Umarex Leaning towards a Zelos as a first PCP

Tnx.... I'm considering this now instead. Thankfully there appear to be a bunch of accurate PCPs in .25 for $600 or less. I need to contact AoA and find out what parts availability looks like.
Have you considered a JTS Aircuda? As I understand it, they are very accurate and can be had for around 400.00
yeah, for now I leaned a pallet against a tree and stretched an old door mat to it. Didn’t work still sounded like hitting wood.
ive got some left over carpet pad I’ll try.
You can try a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with rubber mulch. Cut a square on the lid of the 5 gal bucket for the target. Then place your carpet on top of the rubber mulch and then the lid. The lid will help hold the mulch and target. The carpet won’t let the mulch fall out of the bucket. If you want to be 100% sure that they’ll be no pass through, put some 2x4 behind the bucket or in the bucket first. I do this in my basement. I don’t hear the impact.
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OK... I am ready to roll. My Zelos arrived in short order, thanks to Midwest Gun Works. GX Pump under-delivered on their promised delivery time, but it finally showed up today. I just put an initial charge on the air cylinder (attached to rifle) to get a benchmark on my GX-C3 pump.
0-3000psi with no cylinder : 19 seconds
0-1000 1:50 (1min 50sec)
0-2000 3:56
0-3000 5:52
0-3500 6:44

I'm going to let that cylinder sit overnight and see how well the gun holds pressure.

I can tell I need a desiccant tube. I was surprised to see a tiny splash of water after 6 min of pumping.
OK... I am ready to roll. My Zelos arrived in short order, thanks to Midwest Gun Works. GX Pump under-delivered on their promised delivery time, but it finally showed up today. I just put an initial charge on the air cylinder (attached to rifle) to get a benchmark on my GX-C3 pump.
0-3000psi with no cylinder : 19 seconds
0-1000 1:50 (1min 50sec)
0-2000 3:56
0-3000 5:52
0-3500 6:44

I'm going to let that cylinder sit overnight and see how well the gun holds pressure.

I can tell I need a desiccant tube. I was surprised to see a tiny splash of water after 6 min of pumping.
So, how are you liking your Zelos? Did you get a .22 or .25?
I went with the .25, wanting something with some additional power and range. In retrospect, the .22 might have been a better choice, but for now I am going to call it a tossup. I only have a very few rounds down range. 7 rounds for an initial scope zero, and one round that made for a very bad day for a rodent.

Here are my initial impressions :

1) Documentation is lacking. I think I spotted an error or two in the manual, but not too critical.
2) Fit and finish isn't great, but it isn't horrible either. I'm trying to keep in mind that this is a $420 rifle.
3) Seals seem to be in good condition on the rifle. Initial charge of 3600psi held tight for three weeks.
4) I've never had a bullpup before. Because of the stock geometry / cheek weld, the offset between the center of the barrel and center of optic is very large, this requires good ranging and a good dope sheet to ensure good zeros at different target distances. Once I settle on a scope for this gun, I am going to need scope mounts with some built in elevation offset to try and operate near the mechanical zero point of the optic. I'm not explaining this well, but I bet you understand. Right now, with a 0 MOA ring elevation offset, I am near max elevation for the scope adjustment. That's not ok for me. YMMV.
5) I find the cheek piece to be bulky... it feels as though it is difficult to find a setup in which I don't have to either cant the rifle or cant my head. This is really just a continuation of my #4 item.
6) The trigger, while set at a light weight, is very, very "creepy". I have not attempted adjustments yet, but independent of this being either a one or two stage trigger, the trigger creep is bad. I tend to be a trigger princess though. You put a speck of trigger crunch under a stack of mattresses, and if I lay on that thing I will know right away. I cut my teeth on Anschutz triggers and they spoiled me. (Again, this is a $420 gun).
7) Apparently not unique to Umarex, the barrel was full of crud when I unboxed. It took about 25 patches with ballistol and a good 30 minutes or more of pulling a patch worm to get it *mostly* cleaned up.
8) It does appear to be wicked accurate. I've only tested it out to about 50' at this point, but if the pellets are not going into one hole, it is because I did not break a clean shot. I can forgive pretty much all of the rest of the issues if this is as accurate as my initial, informal testing shows.
9) I find the safety to be on the wrong side of the rifle for my liking. I would prefer to operate the safety with the thumb of my trigger hand.
10) The rifle with scope and bipod is heavy, and doesn't carry well. The "receiver" is very blocky and just sort of feels unwieldy if you carry it with one hand. I'm not going to be spending a day in the woods with this, so this is of somewhat minor annoyance. Not really an issue.
11) The picatinny rail is slightly out of spec with regards to edge break on the "side" of the rail. I made another post on this forum discussing this. I was able to order a .5" offset that I needed to lift my scope up a bit more that worked well as an interposer between the rifle and my mount to allow me to attach my scope and lift it up to deal with the bulky cheek piece.

I've done no tuning at this point. The above is pretty much out of the box impression only. BTW, Midwest Gun was a good vendor. I will use them again.

That seems like a lot of griping, but all in all I am so far pleased with the rifle and I have good confidence that it will serve my purposes well. I don't think it is terribly loud, but I live up in the hardwoods and corn fields and my neighbors are a little more distant. It's quieter than a suppressed .22LR super sonic round but not as quiet as a subsonic suppressed round if that gives you any reference.

Frank 1
Squirrels 0
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