KALIBRGUN's Cricket 2 Tactical (Full Review) from Georgia Airguns


Hey guys! This week I was able to shoot the KALIBRGUN Cricket 2 Tactical 60 WTC (600mm barrel) in .22 caliber. Not since the Daystate Pulsar have I seen accuracy like this. This gun is beyond accurate: it's LASER accurate. I shot over 300 rounds out of this gun and did not get one flyer...out of 300 rounds!! That is the very definition of reliability. Great hunter, great target shooter. This gun is also loaded with features including adjustable power. For a quick look at some pics and a written review of this gun, click here to see my AGN thread sneak peak from last week:

Enjoy the KALIBRGUN Cricket 2 Tactical in this full review video as it wreaks havoc on tiny targets (and bullseyes) out to 75 yards. Thanks for watching! -Nate 


P.S. Guess what this is? The UPS guy just dropped it off.

Hint #1: It's not in stores yet...

Hint #2: It's larger than .25 caliber...




3 years of making air gun videos just paid off! 
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Nate I see on your other post you used a Donny Fl -FX moderator on it , did you have to go up in size , say 25 cal. or did you use a 22 cal. moderator ?

It was a .22 LDC. I grabbed it off my M3 Impact. It's the one they included with the Impact. ...comparable to a TANTO

The "perfect size for most guns" $99 DonnyFL TANTO


this LDC is 5 inches long...which is all you need to quiet most guns. 

Thanks for watching guys! I could not have got my channel where it is now without AGN! The help, support, and information I get from here is priceless! Plus I'm able to contact and speak with companies like Kalibrgun though AGN's PM system. Thanks AGN! 

I was just told by an GTA member that these do have the same barrels as Airgun Technology's guns such as the Uragan and Vulcan 2

...someone had asked about that. 
I think they took a step in the right direction with this gun, but man that seems heavy. I hate to ask but could you actually weight it to check their specs? I’m fairly interested in the gun but at 10+ lbs with a scope it would be a handful to hike with.

Yeah, I though it might me lighter since it was "tactical", but it's a full weight gun. I'm 99% sure thier specs, on the weight at least, would be spot on. I actually already let a friend get that gun. He really liked it.

Even a perfect shooting air rifle has no value to me, really, I'll just get another one next week. I actually don't need but one air rifle, my Steyr LG110 .22. Maybe a .30 to hunt with (got an FX Boss FT).

Most guns don't shoot quite as good as that Cricket 2 Tactical did, but the guns I'm testing these days, like the Katran for example, are all outstanding shooters. It's like PCP tecnology was pefected a while ago, then everybody got ahold of the technology, which at this point in time is simple to these manufactures. Then in todays market, if your gun doesn't do one hole groups at 50 yards, then don't even bother making it.

When I started reviewing guns 3 years ago, there was no Gauntlet, no Fortitude, no Avenger. The only guns that had regulators were over $1K. Now we have the M3 with 2 regs! 

...we just don't have any pellets. ....a .30 cal Diabolo bullet mold is on the way to my house!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kalibrgun asked me to send a photo of myself with the gun the day after the video came out. I had to tell them I no longer had the gun they had just gifted me...that was an awkward moment! 

Steyr's HP Single Shot rifles:

This gun shoots every weight JSB pellet perfectly, out of the box. No tuning required...ever. It sat in the case for 3-5 years with no air, I aired it up, It held air perfeclty, still does. I think the barrel is chrome lined, it did not require cleaning. If any of you didn't see the review, here is a look at what is now the Steyr Challenge Hunting. 


want more Steyr? 


Always the Impact. No air gun is better. Next time you want to shoot a new gun, just buy a barrel kit...same with ammo. Just tune for any ammo. Once my M3 video series is done (3 months) you will be able to tune for any caliber and any pellet like a pro. The FX tech department will give us the tune, then I will adjust the valve and micro wheel till it shoots better than MOA...even for slugs! They sent me barrel kits for all calibers. 

Video #1 (actualy #2):


Basic M3 Guide: #1: 


I'm sorry to reply to such an old thread but I'm considering either a cricket 2 or the new uragan 3. I like the cricket 2 as it has some power adjustment and I was just wondering if you knew if it would be possible to drop that power from 60FPE to as low as 30FPE with the power adjustment on the back? Any advice would be appreciated
The hammer spring adjuster is only best for a 30 fps adjustment. Sure, you can drop it way down on power but without also adjusting the reg pressure, your performance and consistency will be toast!
Thanks! I thought so but I'm very new to tuning. More just a pick up and shoot kind of guy 😂 appreciate the response!
The Uragan 3 should have hammer spring tension adjustment, possibly regulator adjustment too. Tony at Talon Tunes can tell you. You can even text him. (# on the site) . I like Uragans over the Cricket but as I recall the Cricket 2 Tactical was one of the best shooting guns I ever reviewed. It shot perfect, and then some.
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