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Something else,whoever I annoyed,my ammo purchase was an honest transaction,no a mistake somebody made. I will shoot my ammo knowing I didn't take advance of anybody. Too bad you can't do that.
If I were to answer your response,I wouldn't be able to use this site anymore. A simple no would have been fine. You should watch your mouth and the way you talk to people looking to save some money. I shoot my guns everyday,that's costly.I do find people with deals on ammo. Just spent 350$. On ammo,got a deal to by asking. So if I annoy you,oh well. I paid less for my jobs and fx pellets than you did at 3$a tin. I really think you should apologize. What you said was quite uncalled for . Begging? I'm gonna stop there before I act like you.
So after begging this guy resorts to slander, then whining. I can’t make this stuff up. I’m not wasting much more time on him. @Hunter25 has thoroughly evinced himself as a hypocrite in this thread. After begging and whining, he insinuated that people ordering from the sale were taking advantage (of a sale?) dishonestly. Then once it’s known that the sale price was a mistake he openly begs for someone to sell him pellets at a cheaper rate, in essence an open attempt to truly take advantage with full knowledge of the situation. If you wish to keep yapping and whining yap to yourself.
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Your just trying to cover your actions by talking disrectful to somebody else. Your mouths awful big. All I want was some pellets ,not be called a begger and annoying, now this has become more than I have time for. Who ever I offened, I'm sincerely sorry. If you bought pellets,good for you,if you didnt,then good for you. All I want to do is shoot,it takes pellets. I try to buy them cheap. I'll never ask anyone on here again for a deal on pellets. I have a guy named Dave dogging me out. I'll look else where. Enjoy . Bye.
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