Kral Puncher Jumbo on slugs ??

He is a busy dude and might not look at this topic ever again. I am guilty of it also. I just noticed a guy asked me a question about a gun stock months ago when I posted a pic of my pistols converted to rifles. Guy probably thinks I’m a jerk but I just never revisited that topic. Until last night.

Exactly. I am not personally interested in slugs. I don't shoot them in anything except bigbore. I had added some thoughts previously simply because it asked about kral. I typically skip over most slug topics. Nothing was said to upset me. I just hadn't revisited this topic. I'll look back through my emails and give him a reply. I don't make many replacement parts. I mostly modify the factory ones. Makes it difficult for those who can't send me a gun or the factory parts for modification due to being out of country. I had mentioned to him about how comfortable he was drilling through his breech knowing if he made a mistake it could leave his gun nonfunctioning. I'll reach out to him though and do my best to help. 
I have been trying slugs out of various .25 non-slug barrels. Most guns did not like them at all due to the choke -- very poor accuracy. Some, like my Kral PB, had the breech o-ring blown out, clearly a sign of stress. 

The only exception is my modest .25 Hatsan Flash pup. It is Audrius regulated at approx 55 joule. It shoots the H&N Grizzly slugs beautifully. It is compact and, uncharacteristically for Hatsan, light weight! A mean hunter if I ever saw one. You may want to try it to cover your needs. Nothing in that set up is gonna break the bank, also considering the low Grizzly price point ...


I am also tempted to put a 150 bar paintball regulated bottle on the .25 Kral jumbo and try some slugs, especially the JSB Knock-Outs. Gun is already set up with a 5.5mm power adjuster to remove the well known transfer port bottle neck, and is paintball regulated -- therefore pretty flexible. Still, sadly that experiment will not be for tomorrow for lack of time .... And if this were not enough already, also toying with the idea of experimenting with H&N and JSB slugs in a modestly priced 53cm Kral Puncher in .22 if your experiment looks promising. Good luck with that, please keep reporting out on it! 🐦
I'll look back through my emails and give him a reply. I don't make many replacement parts. I mostly modify the factory ones. Makes it difficult for those who can't send me a gun or the factory parts for modification due to being out of country. I had mentioned to him about how comfortable he was drilling through his breech knowing if he made a mistake it could leave his gun nonfunctioning. I'll reach out to him though and do my best to help.

No doubt he will be glad to hear. I saw Len last Sunday morning at our (covid limited) outdoor shoot and the subject of TH parts came up again. Said he s expecting his ordered Super Jumbo to arrive any day and looking forward to install your valve system and some other parts he mentioned.

I am also tempted to put a 150 bar paintball regulated bottle on the .25 Kral jumbo and try some slugs, especially the JSB Knock-Outs. Gun is already set up with a 5.5mm power adjuster to remove the well known transfer port bottle neck, and is paintball regulated -- therefore pretty flexible. Still, sadly that experiment will not be for tomorrow for lack of time .... And if this were not enough already, also toying with the idea of experimenting with H&N and JSB slugs in a modestly priced 53cm Kral Puncher in .22 if your experiment looks promising. Good luck with that, please keep reporting out on it! 

Thx for chiming in Parrotculler. I m planning purchase of a Kral SJ too later on. After Marauder it will be my 2nd modding fun airgun. I have a superlite barrel kit lying in my spare parts closet and planning on inserting 600mm Superior (and possibly Slugliner A) in it, both in .22 and .177 . Maybe the Super Jumbo can be lifted to a Superior Jumbo... 😉 One never knows... 😃
I m saying "planning to" , because such 600 mm liners in .177 are at this moment not available yet. Yet, Johan from FX has recently let one of the guys here know those new 600 mm .177 liners will be available before the end of the year.

I m eager to see how 15.5 gr and 18 gr NSA will do in such superlite kit configuration with the Kral SJ, since I ve been advised against purchase of a .177 Kral barrel. Next to that i will be trying the Kral SJ with both 17,5 gr and 20.2 gr NSA in .22 .
My attempt remains to get a 65m-flat trajectory slug shooting airgun with a high shotcount per fil.
Not an Apples to Apples comparison, but my Benjamin Akela (made by Kral) does very well with NSA 17.5 gn slugs.You might want to give them a try...

