KALIBRGUN's Cricket 2 Tactical (Full Review) from Georgia Airguns

Thanks! I thought so but I'm very new to tuning. More just a pick up and shoot kind of guy 😂 appreciate the response!
If your new to tuning. Basicly,
1) You want all pellets to fly about 890 FPS. Some heavier ones can go 920 or even 950 fps. That's it.
2) You want to first adjust the hammer spring tension to increase or decrease velocity. When that no longer effects velocity, that's when you adjust the regulator pressure.
3) You can turn a reg up when air is in the gun, but never turn one down unless the gun is de-gassed (empty of air).
4) Restricter Port is to fine tune velocity when a very consistent tune has been achieved but the velocity is a little to high.
5) Valve adjustment (M4) can be backed off until it has no effect on velocity, then turned back up to the point where it starts to effect velocity, at that point no extra air is being wasted.
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