Keep or trade off shoebox f8?

I just recently got a new unused shoebox f8 and have become a bit torn about what I want to do now with it?I was all excited about getting it but after looking at all the extras needed to filter all the moisture to ensure dry clean air I'm already considering trading or selling it off.

I already have oilless Shop compressor but I'll need a moisture and debris filter after shop compressor then after shoebox another moisture filter to ensure clean dry air.
I'm looking at about another 400$ to get started pumping my own air.

What do you guys think?
Should I finish what I got started or maybe trade her off for say a great white tank set to add to my already double 88 Scott air pack set that would ensure very long times between going to get them all topped back off.

Lol I've looked at soo many different filters I think my head is gonna explode.
Help/ideas/some direction :)
It depends on how much shooting you are doing and plan to do. 
If you don't mind, and it's not a big deal for you to go fill your tanks, I'd sell it. They usually sell pretty quickly. Also, I think we may see advancements coming in the home high pressure compressor area that will bring the prices down while maintaining quality (just a feeling I have). 
This compressor is tried and true. Maybe a little slow but most maintenance can be done by you. You definitely need a moisture separator and will need one for about all the low cost chinese compressors. You will have to go with the Daystate or Bauer level to get a separator with a compressor. You will not have a problem getting rid of the shoebox but you will probably spend more than $400 to get something better.