Stoeger Leaning to the XM1 Scout

Donny FL. FX mod took the bite out of this dog
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Thanks Perle that's a good looking piece. Does that one come completely apart or is it sealed? The Donnyfl site shows some replaceable baffle stacks but I haven't seen it spelled out if they are all that way or not?
You can remove the interior baffle core but it’s not stackable or detractable
Consider it a one piece solid for all intent and purpose
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I mainly use printed moderators and find them very effective and inexpensive. If there is enough space in your shroud it can help limit the length increase to have a custom design that screws onto the shroud. I don't know if there is a design for the Scout but I know who to ask. PM me if you want more info.
I use 3D printed moderators most of the time too.
I still have some Aliexpress aluminum moderators, that have completely disappeared now.

The Scout has a 1/2-20 adapter and there are many moderators around to 3D print.