Just Ordered A Tuxing TXEDT033

Personally, it's like trying to unravel a knot, in a fine gold chain, trying to figure out the different websites and what fits what. That said, once I got my 032 functional it's been fine. I really prefer the shut off to purge, I'm not so far gone that I can't open the purge valves. That said, I would like to get a digital, just for giggles, it's a work in progress for a few.
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Yes, right hand doesn't know what left hand is doing. Digital gauge is same size as mechanical gauge (at least all the gauges i currently have, 2 mechanical 2 digital). Got the shipment of control box and gauge, missing control box, they are sending control box.

Control box has 2 relays as your prior picture, 1 transformer to power gauge. Mechanical gauge uses 5vdc. Digital Gauge uses ??Vdc. Digital gauge has pressure transducer and timer electronics. The 159 is an offer they made me as well (purge valve, control box, digital gauge). Too big an upsell.
I already bought off of Amazon the gauge. The box alone it was 30 something dollars and I waited, then and now it's 159. I'm not gonna pursue this any longer unless she comes back to 30 for the box. Other than that I'm fine with the way thing are. I top off my 3L tank in several minutes, once the comp auto shuts off then and only then does it purge, only if you've turned on the unmarked rocker switch. You can't purge on its own, auto stop is tied into the purge function some kind of way.
I already bought off of Amazon the gauge. The box alone it was 30 something dollars and I waited, then and now it's 159. I'm not gonna pursue this any longer unless she comes back to 30 for the box. Other than that I'm fine with the way thing are. I top off my 3L tank in several minutes, once the comp auto shuts off then and only then does it purge, only if you've turned on the unmarked rocker switch. You can't purge on its own, auto stop is tied into the purge function some kind of way.
Yep...that is exactly how the 032 purchased as Autopurge was designed to function. That's also why the Autopurge of the design you received is no longer listed as an option onTuxing site...it's a misnomer. That's why Autopurge was changed to 033. And 032 is now Only Autostop.
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I should complain and make Tuxing take this 033 back. I ordered an 032 and pictured it didn't have a purge unit. Only because they want to charge me 159 dollars for the correct electronic box to operate said dig gauge and to truly transform mine into a true 033. If what your saying is true an 033 now has digital gauge, auto stop and purge! So technically I don't have an 033 I have an in between model

After using it for awhile, (I top off a 3L tank from 3000 to 4300) and it struggles to get there and takes longer than I think it should. There is no way you could fill empty bottles with this compressor day in and day out. But that's not what's it for. Now I have a cricket tact2 and I just fill it instead of using the bottle.
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I should complain and make Tuxing take this 033 back. I ordered an 032 and pictured it didn't have a purge unit. Only because they want to charge me 159 dollars for the correct electronic box to operate said dig gauge and to truly transform mine into a true 033. If what your saying is true an 033 now has digital gauge, auto stop and purge! So technically I don't have an 033 I have an in between model

After using it for awhile, (I top off a 3L tank from 3000 to 4300) and it struggles to get there and takes longer than I think it should. There is no way you could fill empty bottles with this compressor day in and day out. But that's not what's it for. Now I have a cricket tact2 and I just fill it instead of using the bottle.
No the 031 is digital but the 033 is mechanical. The 031 has more filtration than Air Venturi version but less than 032 and 033. 032 and 033 run double filters but one of the filters looks smaller to give height for the purge connection.
I should complain and make Tuxing take this 033 back. I ordered an 032 and pictured it didn't have a purge unit. Only because they want to charge me 159 dollars for the correct electronic box to operate said dig gauge and to truly transform mine into a true 033. If what your saying is true an 033 now has digital gauge, auto stop and purge! So technically I don't have an 033 I have an in between model

After using it for awhile, (I top off a 3L tank from 3000 to 4300) and it struggles to get there and takes longer than I think it should. There is no way you could fill empty bottles with this compressor day in and day out. But that's not what's it for. Now I have a cricket tact2 and I just fill it instead of using the bottle.
No the 031 is digital but the 033 is mechanical. The 031 has more filtration than Air Venturi version but less than 032 and 033. 032 and 033 run double filters but one of the filters looks smaller to give height for the purge connection. Don't worry my electronics should be here in a couple of weeks. Once I can check the voltage we should be good to go. We'll have the pinouts and the voltage.
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And that wasn't on there site when I bought what I bought. Or I would've sprung for it. They were obviously making some changes and they sent me an older stocked model. And now they want to charge me the price difference of the two to convert to that model. Which I think should be less because now we have to source other parts and figure things out without any instructions.
And that wasn't on there site when I bought what I bought. Or I would've sprung for it. They were obviously making some changes and they sent me an older stocked model. And now they want to charge me the price difference of the two to convert to that model. Which I think should be less because now we have to source other parts and figure things out without any instructions.
Sourcing the parts is easy, AliExpress, they have them all. Now the hard part is guessing which is which. I'm almost thinking they make this stuff up as they go along. I did ask them for a schematic and of course they ignored that. Luckily I only use mine an hour or so a month currently, I'm sure when the weather gets better it'll be more. Top off my 74cf bottle and both guns.45 min max.
Man, I had to fill this mrod every 30 shots. From 3000 to below 2000 on the gauge I would fill it. If I'd shoot 40 rounds it would drop to 1500. Someone said I could top off this rifle 19 times with my 3L tank, that's not true either. I would literally run the compressor every 3 days to top off the tank if shooting the mrod. It was an air hog but now it's going bye bye. I ask how you only use yours an hour a month?
Man, I had to fill this mrod every 30 shots. From 3000 to below 2000 on the gauge I would fill it. If I'd shoot 40 rounds it would drop to 1500. Someone said I could top off this rifle 19 times with my 3L tank, that's not true either. I would literally run the compressor every 3 days to top off the tank if shooting the mrod. It was an air hog but now it's going bye bye. I ask how you only use yours an hour a month?
1 hour is three fills, 18 gun fills, 1000 shots, 2 tins. I’m not shooting slugs, I exited that rabbit hole. 18.14 in .22. 25gr in .25
A year ago when I had narrowed my compressor choice down to Tuxing, I came across at least 7 variations of their twin cylinder compressor, and 2 single cylinders. All the twin cylinder variations use the same compressor, but differ in their accessories. I also found significant price differences between Amazon, tuxingcn.com, and their 3 AliExpress stores (Official, Specialty & Authorized). I bought a TXEDM041 model (no frame, tank, fans, auto-purge, etc. - just the compressor, hoses & water pump) for $380 shipped from tuxingcn.com. I figured I could live with a bucket and external fan (not needed so far) and add my own high pressure-side filtration for a lot less than the ~$600 price difference.

A quick check on AliExpress now shows prices have dropped since I bought mine, so today I might have made a different choice. Also, note that China blocks VPN traffic, so tuxingcn.com might not load if you're using one.
Wow!! I hit a gold mine of information here in this thread! I've been researching compressors like crazy the past couple months , and the Tuxing brand is one I was interested in. There seems to be a LOT of models out there , between $450.00 - $1200.00. I really dig the little YH , but I don't want to deal with buckets of ice water and stuff like that. I just want to plug it in to my little 4500W inverter generator and fire it up. Mostly just fill the guns with a strait hook up , and maybe some bigger bottles later down the road.

I will read through this thread completely , but have you guys found these compressors to be pretty reliable if we take care of them properly?