Hello Folks, I'm having a problem regarding the LCS SK-19 which I had bought about 9 months ago while visiting the U.S, but I had to dismantle it in order to transport it back home. I can reassemble it otherwise, but there's a part from the trigger system specifically that I can't seem to remember where it goes and in all of the videos that I've checked online, I don't see it in any of them. I reached out to a few companies for help and got nothing, I even reached out to LCS via email and haven't gotten a response yet. I recently reached out to a Youtuber and he suggested that I try out this forum for answers, so please, please any help would be appreciated. I'm practically begging at this point, because it's a brand new gun and I haven't gotten to use it yet. The part that is giving me trouble is No.1 in the picture below. I know where the parts under No. 2 goes, it's Just No. 1 that's the issue.