Just shooting ThomasT's General target

Excellent shooting. The HW44 got to be one of the best shooting pistols. What paper do you print the target on? Those pellet holes are clean. Or is it just a good steady hand?
Just copy paper. It is tacked to bristol board backer. The wadcutter pellet makes those clean holes. It's the go-to pellet for 10 meter and olympic shooting partly because it is so easy to score. Wadcutter projectiles are popular in powder burner shooting for same reason.
Spectacular card Ross! If it were me shooting a pistol....well....better have a huge back stop 😂! Glad Thomas had you post this!
No worries, Randall. I used to practice 25 yard shots with my plastic 9mm pbs. There's a solid poured concrete basement wall behind those pellet traps which are filled with rubber mulch. Very quiet.