JTS pellets - specs?


Jan 16, 2020
I can see the initial excitement with these pellets fading. At least reading feedback from paper rings shooters @ 100 meters/yards distances.
I asked Igor if he could include these to Strelok Pro, but he would need the dimensions but the BC the most. I would by and measure but have no direct and quick access to these.

Are these pellets worth the expense and effort for shooting paper rings @ 100? My main interest would be replacing the .22 MRD's.
No disrespect but can't care less for plinkers/hunters feedback ;)
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I seem to recall JTS pellets being quite a bit cheaper when first introduced, and now they seem to be priced at—or even above—JSB. Perhaps that would contribute to their downward slide in popularity. Or maybe I am remembering that wrong.

Either way, their designs and weights basically being copied from JSB was really a turnoff for me, so I never bothered to send any money their way.
I can see the initial excitement with these pellets fading. At least reading feedback from paper rings shooters @ 100 meters/yards distances.
I asked Igor if he could include these to Strelok Pro, but he would need the dimensions but the BC the most. I would by and measure but have no direct and quick access to these.

Are these pellets worth the expense and effort for shooting paper rings @ 100? My main interest would be replacing the .22 MRD's.
No disrespect but can't care less for plinkers/hunters feedback ;)
Hello @bigHUN

I do 90%+ benchrest shooting and I find that the JSB do out shoot the JTS Dead Center in my rifles.

I shot a bunch of the JTS .22/25.4 yesterday all @ 100 yards. Also shot a bunch of JSB MRDs.

My conclusion is that the extremes are more extreme with the JTS. The good ones are REALLY good (pellet flies right straight and true and makes a hole right where the crosshairs are) and the bad ones are REALLY bad(pellets goes corkscrewing and sometimes missed the entire sheet of paper).

I was shooting for score using the EBR format and the funny thing is that both JSB and JTS had similar scores. Looking at a JSB card there were lots of 7s and 8s. And looking at a JTS card there were lots of tens and 6s. But when tallied, the scores were similar.

So same problem as the JSB MRDs from 2020-2023....untrustable.
To sum it up, more and more people agree that we don't have full trust for .22 pellets for 100 rings, and that is pity ...

I regularly score higher at EBR 100yard cards with .20/15.89s than I can with any combination of .22 barrel/speed/gun with MRDs.

And that's only 29-30fpe with the .20/15.89.
I can see the initial excitement with these pellets fading. At least reading feedback from paper rings shooters @ 100 meters/yards distances.
I asked Igor if he could include these to Strelok Pro, but he would need the dimensions but the BC the most. I would by and measure but have no direct and quick access to these.

Are these pellets worth the expense and effort for shooting paper rings @ 100? My main interest would be replacing the .22 MRD's.
No disrespect but can't care less for plinkers/hunters feedback ;)

I tried them in my RAW HM1000x .22 HP a few months ago, and shot EBR 100 yard 8x11” targets with the JTS Dead Center 25.39g. Cole is right, because I had a similar experience. A couple of 9’s and 10’s, then a few wild fliers. They did not do well for me at the bench at 100y.

They did shoot 1/2” average groups at 50 yards for one outing, where I was testing them vs. JSB MRDs. But, like a few have already posted, I could not say they were better after shooting around eight five-shot groups at 50y either vs. JSB MRDs at that same distance from the bench.

I’m waiting to try the new “post shot show announced 28g .22 pellets.” I don’t know if/where they might be available, but you might want to give them a try.

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... if I dedicated my time and effort to make it work than it shall work, right? :)

I've dedicated alot of time and effort and still not satisfied with results.

My thoughts has been that maybe a different barrel would be the solution.....but I've now tried them in every BARREL rifling type available, in various twist rates, made by various companies, and none of them will shoot the .22/25.4 MRDs from 2020-2023 out to 100 yards in an acceptable manner.

100% convinced now that it is a .22 MRD problem, not a barrel problem.

And to keep it on topic, JTS copying the .22 MRDs from 2020-2023 was a bad business decision.
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To sum it up, more and more people agree that we don't have full trust for .22 pellets for 100 rings.

🤦🏻‍♂️ Shame on our pellet manufacturers who can't get their pellet manufacturing right....

How hard can it be....
🤷🏻‍♂️ ...to dedicate one machine to the one .22 pellet every competition shooter seems to be asking for (MRD) —
🤷🏻‍♂️ ...and require close quality control and hand selection of that one production line —
🤷🏻‍♂️ ...and charge 50% more?

➠ Most of us obsessing with precision would just say "Ouch!" — and whip out our credit card. 🤷🏻‍♂️

𖣠 If the .177 wadcutter punchers get to buy "handsorted quality" — why not the .22 domes slingers?


𖣠 If the 10 meter ring shooters get "carefully selected one by one" — why not the 100 yard ring shooters?



🔶 I'm just making constructive suggestions (and yes, I'm also in complaining mode, sorry, I'll switch that off now).

I don't like to pay more. But if someone would guarantee consistency — I'm willing to spring the $$.

Matthias 😊

(See? I'm done complaining, I'm smiling again. 😊)
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I've dedicated alot of time and effort and still not satisfied with results.

My thoughts has been that maybe a different barrel would be the solution.....but I've now tried them in every BARREL rifling type available, in various twist rates, made by various companies, and none of them will shoot the .22/25.4 MRDs from 2020-2023 out to 100 yards in an acceptable manner.

100% convinced now that it is a .22 MRD problem, not a barrel problem.

And to keep it on topic, JTS copying the .22 MRDs from 2020-2023 was a bad business decision.
Agree with everything you said.
I have been shooting the JTS 22.07 grain pellets for quite awhile out of my RAW HM1000X and so far I get a lot better consistent accuracy with them than I can with the JSB 25 grain pellets. I still get some occasional fliers but not as bad as the JSBs. I don't know what speeds you guys are shooting them but I'm running them right at 1000 fps and they seem to do quite well for me
I have been shooting the JTS 22.07 grain pellets for quite awhile out of my RAW HM1000X and so far I get a lot better consistent accuracy with them than I can with the JSB 25 grain pellets. I still get some occasional fliers but not as bad as the JSBs. I don't know what speeds you guys are shooting them but I'm running them right at 1000 fps and they seem to do quite well for me
Have you thought about weight sorting to try and eliminate the fliers?