Hi spinach
No problem I don't mean to come across arrogant.
I make my own slugs as I found fx slugs didn't cut the mustard.
It took me a while to find what worked in my rifles at sub 12ft lbs. Even though people said dont bother they won't group or flatten at that speed.
But I perciveerd and got there .
I rarely use pellets now as it costs me about £1 .50 to make myself 500 slugs that are superbly accurate and grain for grain identical.
I liked the look of the kral np03 but the barrel didn't like slugs hence the swap too the lw which fixed the problem.
Every man to his own is my motto as long as you enjoy shooting that's the main thing spinach.
It's good people have their input and views as life would be dull if we didn't
Some pics of my diy slugs:D
Nice to speak to you spinach and thank you for your input"and enjoy your guns bud

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View attachment 349521
Nice to be nice 👍.
No arrogance seen, nice slugs.
I'd like to test some. Happy to pay. UK delivery. My missus is in the UK next month.

Often my posts in English are misunderstood, sometimes abrupt, simply because I don't use English day to day. That's life and communication.

Keeping on topic, I have a couple of kral arms barrels that shoot slugs well. 1:16 twist. .22 though.

Plenty of guys are having decent results with slugs and kral barrels.

A Turkish guy was preparing a kral .177 barrel for me. Poor soul got hammered by the earthquake. More important he gets sorted than my hobby testing.

Enjoy the journey.👍
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Nice to be nice 👍.
No arrogance seen, nice slugs.
I'd like to test some. Happy to pay. UK delivery. My missus is in the UK next month.

Often my posts in English are misunderstood, sometimes abrupt, simply because I don't use English day to day. That's life and communication.

Keeping on topic, I have a couple of kral arms barrels that shoot slugs well. 1:16 twist. .22 though.

Plenty of guys are having decent results with slugs and kral barrels.

A Turkish guy was preparing a kral .177 barrel for me. Poor soul got hammered by the earthquake. More important he gets sorted than my hobby testing.

Enjoy the journey.👍
Hi spinach
Mine definitely didn't like them but I know some krals do.
Another reason I changed my barrel was to put a bigger cylinder off the puncher as the shot count was not great
Let me know when your wife over by leaving me a message spinach and I will make you some slugs up and post them free of charge / so it will cost you nothing at all.
I will just need to know where too send them bud hows that.
Actually I've been wanting someone other than me to test them out' so I'd welcome your feedback spinach" you never know if you like them and they work for you it wont cost you a fortune anymore.
And coming from somebody who clearly knows his airguns is even better for me:)
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My pal has the 22 version and he loves it
These shoot h&n prettywell
There not too pellet fussy in 22.
They do have a bit of a twang to them as firing valve spring is well stiff.
I altered valve and hammer spring for lighter versions and reworked the trigger and polished everything and now it's a different gun and the shot count even went up abit.
They are a great size for lugging around I found the length of pull ok and my pal is only small and he shoots it well.
They are very accurate and with the rough edges ironed out a good gun for the money
.The only thing my pal didn't like was the cocking lever is very close to the magazine so I had a biathlon made which made it alot easier for him to cock it.
I have np03 but prefer np02 so that tells you something
Hi I see that we are both in the UK. Can you tell me who makes the Biathlon Lever and how it is attached to the side lever. Somebody makes them on ebay but they dont look the best and i have been unable to source one I have been looking since you put up the post. I am also on the Airgunforums Forum.
Hi I see that we are both in the UK. Can you tell me who makes the Biathlon Lever and how it is attached to the side lever. Somebody makes them on ebay but they dont look the best and i have been unable to source one I have been looking since you put up the post. I am also on the Airgunforums Forum.
Hi pete
My brother did mine for me at his factory machine shop.
Basically he machined a peice of steel rod and tig welded it to the lever.
If you know someone who wields or a machine shop by you" you can do it.
It wouldn't cost that much.
The ones on ebay are 3d printed I think
I have printed them myself and they ain't much cop to be honest.
I know you gun inside out and the lever is on the opposite side to mine and cocking the bloody thing is awkward due to it being to close to the mag.
The biathlon lever makes a massive difference on your gun bud believe me.
If you get stuck pete let me know and I will help you out no problem whatsoever along as your willing to send me your lever for a day or 2
I will get it done for you .
I was at whiteacres in march bugger
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Hi pete
My brother did mine for me at his factory machine shop.
Basically he machined a peice of steel rod and tig welded it to the lever.
If you know someone who wields or a machine shop by you" you can do it.
It wouldn't cost that much.
The ones on ebay are 3d printed I think
I have printed them myself and they ain't much cop to be honest.
I know you gun inside out and the lever is on the opposite side to mine and cocking the bloody thing is awkward due to it being to close to the mag.
The biathlon lever makes a massive difference on your gun bud believe me.
If you get stuck pete let me know and I will help you out no problem whatsoever along as your willing to send me your lever for a day or 2
I will get it done for you .
I was at whiteacres in march bugger
Thanks for the offer. I know Whiteacres well I have lived in Newquay over 50 years. Emigrated from Manchester with the Post Office Telephones now Telcom.
The NP02 is built on Krals left handed “pistol” action. If you do a biathlon lever you will have to modify it to be lefty, I bought mine from a tuner in the states.
I also reduced the LOP on mine. I just put a smaller bottle on and trimmed my stock down. Only complaint I have is how hard it is to get to the hammer spring. The bottle has to be completely removed, and it’s held on by the longest winded screws of all my guns.
Great little guns, hope you enjoy yours as much as we have ours.


