Just got my Zoraki Ultra .22 pistol...so easy to

You got a winner. Don't forget to oil her up. Approximately 2 drops every other tin and you will be fine.


I grabbed the Air Arms Diabolo Field Heavy...18gr. the only one I shot so far. Think a little lighter pellet may be better for one pump

The Grip is a little off for me..took off the bottom rest...it was about 3/8" too tight and the thumb rest is a little too high, though not bad.

I like this pistol because it is a light, stable pistol that is accurate...I would never think about putting a stock on it...that said ,a stock could certainly help some people shoot better, nothing wrong with that.....

I am most certainly glad I got it....

Got to say this about the grip....it is close to fitting my hand good and it is the best grip I can think of that comes stock with the pistol.

Someone with small hands may have a small problem with it...that is a guess....do not really know.

What? it also comes left-handed ??

Glad you like it boscoebrea, they are definitely amazing little pistols aren’t they. I liked the .177 so much that I got the .22 lol. I like the palm pad on the .22 because it helps me with off hand practice. On the .177 I took it off to make it easier to shoot off of bags with a scope.

The .177 has an aftermarket barrel that used to be available from a guy in the UK, unfortunately he’s not in business anymore. It makes a little more power because of length, and accuracy is great. Plus with the silencer it’s ridiculously quiet. Enjoy the pistol!

I tried a few pellets in the Zoraki .22 the Crosman Premier Ultra Mags, RWS Meisterkugeln, RWS Hobby, RWS Hollow points and some JSB RS 13.4gr. All the pellets shot at a 1/2 inch or so at 10 yards but the Hobby and Crosman's turned in some 1/4 inch groups which the others did not. The Meisterkugelns came close though.

I was a bit wobbly today, even in my sitting rested position, so expect I can do better. I will be testing more pellets soon.

All of these were shot on two pumps.