Kalibrgun Colibri consistency - wow!

I didn't know there was a semi auto version of the Colibri. I thought it was just a misunderstanding before it came out. How did the semi auto function work? Was it with a gas tube or inline blow-back?

I was considering trying to make a semi-auto mod for my Cricket using a pneumatic ram with a spring return attached to a gas tube. I was thinking that the gas tube could be linked to something that fitted over the end of the shroud and the ram could be attached to something that hooks over the side lever to avoid any permanent mods to the gun. I like the idea of being able to use semi-auto when I'm feeling all Rambo and to just take it off when I'm done. 

The pneumatic rams they use in paintball markers seem to only need 150 psi to work so there should be enough spare air to pull back the hammer and then use a spring to return the side lever. On the FX revolution it looks like the gas tube is attached to the shroud so it is possible to get enough air to cock the gun that way.

I hope that Kalibrgun continues to focus on supporting the Cricket instead of trying to bring out new models that look different but don't really add anything. The Cricket is a winner and only needs a few small mods to make it perfect. The Colibri could have ruined their reputation.

I really don't get why there are so many issues with semi-auto PCP rifles. It has been available on cheap paintball guns for decades. We're not talking about anything particularly revolutionary.