I know that many people find the length of pull on the NP02 very long. I am very short and i have just reduced
mine from 16.5 inches to a little over 15inches. Its made a heck of a difference. Has anybody else done this. How do you find it now? Mine is brand new still trying to find the right pellet in .177. Power in UK 12 ftlbs.
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I know that many people find the length of pull on the NP02 very long. I am very short and i have just reducedView attachment 347687 mine from 16.5 inches to a little over 15inches. Its made a heck of a difference. Has anybody else done this. How do you find it now? Mine is brand new still trying to find the right pellet in .177. Power in UK 12 ftlbs.
My pal has the 22 version and he loves it
These shoot h&n prettywell
There not too pellet fussy in 22.
They do have a bit of a twang to them as firing valve spring is well stiff.
I altered valve and hammer spring for lighter versions and reworked the trigger and polished everything and now it's a different gun and the shot count even went up abit.
They are a great size for lugging around I found the length of pull ok and my pal is only small and he shoots it well.
They are very accurate and with the rough edges ironed out a good gun for the money
.The only thing my pal didn't like was the cocking lever is very close to the magazine so I had a biathlon made which made it alot easier for him to cock it.
I have np03 but prefer np02 so that tells you something
My pal has the 22 version and he loves it
These shoot h&n prettywell
There not too pellet fussy in 22.
They do have a bit of a twang to them as firing valve spring is well stiff.
I altered valve and hammer spring for lighter versions and reworked the trigger and polished everything and now it's a different gun and the shot count even went up abit.
They are a great size for lugging around I found the length of pull ok and my pal is only small and he shoots it well.
They are very accurate and with the rough edges ironed out a good gun for the money
.The only thing my pal didn't like was the cocking lever is very close to the magazine so I had a biathlon made which made it alot easier for him to cock it.
I have np03 but prefer np02 so that tells you something
Yes it does thanks for the info.
My choke was very very tight. I was getting flyers 2 inches away fron the bull on many pellets. Yesterday with great trepidation i started to open up the choke. A new barrel is only £75 so a it was worth a go. The power was over our limit 12ftlbs at 13.5 ft lbs. I used 20 yds as the testing distance. The difference is dramatic. all the fliers have gone groups are good and now i am going to extend the distance today to 27 yards which is my max. If the groups open up I will continue polishing the choke and reduce it more very carefully. i will test it very frequently. As i reduce the constriction of the choke on the pellet the output has reduced to 11.70ft lbs. Which is obvious i know but did not occur to me until i chronoed it. I am using QYS domed as the test pellet.
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My pal has the 22 version and he loves it
These shoot h&n prettywell
There not too pellet fussy in 22.
They do have a bit of a twang to them as firing valve spring is well stiff.
I altered valve and hammer spring for lighter versions and reworked the trigger and polished everything and now it's a different gun and the shot count even went up abit.
They are a great size for lugging around I found the length of pull ok and my pal is only small and he shoots it well.
They are very accurate and with the rough edges ironed out a good gun for the money
.The only thing my pal didn't like was the cocking lever is very close to the magazine so I had a biathlon made which made it alot easier for him to cock it.
I have np03 but prefer np02 so that tells you something
Have you any pics of the gun fitted with the Biathlon lever fitted please?
Hi Pete
Strange you are getting groups that bad and at that distance.
How many different types of pellets have you put through it.
Have you took barrel out of action and pushed a pellet through and looked with magnifying glass to see if any signs of burrs or bad rifling.
Also look at the crown.
If shooting through a silencer check it's not clipping anywhere.
To be fair kral barrels are usually decent but a bad one can always slip through I suppose
If you have the single shot tray use that when setting up your gun as the magazine maybe damaging the pellet aswell with too much spring tension.
Try shooting and setting up at 30yrds
That's my 5p worth lol
Hi Pete
Strange you are getting groups that bad and at that distance.
How many different types of pellets have you put through it.
Have you took barrel out of action and pushed a pellet through and looked with magnifying glass to see if any signs of burrs or bad rifling.
Also look at the crown.
If shooting through a silencer check it's not clipping anywhere.
To be fair kral barrels are usually decent but a bad one can always slip through I suppose
If you have the single shot tray use that when setting up your gun as the magazine maybe damaging the pellet aswell with too much spring tension.
Try shooting and setting up at 30yrds
That's my 5p worth lol
Thanks for your input but I think I am getting there. The choke was crazy tight. So much so that it was a real effort to get a pull through past it. I mean is it going to snap hurts your hands tight. So i measured the length of the choke and put a soft barrel mop short bristle wool type that would only just go into the choke from the choke end. Coated it with old fashioned valve grinding paste, and in my drill spun it slowly with an in and out motion. For a few minutes then tested it at 25 yards rested. The bulls were less than two inches so I repeated it and the end result after much polishing with a very fine brasso type abrasive was this. The big target was at 15 yards before the polishing. The three bulls were at 20 yards after the polishing. And the single shots were at 25yards when I finished last night. So a result.:) I am doing five more minutes polishing this morning then STOP before i spoil it. I have never done this sort of thing before.
Hi I don't of np02 but here is the same on the 03.
Only difference is on the 02 cut the lever back to clear the magazine.
When you look at it you will see its obvious "why they made it like that is beyond me
My pal loves his np02 his very accurate with most pellets.

