Krypton compressor issue

I am working on a Krypton 4500 psi compressor that belongs to a friend of mine. It will only go to 3000-3100 psi and then shuts off. Temp is running around 74 c and 65 c with ice added.
I disconnected the temp wires , no change. Disconnected the pressure guage, no change. I bypassed the reset switch and no change. If it had a leak either internal or external I would think it would keep running but just not get up to pressure setting. Since it shuts off the same time everytime, I'm thinking electrical issue.
Anyone have a suggestion.
I have been talking to Pyramid Air and have an email in to Air Venturi. Waiting on a response.

Hate to tear into it as it only has 5 hours on it. It was bought off Amazon if that matters.


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I repaired an AV compressor that was the predecessor to this model that was building pressure to 2K psi but no higher. The high pressure piston rings had gone bad. Various fixes had been tried prior with no improvement until the rings were replaced. To change them successfully you need to have a 2 piece delrin tool that Pyramyd Air sells for that purpose. The first piece is a cone that is used to stretch the one piece rings over the top of the piston. The second piece squeezes the rings in their grooves so that the piston can fit in the cylinder. Don't try to use another brand of split rings like Tuxing, etc. as they won't seal in an AV compressor even though they appear to fit. Ask me how I know.
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I am the owner of the compressor that Randy 68 is working on. I was hoping it would be something simple but I am seldom that lucky. Rather than have my friend start getting into the internals we decided to box it up and send it back to Air Venturi, Ted said he would be happy to take care of it. While boxing it up and shipping it was something I was hoping to avoid it still under warrant. When I get it back I will let you know what I find out for those of you who may run into this same problem.
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