First shot's at 30yds with JSB 25.3gr.holding it with both hand's off the top of my barbeque.Put on a $40 UTG 4X in a BKL260,it's holding up pretty well.This thing is a beast.
On the left is a 23 yard 10-shot "all-over-the-place" group from my Kodiak .25 using JSB Exact Kings and a loose hold typically advised for springers. On the right is a 10 shot 5/8 inch group using a very firm hold on the pistol grip and fore end (typically advised against). Kodiaks are just different. Velocity is 810 fps with H&N FTT's.
I agree. My Kodiak seems to like a tight hold too. I need to remember that. I keep wanting to hold it loosely like my other rifles and I get shot gun patterns.
This rifle bucks and kicks during the shooting cycle.