Just bought my first PCP

Whatever you get please get 4500 psi or above. I would like to urge you to get the biggest tank you can I got a 97cf great white from air tanks for sale. Com. One option other than that is like 5 3000 psi tanks in cascade. That's a better option for scuba divers that have 5 steel tanks laying around but not a great option for your average airgunner 
Whatever you get please get 4500 psi or above. I would like to urge you to get the biggest tank you can I got a 97cf great white from air tanks for sale. Com. One option other than that is like 5 3000 psi tanks in cascade. That's a better option for scuba divers that have 5 steel tanks laying around but not a great option for your average airgunner

Thanks, I will check out the website. 
I’d agree with Raden1942, you will not be disappointed in choosing a carbon fiber tank over scuba. I still have a scuba tank that I never use since I got a carbon fiber bottle... and a compressor lol! Get ready to spend some money, totally worth it though. So much fun!

Compressor plus bottle is what, $1,000?

I can get a scuba tank for $100 at the dive shop and I believe he said he could fill it to 4,000 lbs. Then I just need an adapter to hook to the gun tank, right?
I’d agree with Raden1942, you will not be disappointed in choosing a carbon fiber tank over scuba. I still have a scuba tank that I never use since I got a carbon fiber bottle... and a compressor lol! Get ready to spend some money, totally worth it though. So much fun!

Compressor plus bottle is what, $1,000?

I can get a scuba tank for $100 at the dive shop and I believe he said he could fill it to 4,000 lbs. Then I just need an adapter to hook to the gun tank, right?

Usually a dive shop wont fill an aluminum scuba tank more than about 3200 and steel tanks will go up to about 3450. I have a bunch of steel 120cf scuba tanks and I bought a carbon tank because of the ability to fill it to 4500psi. You can get used carbon scba tanks for a couple hundred dollars on ebay but they will need adapters to fill it at a dive shop. 
All good advice above. Another option for a cheap tank is to contact the local fire department. Ask who they get new SCBA tanks from. Often FD's trade in carbon fiber tanks and get new ones. The vendors normally have tanks with a year or two left on their testing that they sell for cheap. The ones I buy have 2 years left on them. I get them for $50 per full year left and a free fill. A tank with 2 years left costs $100 and i get the first fill free. That fits my budget nicely!
Second the YONG HENG motion! Buy extended warranty and good filter too.


I bought a YongHeng compressor and tried to use a good moisture filter on it only to find out it isn't strong enough to get through extra filtration. The YongHeng is putting out more moisture than I am comfortable with.

I’m tempted to just get a tank and fill at the local dive shop to begin with. Appreciate all the ideas and advice. 

Second the YONG HENG motion! Buy extended warranty and good filter too.

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I went to the dive shop and I can see a tank that weighs 50 lbs isn't a great solution. Now I'm thinking a compressor may be best. 

Is this a good one?



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