Keep it Clean! With Ballistol (& Giveaway)

Another vote for Ballistol. I use it on my tools, rifles and pistols. Great for cleaning barrels with a patchworm kit. The smell doesn't bother me, smells earthy to me. I agree with @GeneT - a little goes a long way. Have had the same small bottle for a long time now. Very sturdy container, lives in my range bag. I pick 333.

Lulz - Economy Size! 😀

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Mostly mineral, oil oleic acid, and aromatic escents.
Oleic acid is a fatty acid cleaning agent. And probably why I consume olive oil every day. And take a bath with it, it's in soap.
Supposedly Germans developed Ballistol for military arms.

Put some Ballistol on a rag and put it in a ziploc bag. The smell dissipates and it's just oil scented. Take it out and rub it over the metal and put it back. I don't wipe a stock with it
OK! I actually ran 3 numbers and picked 3 winners!! @bivy53 @Bigragu from AGN & @markhutchingson1973 from YouTube are the 3 winners!

Please note, @Bigragu is a personal friend of mine but he won fair and square. There was no bias, but damn he’s one lucky SOB!

Anyway, please PM me your information and I’ll get this out to you as soon as I can.