Is it just me or besides the side lever action and the top pic rail and bottom tube rail are these guns not identical? I’m just curious because I was really thinking of making the purchase on the karma sls and when I starting looking into other guns I’ve noticed that the actual center of the gun where everything happens is basically the same gun when put side by side. So not to say that aea is bad or anything because I don’t think that but for the price point there more of a affordable option when I look at other pcps and from what it looks like is it’s just a aea platform with some cooler added on functional parts and the side lever which to most is a big deal. Not that it is to me but idk is it worth the extra $500.00. Putting this out there cause I still want this info for making my decision. Are the barrels better in the karma. Is one more acurate over the other because of the side lever? Idk I wouldn’t think that matters but I’m new to this so any help thanks