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Looks really great. If they were sold on ebay i would have one like a flash. Thanks.
I didn't like the barrel in mine so I yanked it out and dropped a unchocked loather into it" not that it was bad for pellets" I put a bigger cylinder onto it
And my pal for some reason wanted his barrel a tad shorter " but it didn't affect the accuracy.
By this much lol
Looks like you're nearly there bud not that you should have had to do it in the first place " they are a great little gun for the money " and atleast you know its going to shoot how you want it too.
Let us know how you end up

Pete, at UK limit don't even think about a unchoked barrel. Especially a LW.
Normally Kral barrels are ok, but there is always a bad one, like life.
Buy another barrel, bagnall and Kirkwood had some in stock last time I was in UK. Decent price
Thanks but everything is ok now. I have reduced the choke over the last couple of days and now it is very accurate indeed certainly at the restricted distances that i have available to me. Thanks for the advice.
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Pete, at UK limit don't even think about a unchoked barrel. Especially a LW.
Normally Kral barrels are ok, but there is always a bad one, like life.
Buy another barrel, bagnall and Kirkwood had some in stock last time I was in UK. Decent price
Hi spinach
Why would you not use a unchocked loather barrel at sub 12ft lbs.
Mine seems to be fine in my npo3
Hi spinach
Why would you not use a unchocked loather barrel at sub 12ft lbs.
Mine seems to be fine in my npo3
The unchoked barrel can shoot well providing you find the correct pellet and buy loads of them.
With a choked barrel finding the perfect pellets is easier, the choke corrects small variations in pellet size.
For years the UK field target guys tried all sorts of barrels, choked and unchoked. All ended up sticking with choked barrels.

It's too much of a lottery with a unchoked barrel, especially with the current standard of pellets.

I still have and use a LW unchoked barrel, FAC and slugs only.
Hi spinach
First of all I wasn't telling telephonepete to put a new barrel in his gun I just told him what and why I had.
You get people who say don't do this dont do that.
Some people say finding pellets for choked barrels is a nightmare .
Some people hate choked barrels " who cares as long as it works for you
Well if it's a lottery I won first time out with my barrel and I've got a never ending amount of slugs for it.
Even though people say you cant shoot slugs sub 12ftlbs I can put em on top of each other with my kral and this air arns s200 .
Someone said you cant put a bottle on a s200 but here you go spinach
Next time I'm at the range I will take.some footage and pics of this bad barrel in action for you.



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Hi spinach
First of all I wasn't telling telephonepete to put a new barrel in his gun I just told him what and why I had.
You get people who say don't do this dont do that.
Some people say finding pellets for choked barrels is a nightmare .
Some people hate choked barrels " who cares as long as it works for you
Well if it's a lottery I won first time out with my barrel and I've got a never ending amount of slugs for it.
Even though people say you cant shoot slugs sub 12ftlbs I can put em on top of each other with my kral and this air arns s200 .
Someone said you cant put a bottle on a s200 but here you go spinach
Next time I'm at the range I will take.some footage and pics of this bad barrel in action for you.

View attachment 349495
Nice, 🙂.
My observations were purely based on mine and a good few ft shooters.
Unchoked barrels, for me are working with mainly slugs.
When it comes to hobbies, I'm the last one to say "don't". Hobbies are for experimenting. Enjoying.👍
I've a couple of sub 12 that I use .177 slugs in, mako and knockout. Choked barrels, no problem. I know that they work.

Enjoy the journey, that's the most important part.
Hi spinach
First of all I wasn't telling telephonepete to put a new barrel in his gun I just told him what and why I had.
You get people who say don't do this dont do that.
Some people say finding pellets for choked barrels is a nightmare .
Some people hate choked barrels " who cares as long as it works for you
Well if it's a lottery I won first time out with my barrel and I've got a never ending amount of slugs for it.
Even though people say you cant shoot slugs sub 12ftlbs I can put em on top of each other with my kral and this air arns s200 .
Someone said you cant put a bottle on a s200 but here you go spinach
Next time I'm at the range I will take.some footage and pics of this bad barrel in action for you.

View attachment 349495
Cant wait to see them. Make it a priority.:)
Hi spinach
No problem I don't mean to come across arrogant.
I make my own slugs as I found fx slugs didn't cut the mustard.
It took me a while to find what worked in my rifles at sub 12ft lbs. Even though people said dont bother they won't group or flatten at that speed.
But I perciveerd and got there .
I rarely use pellets now as it costs me about £1 .50 to make myself 500 slugs that are superbly accurate and grain for grain identical.
I liked the look of the kral np03 but the barrel didn't like slugs hence the swap too the lw which fixed the problem.
Every man to his own is my motto as long as you enjoy shooting that's the main thing spinach.
It's good people have their input and views as life would be dull if we didn't
Some pics of my diy slugs:D
Nice to speak to you spinach and thank you for your input"and enjoy your guns bud


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