Karma Karma 🥈&🥉 at the PA Cup 2024 - 90 sec BR vid

Ted was shooting a Red Panda? Very interesting. Quite a few people switching from their previous BR rigs to these. Congrats to Rick and Val!

Aren't these top level of shooters sponsored? So I would only assume it were due to those reasons, however I could be wrong.

Congrats to Rick and Val, really sweet seeing Rick perform and hit the podium.

Aren't these top level of shooters sponsored? So I would only assume it were due to those reasons, however I could be wrong.

Congrats to Rick and Val, really sweet seeing Rick perform and hit the podium.

Wouldn't doubt it. Believe most were FX shooters at a time. Makes one wonder the reason for the switch. Too good an offer from Karma? Again if that is the case of sponsorship.