Thanks for the offer. I know Whiteacres well I have lived in Newquay over 50 years. Emigrated from Manchester with the Post Office Telephones now Telcom.
Yes I go fishing whiteacres twice a year
I love it there expensive mind.
But then again compared to Cumbria no its not lol.
I'm ex auto locksmith hence the name
You is a clever little boy then working for gpo
I used to put the ducts and boxes n the ground for bt and virgin when they first came around I did from basingstoke to Portsmouth and coventry lol.
But me back gave in so change of job
Only thing heavy I had to lift was a key.
If you need help just shout bud its no sweat to me it will only be postage one way from you" I send it back free of charge.
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Yes I go fishing whiteacres twice a year
I love it there expensive mind.
But then again compared to Cumbria no its not lol.
I'm ex auto locksmith hence the name
You is a clever little boy then working for gpo
I used to put the ducts and boxes n the ground for bt and virgin when they first came around I did from basingstoke to Portsmouth and coventry lol.
But me back gave in so change of job
Only thing heavy I had to lift was a key.
If you need help just shout bud its no sweat to me it will only be postage one way from you" I send it back free of charge.
Thats very kind of you. Can I think on it. Its a huge imposition on you.
The NP02 is built on Krals left handed “pistol” action. If you do a biathlon lever you will have to modify it to be lefty, I bought mine from a tuner in the states.
I also reduced the LOP on mine. I just put a smaller bottle on and trimmed my stock down. Only complaint I have is how hard it is to get to the hammer spring. The bottle has to be completely removed, and it’s held on by the longest winded screws of all my guns.
Great little guns, hope you enjoy yours as much as we have ours.


View attachment 349732
Hi Beau I kept the bottle and lost the complete butpad. For a simple plate. You can also buy in the UK See pic top gun a shorter stock. As a standby in case I get another np02 I have just aquired a second hand one.