Thx for your input smythsg.

I know those 17,5 grains Nielsen, tried them in my gen1 Marauder but they went all over the place. That Marauder barrel is just way too wide (and picky) to accurately shoot anything else than 25gr Redesigned.

Still have that 17.5gr box around and i ll sure give them a try when the Kral comes. Right now waiting for my mate Len's mod results on his Kral but s been a while since we last met due to covid hassles. Indoor shoots have all been canceled here.
I have started shooting some JSB knock-out slugs out of my new .22 Kral Puncher Maxi, unregulated and not yet fully shot in. The Maxi is similar to the Mega but has a shorter (53cm instead of 58cm) barrel and a smaller cylinder (280 instead of 330cc). Opened up the ports to 4.5 mm but left the 2mm valve inlet port alone -- enlarging that might mess with the flat unregulated shot string ? Interested in THammer's take on that !

Fairly strong wind (around 20mph) and arguably a tad too slow at less than 700 fps. But I like the 40 shot count, therefore not too keen on messing with HST ...

This was my first group at 60 yds from the modest Puncher with the gorgeous walnut stock (400 Eur from Balistas, probably even cheaper Stateside). As I wrote somewhere else, those low cost KOs slid into the Kral breech snug and easy like suppositories 👄. Think about what a slightly higher speed and better shooting conditions could do ... 


Got some .25 KOs as well from Balistas in CZ to try in my 58cm Jumbo but have not had time yet. Agree Troy's point about better accuracy for pellets as compared to slugs. The JSB Jumbo Heavies gave nearly hole-in-hole groups out of the Maxi under the same conditions as described above. The parrots are petrified ... 🐦
Good day thammer.

I'm bringing up an old one for you today.

I have been trying to find information and reviews of two Kral guns which I have to choose between. One being a Super Jumbo and the other a Bigmax X (both chambered .22 caliber).

My friend who owns a air rifle store keeps pushing me into getting a Super Jumbo which he will modify by swapping the 535mm barrel for a 580mm barrel and possibly putting in a tighter hammer spring. I don't think he wants to try and regulate it. The reason for these guns are my use of slugs. I have no problem with modern pellet projectiles, but simply prefer the harder hitting slugs as I take larger game on the farm and keep to humane practice.

I know the Bigmax X can chuck a 25.39gr JSB knockout slugs .217 at 900fps which gives about 58ft/lbs out the box. And for my intents and purposes it is very accurate up to 100m. But my friend insists that the modified Super Jumbo will do better.

What was your experience with the gun?

And what would you choose?

Alright. Again limited experience with slugs. I did a super Jumbo recently for a customer. Ported, hammer and spring mod plus my valve internals. 580mm barrel and got really nice results at limited range. Shooting .217 JSB knockouts at just over 900fps. 5 shots at 40 yards. The Big Max had never been anything but a Jumbo with two bottles in the past so not sure what would be different in the Big Max X to add that additional power stock. They had always used the same barrel but that might have changed. I thought the super Jumbo already had the 580mm barrel but those are two guns not currently imported so I rarely see them. Barrel specs should be the same so you should see no real accuracy difference with the same power and projectile. 

Thanks for the quick reply!

This choice has honestly really been bugging me, because I liked my Avenger and decided to upgrade because it simply couldn't keep up with my expectations. I almost went wit a major build upgrade on it but decided against it.

So I don't want to waste my time and buy a gun that won't meet my standards again.

A 0.416 group at 40-50 yards is good, but I keep seeing these YouTube videos of sub moa groups with slugs at 100m with bigmax X's. The gun simply has a lot of power and a nice mid-range barrel.

But 900fps out of you build is tough competition relating to power. And in my experience that is what most slugs require.

Would you take any of the two given the chance? Or rather spend more on a Hatsan Neutron star?
Sorry I didn’t read the entire thread, so if this is redundant I apologize. I’ve had good luck with light slugs in my lightly thammer modified 40 ft/lbs puncher breaker. NSA under 20 gr which got my speed up around 900, then find the diameter which fits your barrel. Mine likes .217 with a dishbase. I could get a little smaller than nickel groups at 30 yards. Best I could do though and I’ve tried quite a few.

Hope this helps a little.
