Kalibrgun Colibri - Full Review (Video)

Hi Matt. Firstly my thanks to you for reviewing this gun. For months I was searching YouTube for reviews and the only ones I could find I was unable to translate.

Did you face any issues with it? Blowback, magazine cycling problems etc ? There seems to be some negative press about this gun. I waited for the colibri for months before picking the cricket. Wondering if you got a later batch where all the kinks were fixed or you just got one that works properly out of the box. 

If they fixed the kinks, I am so picking this one up. Can u check with your supplier about which batch he got and if there were other customers who have good feedback. That would be really helpful to many of us here. 
"FearnLoading"Hi Matt. Firstly my thanks to you for reviewing this gun. For months I was searching YouTube for reviews and the only ones I could find I was unable to translate.

Did you face any issues with it? Blowback, magazine cycling problems etc ? There seems to be some negative press about this gun. I waited for the colibri for months before picking the cricket. Wondering if you got a later batch where all the kinks were fixed or you just got one that works properly out of the box. 

If they fixed the kinks, I am so picking this one up. Can u check with your supplier about which batch he got and if there were other customers who have good feedback. That would be really helpful to many of us here.
There were two instances of blowback in well over a thousand shots, and those were both times I didn't close the bolt properly. No magazine issues whatsoever. The mag takes a while to get used to as it requires downward pressure to slide in smoothly but it's easy to use once you get the hang of it - Better than the Cricket.

If it's been discontinued then you may want to reconsider buying one as spare parts may be difficult to come across.

It was supposed to be semi-auto. That failed, so they rushed the multi-shot version to market to meet expectations of the timetables set forth at trade shows and the like. 

Problems with leaks, blowback, and indexing caused the new guns to be sent back to a tuner for repair work. The newest guns were to go directly to a tuner before even making it into the customer's hands. 

The Vulcan and Wildcat hit the market and competition amougnst the mid-gun cocking action heated up while the Colibri was hobbled by these glitches. 

My gun has been professionally tuned while the air leak was being fixed. I also mounted a spring on the indexing "shoe" because at least 1 out of every 50 shots would not index.

Now, with the combined efforts of a pro tuner and myself, the gun works flawless. It was a long and anonnying ride that would put anyone off.
Don't want to hijack, but...

I bought a Cricket .22 BP about 6 months ago, it's the synthetic version. I waited for all the bugs and quality control issues to be resolved then pulled the trigger. As an owner of a flawless .22 DayState Airwolf my fear was I would be dissapointed with the Cricket. This was not the case. I guess I got lucky in every respect. The trigger on my Cricket is as good as it can get. When I go from my Airwolf to my Cricket, they are basically the same except the Airwolf is slightly lighter but that's about it. The fit and finish on my Cricket is perfect. A few weeks ago I finally had an opportunity to do a side by side 35 yard accuracy comparison between them and was surprised that the Cricket actually won. Yes you needed a magnifying glass to tell the difference, and it was most likely me not the gun, but wow the CZ barell is right there with the best.

My point is; the Hummingbird seems like it should be a seller even without the semiauto feature. It appears other issues arouse which hit sales, and caused the manufacturer to pull the plug. I simply don't understand why it was pulled, because it could have replaced the Cricket in my opinion, even without semiauto. They just needed to correct the same type of problems the Cricket had when it was released as far as I can see. Just wonder if there is a major design flaw, or they are have they decided to work on something new instead?