Knowing the properties of your ammo

Not sure if this is the particular forum but, whatever. I dropped this PIA from a tree notch with no backing except my neighbors garage, however, I knew a polymag would not exit the squirrels body. It’s designed for minimal penetration. And it does that job extraordinarily.

I dunno seems kinda negligent to me - I'm more on the side of you knew the risks if you happened to have a flier and didn't really care if you're neighbors garage took the hit?

Clear violations of "Know your target and what is beyond" and "Don't point your weapon at something you don't want to detroy".
I dunno seems kinda negligent to me - I'm more on the side of you knew the risks if you happened to have a flier and didn't really care if you're neighbors garage took the hit?

Clear violations of "Know your target and what is beyond" and "Don't point your weapon at something you don't want to detroy".
On it's face perhaps, The back story to this is originally years ago, I had a piece of rubber paver behind that notch when I picked off a few tree rats. None ever exited the body cavity. Now, the setting was at about 20 FPE with a large 25 cal polymag. Which would penetrate less then an equal powered 22 cal. I've made that shot at a still target, because it's busy eating peanuts, they give you a perfect chip shot. Fact is distance is real short, and polys never exit a squirrel at my listed power. Now, I'd NEVER try it with a bird! they are through and through. I totally respect the target and whats behind rule. This is an area where I can't eff up. But I am aware what I can get away with- regarding specific ammo and power.
On it's face perhaps, The back story to this is originally years ago, I had a piece of rubber paver behind that notch when I picked off a few tree rats. None ever exited the body cavity. Now, the setting was at about 20 FPE with a large 25 cal polymag. Which would penetrate less then an equal powered 22 cal. I've made that shot at a still target, because it's busy eating peanuts, they give you a perfect chip shot. Fact is distance is real short, and polys never exit a squirrel at my listed power. Now, I'd NEVER try it with a bird! they are through and through. I totally respect the target and whats behind rule. This is an area where I can't eff up. But I am aware what I can get away with- regarding specific ammo and power.
just going to say.. you might be a perfect shot all the time.. but what if something happens.. the best of us can miss.. but I suppose if you are ok and your neighbor is ok with dealing with the miss.. then all is well.. assuming that no one is hurt.
just going to say.. you might be a perfect shot all the time.. but what if something happens.. the best of us can miss.. but I suppose if you are ok and your neighbor is ok with dealing with the miss.. then all is well.. assuming that no one is hurt.
I see your point, and yes , establishing that no one is in path of danger is paramount, secondly, any incurred damage would be compensated. If one chooses to "roll the dice" then one must deal with the potential loss.
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Yes, it is negligent. Unless your neighbor was okay with possible damages prior to the shot. I have been negligent before in the shooting area, so forever guilty as charged. Yeah, it could have cost me injury and has caused damages. Was not fun telling Dad when I shot the back window out of his 1954 Bel-Air after missing a blackbird under 15 yards. That rear window appeared to go instantly white behind that exiting blackbird on the fence post. Didn't think I'd miss and oh that feeling hits ya in the gut. Yes, I also understand complacency, over confidence, and lax under routines. I've made many mistakes. I try to be mindful, hope to be corrected, and point out mis-steps committed by others.
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