Some guns are never finished. I built the "Blue Gun" near twenty years back time flies whether you are pursuing the addiction or not. Any way it is a 2240 with a 2250 barrel, modified valve, trigger ect. and some paintball parts added. It was originally built for co2 but I have a compressor now so run it off a 13ci tank regulated to 850psi where it likes to shoot. The gun in it's glory days shot 1/2 inch groups at 50 yards all day long as a bolt action single shot. I have run tens of thousands of pellets through this thing over the years usually out shooting or matching my friends with their rifles. I had to retire the DAQ breech as it was time for a repeater. I have been seeing these China made, actually Taiwan made, breeches around so thought I would try one. I feel sorry for the person that thinks they are a good fit. It came with metric screws for our SAE guns it also has a piece of some kind of tubing for the rather long transfer port. The tubing is really soft and I had my doubts about it sealing so made a Delrin TP. I also filed the burrs on the linkage and moved the lever to the left side of the gun The breech itself seems to be machined fairly decently but all the linkage looks like it's hand carved steel and fits pretty sloppy too. It is just another one of those well designed but poorly implemented things from the far east. It's about time I started modding guns again I don't know why I ever stopped.
and after
and after