Thats very kind of you. Can I think on it. Its a huge imposition on you.
Hi Pete
Of course you can.
My brother made me about 6 different types " so I have 4 left over.
It take one of his lads 2mins to tig it on
You can buy them but they are few and far between" that's why I got my brother. To do mine I got tired of looking.
It's no problem to me honestly i will always help out anybody if I'm able to bud.
Bagnall Kirkwood advertise them but never in stock.
I try get my pal to send me a pic of his np02 that was done
But i leave it with you pete it's your gun at the end of the day.
Hi Pete
Of course you can.
My brother made me about 6 different types " so I have 4 left over.
It take one of his lads 2mins to tig it on
You can buy them but they are few and far between" that's why I got my brother. To do mine I got tired of looking.
It's no problem to me honestly i will always help out anybody if I'm able to bud.
Bagnall Kirkwood advertise them but never in stock.
I try get my pal to send me a pic of his np02 that was done
But i leave it with you pete it's your gun at the end of the day.
Well your generosity is amazing. At present a relative is trying to extract a decent trigger out of mine he recons there is one in there. When it comes back inside a week hopefuly, I will send you the cocking arm. So very nice of you.:)
Well your generosity is amazing. At present a relative is trying to extract a decent trigger out of mine he recons there is one in there. When it comes back inside a week hopefuly, I will send you the cocking arm. So very nice of you.:)
Hi Pete
I've spoke to my pal hopefully his daughter will send me a picture he is 90 years old bless him
Dont laugh he can shoot with the best of them
I can show you what it looks like then and you can see for yourself bud
Honestly it's no problem to me pete I will help out a fellow shooter anyday.
My pal has been shooting airguns for along long time "he liked the np02 but not the lever and the twang and trigger
I sorted it all for him now he said it's the best gun he's ever had and he has had some nice rifles and pistols.
He will take the goolies of a nat at 30 yrds with a red dot lol
You will notice the difference straight away as you can leave the gun at your shoulder without having to faff about trying to get you finger tip under the lever
As soon as I get pics i will nput them up for you
Hi Pete
I've spoke to my pal hopefully his daughter will send me a picture he is 90 years old bless him
Dont laugh he can shoot with the best of them
I can show you what it looks like then and you can see for yourself bud
Honestly it's no problem to me pete I will help out a fellow shooter anyday.
My pal has been shooting airguns for along long time "he liked the np02 but not the lever and the twang and trigger
I sorted it all for him now he said it's the best gun he's ever had and he has had some nice rifles and pistols.
He will take the goolies of a nat at 30 yrds with a red dot lol
You will notice the difference straight away as you can leave the gun at your shoulder without having to faff about trying to get you finger tip under the lever
As soon as I get pics i will nput them up for you
Hi spinach
First of all I wasn't telling telephonepete to put a new barrel in his gun I just told him what and why I had.
You get people who say don't do this dont do that.
Some people say finding pellets for choked barrels is a nightmare .
Some people hate choked barrels " who cares as long as it works for you
Well if it's a lottery I won first time out with my barrel and I've got a never ending amount of slugs for it.
Even though people say you cant shoot slugs sub 12ftlbs I can put em on top of each other with my kral and this air arns s200 .
Someone said you cant put a bottle on a s200 but here you go spinach
Next time I'm at the range I will take.some footage and pics of this bad barrel in action for you.

View attachment 349495
Love what you have done with the s200. That looks a Mean Machine. How many shots per fill?
My Nephew yesterday tuned the trigger on my NP02. I am going to test it in half an hour to try it out at 20 yards rested. I still have not found the pellet for this gun yet. It has just been a case of sorting the choke and the trigger and other bits and bobs. My Nephew says it was a horrible trigger. Its not now i think.:)
Hi Pete
Your still a baby lol
Glad your guns coming together
Me pal sent pics to someone else at 6 oclock this morning lol" he going to get daughter to send them today again.
Yes the s200 was my old pals gun he had it from new and he shot the life out of it he even wore the magazine carrier out lol
I've replaced every part including the trigger Sears except the barrel
It's taken me a while to get it shooting right power wise" the only way to describe it is turning a 1 litre mini into a 2 litre capri.
Original tube was 40 shots so not great with a 200cc bottle unregged between 130-140 sub 12ftlbs I dont know how many regulated yet I'm still testing "but its within 10fps between shots.
But it is so quiet "probably the quietest gun I've ever shot and very accurate
I've had alot of people asking about it as its like chickens teeth.
I shall get it into a tactical stock eventually as I think it will suit it.
Hi Pete
Your still a baby lol
Glad your guns coming together
Me pal sent pics to someone else at 6 oclock this morning lol" he going to get daughter to send them today again.
Yes the s200 was my old pals gun he had it from new and he shot the life out of it he even wore the magazine carrier out lol
I've replaced every part including the trigger Sears except the barrel
It's taken me a while to get it shooting right power wise" the only way to describe it is turning a 1 litre mini into a 2 litre capri.
Original tube was 40 shots so not great with a 200cc bottle unregged between 130-140 sub 12ftlbs I dont know how many regulated yet I'm still testing "but its within 10fps between shots.
But it is so quiet "probably the quietest gun I've ever shot and very accurate
I've had alot of people asking about it as its like chickens teeth.
I shall get it into a tactical stock eventually as I think it will suit it.
I think it looks just fine the barrel looks very long.