• Please consider adding your "Event" to the Calendar located on our Home page!

Events July 18 Central Carolina Gun Club match

Come and join us for our July match. It will probably be hot, but we will use shaded lanes as much as possible. Bottled water will be provided. We will practice state mandated social distancing guidelines during the match.

Some corrections to the match info are:

  1. Sight in at 8:00 and the match begins at 9:00.
  2. We will limit the number of shooters to 25.

    Registration and info here. Pay cash at sign in. Please bring correct change.

    See you there,

I have a question? I am new to airgunning and plan on attending this event, I have a high pressure hand pump, that only gives me 20 shots on what it can fill. Will the event have some air? I would be willing to pay for a fillip or 2.

Thank you for reading this. I look forward to coming this weekend. I have already signed up for the event on the web page.


Walt Farnham