KYL (know your limits) rack competition scoring question

I understand this is some sort of shooting competition, but.
Pardon me, but that's a stupid saying (Know Your Limits).

IF, you live by that saying, you'll never grow, you'll never get any better at whatever you do.

PUSH your limits, gain knowledge, gain muscle, gain experience. Push the limits a little bit each day

Sorry for the rant, back to your norml station.

I understand this is some sort of shooting competition, but.
Pardon me, but that's a stupid saying (Know Your Limits).

IF, you live by that saying, you'll never grow, you'll never get any better at whatever you do.

PUSH your limits, gain knowledge, gain muscle, gain experience. Push the limits a little bit each day

Sorry for the rant, back to your norml station.

I get what you're saying about the saying. I figure the intended meaning was "find out what your current limits are", but that was too many words to catch on as a saying.

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Typically if you hit the paddle it is a hit. I have been to matches that you have a point for each paddle. You go until you miss or stop. At the end of the string where you stop is the points. A real all or nothing
This is going to be fun! I can't believe I waited so long to buy a target rack like this.

I get what you're saying about the saying. I figure the intended meaning was "find out what your current limits are", but that was too many words to catch on as a saying.

I understand this is some sort of shooting competition, but.
Pardon me, but that's a stupid saying (Know Your Limits).

IF, you live by that saying, you'll never grow, you'll never get any better at whatever you do.

PUSH your limits, gain knowledge, gain muscle, gain experience. Push the limits a little bit each day

Sorry for the rant, back to your norml station.
I get what you're saying about the saying. I figure the intended meaning was "find out what your current limits are", but that was too many words to catch on as a saying.

how about no limits
Thanks JimNM and woogie_man. I ordered the KYL rack from shootingtargets7 this weekend (2" to 1/4"). Almost immediately I started asking myself the question about whether or not a tiny knick would count in a real competition. Thanks for putting that question to rest.

I just ordered 1 as well - I was wondering the same thing. Glad the hanger doesn't count.
I don't shoot competitive target so "score" doesn't mean much to me. If I understand correctly, if the pellet hole touches the ring on the target you are awarded the points. Any hit is a good one.

As a guy into plinking, pesting and small game hunting any solid hit in the kill-zone is good. This kinda shooting tends to be a binary thing, hit or miss, close doesn't count ...and a poor hit is something to be avoided.

For birds, rabbits and squirrels the kill-zone is about an inch in diameter so when practicing I determine my maximum effective range by how far I can consistently get (a least) 8 out of 10 pellets inside that one inch circle. So, not counting the pellet diameter I have to be able to hit within a half inch radius of where I'm aiming. Just to be safe, usually I'm not happy unless I'm hitting within three eights of an inch of my aimpoint.

Different kinds of shooting, as long as you are having fun eh!

I don't shoot competitive target so "score" doesn't mean much to me. If I understand correctly, if the pellet hole touches the ring on the target you are awarded the points. Any hit is a good one.

As a guy into plinking, pesting and small game hunting any solid hit in the kill-zone is good. This kinda shooting tends to be a binary thing, hit or miss, close doesn't count ...and a poor hit is something to be avoided.

For birds, rabbits and squirrels the kill-zone is about an inch in diameter so when practicing I determine my maximum effective range by how far I can consistently get (a least) 8 out of 10 pellets inside that one inch circle. So, not counting the pellet diameter I have to be able to hit within a half inch radius of where I'm aiming. Just to be safe, usually I'm not happy unless I'm hitting within three eights of an inch of my aimpoint.

Different kinds of shooting, as long as you are having fun eh!

I like the distinction between hunting and plinking. The former definitely deserves a confident ability to consistently hit the kill zone.
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I use my KYL rack most often after I change something on the gun or scope. Fresh paint and start at the large paddle. Once I feel that I am on centers, I move to the smaller paddles until I have a miss. Then I back up a size (or two) and get the POA dialed in to better match the POI.

I swear the 1/4" paddle is made of lead repelling material. When my hunting rigs can run the KYL rack without a miss, I feel pretty good about the minute of squirrel eye accuracy.
I've been watching a lot of youtube vids since I ordered my KYL rack.

I saw a few vids where guys were shooting these targets at 100 yards -- yes the 2" to 1/4" rack! They made the 2" down to 1" look easy. After that, they were learning their limits with the 3/4, 1/2, and 1/4 inch paddles. So, on a good day, this rack isn't just for 50 yards. It wasn't a competition. Just good shooters having fun.

I saw an old competition vid where a couple of the shooters disagreed with the line judge's call that they missed. There would have been no disagreement if they had a rule that the paddle had to go all the way around. I'm not telling people to use this rule, it's just an observation. It was a 22LR competition, so they all had plenty of power. In an airgun competition, lower powered rifles would be at a disadvantage with an "all the way around" rule.

My KYL rack arrives tomorrow. It will be nice to be able to just put this in the back of my truck and head out to the desert and just set it where I want and start shooting. No paper targets to have to mess with, so I won't care if it's windy. I might actually welcome the challenge of windy conditions -- something I've always avoided when dealing with paper. Fun stuff.

When we are shooting, there us always someone on glass watching. What they call is final, no arguing or anything. If you argue you loose all the points.

Most guys are not shooting for money anyways, just bragging rights.
Yeah, never argue with the ref. If it was really that close of a call, then just come back next month and shoot better. This competition was a smaller once-a-month local club.

The problem was that they were using a KYL rack that one of the club guys made by welding stuff together sort of ad-hoc -- very clunky. The paddles didn't spin freely at all and each one had different binding issues with the ones next to it. There was one paddle that would move a bit if you nicked it, but it would immediately stop. If the ref blinked at the wrong time, he wouldn't see it move and call it a miss.

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That's why you have multiple people watching through binos.
This is the youtube vid I was talking about. The first shooter starts the kyl target at about 50 seconds into the vid. Watch the 7th paddle and the shooters reaction when it's called a miss. I'm pretty sure the same paddle does the same thing with other shooters later in the vid and it's called a hit. KYL is a frustrating enough game without the frustration of sticky paddles thrown in.

Hit vs Miss is a heck of a lot easier to rule on than "did it hit HARD enough" to count as a hit. The targets on rack in the video above cannot spin "all the way around".

In the end, it will be the match director that sets the rules. At my home range, I am the match director, sole competition and reigning champion for all time. My circus AND my monkey.