA because of a cross-threaded gauge. :unsure: WM
Things that make you go Hmmm. The crazy bast#rd didn’t keep it.
Another message from the seller when I said I feel a little bit dissatisfied on the experience due to my lack of knowledge of what’s it’s like to buy a PCP air rifle.

Let's see the signs of use would come from the factory doing its testing, the importer doing their testing, and us doing our testing.

Normally it's only the factory doing testing. But like I said the jts is needed some adjustments even after the importer tested.

Yes testing is very similar to use because we have to use it to test it.

This gun has never been sold to a consumer neither have any of the others we have in stock. All have gone through the same testing and we'll have the same markings.

A little bit of rust on an entry level product, unfortunately rust happens with moisture in the air. Especially in a box that is full of plastic insulation. Plastic holds moisture and steel doesn't like moisture it causes it to rust.

I would tell you we would trade it for one that is in better condition or untouched but they have all been touched and I'm sure they are all in very similar condition.

And this is why they are not 500 1000 or $2,000 guns. And even those might show signs of being tested. ”

Now im not an A-hole. But do I make other people aware of the business name or keep it to myself? Is this good customer service? I gotta be honest. I’ve never experienced anything like this in any hobby that I’ve ever gotten into.
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Another message from the seller when I said I feel a little bit dissatisfied on the experience. I mean how the hell should I know getting into PCP pellet guns would be this crazy looks “used” from testing but sell it as new sales strategy. Sooooo I am going to ask for a refund. I’ll buy a PCP rifle when I get to go to a store and we have a few in CA.

Let's see the signs of use would come from the factory doing its testing, the importer doing their testing, and us doing our testing.

Normally it's only the factory doing testing. But like I said the jts is needed some adjustments even after the importer tested.

Yes testing is very similar to use because we have to use it to test it.

This gun has never been sold to a consumer neither have any of the others we have in stock. All have gone through the same testing and we'll have the same markings.

A little bit of rust on an entry level product, unfortunately rust happens with moisture in the air. Especially in a box that is full of plastic insulation. Plastic holds moisture and steel doesn't like moisture it causes it to rust.

I would tell you we would trade it for one that is in better condition or untouched but they have all been touched and I'm sure they are all in very similar condition.

And this is why they are not 500 1000 or $2,000 guns. And even those might show signs of being tested. ”

Now im not an A-hole. But do I make other people aware of the business name or keep it to myself? Is this good customer service? I gotta be honest. I’ve never experienced anything like this in any hobby that I’ve ever gotten into.
You’re not unreasonable. New condition is new condition. Be it a $100 item or a $1,000 item. They are not denying that the gun has seen some use. Or should I say testing. But if you the consumer are not happy, then return it. There are 50 other guys on here that will immediately start refinishing the stock and fixing things the second they receive it as a new gun. You’re just not one of them. And I support that. I used to be the guy who accepted this kind of stuff in this hobby. A conversation with my best friend who is not an airgun guy changed me. I no longer accept anything that doesn’t meet my standards. I felt like a fool in that conversation telling him about what we find acceptable and either fix ourselves or live with when it comes to mega dollar PCP’s. He said you guys are dumb. When the lightbulb came on I realized I was dumb.
All my PCP's have come with air in them.

I own the Standard unit as well and that pinging sound is nothing to worry about, I've shot thousands of rounds and she's a good shooter. It is a low budget rifle but from what I can see it is a sturdy built unit. Oil on the metal parts collects dust like a magnet, clean it up and enjoy!

It is sad that the seller/dealer couldn't invest 2 minutes to clean it up and wipe it down.
I agree. I have a standard in .22. Very accurate, hard hitter. Have not had any problems. Wished I could say the same about my Max.