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Kudos to Moderator

Kudos to the Moderators! I got scammed by a seller here on AGN but by the time I reported it they had already spotted the scammer and had blacklisted him or her or them. Their diligence helps keep us safe from the low life’s doing it all behind the scenes. I got scammed because I didn’t follow all the protocols but I refuse to take responsibility for the actions of low life’s I’m frustrated because forum policy is I can’t name them to help protect other members in person or online. What I can say is the the person is either a air gunner or did their due diligence to know the answers or ask the right questions in our back and forth discussion. Although minimal had posts back to 2020. Plus a very elaborate scam for $180. Not chump change but also not a kings ransom. I had posted a WTB in the classifieds. His price was 10-15% lower than the other offers I got but mostly it was just what I wanted. The scammer didn’t know the price of the other offers so they knew market value. I would guess under some other name they are still on the forums and still trying to scam people. But back to my initial reason for this post. Some how by closely monitoring the forum they were able to spot suspicious activity and black list the scammer. Probably happens more than as members we know but only happens by their continuing hard work and effort. So Kudos to them for all their hard work and effort!
It helps you to keep your transactions on AGN system. If the bad actor insists on moving to email or text, you cannot monitor their up to the minute status on AGN. The bad actor in this case was removed from our system a few days prior to @marquette making the deal off the AGN platform.

Very sorry to hear that a good member was taken by a bad apple. Thank you for the feedback, all the same. The AGN team works diligently to give the membership a top tier experience.

As a side note, please do not post publicly the specific details. We do not want the bad actors to learn how to be better criminals. Please use the REPORT function to alert:

@Airgun Nation