Karma Karma Red Panda...Extinct ??

I am hoping Karma can make a pea shooter ( .177 / 4.5 mm ) and one that will shoot 16 - 24 gr slugs, which most struggle to do these days.
If they do i will snag one up for sure.

Or my rulers acknowledge their silliness, and make it so i can shoot larger calibers, in which case i have at least 1 rifle to replace / upgrade, and probably more to buy.
BUT ! my money are on hell freezing over before my rulers display due diligence.

RMAC 100 yards bench finals result
It doesn’t seem like “extinct “.
I am hoping Karma can make a pea shooter ( .177 / 4.5 mm ) and one that will shoot 16 - 24 gr slugs, which most struggle to do these days.
If they do i will snag one up for sure.

Or my rulers acknowledge their silliness, and make it so i can shoot larger calibers, in which case i have at least 1 rifle to replace / upgrade, and probably more to buy.
BUT ! my money are on hell freezing over before my rulers display due diligence.

I had a good chat with Thayne Simmons at IWA 2024 and he told me that a .177 will be available 👍🙂🎯
What happened ??

Bringing most any new product to market is rife with obstacles, pitfalls and detours; much less a product like the Panda. That one model made it to market is, in my opinion, almost unbelievable. That's why I shower the gentlemen responsible with accolades for, in my opinion, doing the virtually impossible.

Expecting other models/calibers anytime soon is unrealistic, at best. And although I'm also inexplicably afflicted with a fascination for .177 slug shooting, I'd expect such an extremely LIMITED APPEAL model to be near the bottom of the list of Panda priorities.

Nevertheless, stranger things have happened. Like the existence of Red Pandas.

It appears that Daystate has left the building.

I noticed that myself, E.

Daystate not really producing a bench-rest specific model (to my knowledge), their competition playing fields are more hunting and field target oreinted. They more than hold their own in those pursuits. Atop the podiums too.

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I noticed that myself, E.

Daystate not really producing a bench-rest specific model (to my knowledge), their competition playing fields are more hunting and field target oreinted. They more than hold their own in those pursuits. Atop the podiums too.


@AirNGasman I don’t follow benchrest competition so closely, but I thought some wolves were in the rankings over the past few years. Now we’re seeing panda bears in the rankings and on the podium. I never considered a Detawolf, with all of those electronic, a hunting gun. If a circuit board fails then there goes the hunt or I imagine that this type of hunter would be stuck using a backup gun. I didn’t realize these were more FT oriented rifles.
@AirNGasman I don’t follow benchrest competition so closely, but I thought some wolves were in the rankings over the past few years. Now we’re seeing panda bears in the rankings and on the podium. I never considered a Detawolf, with all of those electronic, a hunting gun. If a circuit board fails then there goes the hunt or I imagine that this type of hunter would be stuck using a backup gun. I didn’t realize these were more FT oriented rifles.

Much of the difference between FT and BR specific guns is a matter of WEIGHT, E. The Daystate wolves make fine BR rigs when fitted with enough stabilizing weight(s). I know of at least one so equipped going well north of 20 pounds.

Conversely, I have it on good authority that there may be lighter Karma models more targeted to FT either tentative, or in the works.

FWIW, I have suggested a weight limit for Extreme Field Target rigs, but was out-voted. Hence, the only limit is how much weight the shooter can physically handle.

There is no question that the more weight (stabilizer) added to any shooting rig, the more it tames human error(s). Which begs this question-

"At what point does the SUPPLANTING of shooting skills with shooting aids, accessories, gadgets and gizmos actually defeat the purpose of recreational or competition shooting; that being the exercising and improving of One's SHOOTING SKILLS?"

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@AirNGasman I had taken weight into consideration, which is what makes the Karma Red Panda and Scout Epoch understandably exciting to benchrest competitors. I do recall @Centercut, I believe, using a system of machined weights to compete with a Redwolf in past (EBR?) competitions. I think Michael had posted some photos of a Redwolf (or maybe a Delta wolf) weighted down on a bench at a comp. Considering all of this, not seeing them place in this year's RMAC is still strange.