N/A Least problematic air rifle brand for newbies

I’ll stay the line. If you want to get into PCP’s get a Huntsman. If you want a powerful PCP, get a huntsman first. Haha. Do whatever you want next. Used Huntsman, new Huntsman, whatever you can afford. Go crazy with your second PCP, the Huntsman will be there for you to shoot.

Now that I have some time with my Concept Lite, I’d put it in the same group with the Huntsman. A little more versatile also.

Edit: The good thing about a huntsman is you can start with a hand pump, no worry about a compressor or air source. You aren’t wasting money later because it’s always good to have a hand pump.
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Mine was a Talon P. Airforce guns make an ideal first pcp based on my own experience.
I agree.
Simple, reliable, accurate, and affordable. What's not to like.
Unless you have no idea what a bell curve is as a newbie, you don’t own a chronograph so you assume the gun is defective because when you fill to 3000 and shoot the pellets move up and down the target
I got my TalonP and it only took me a few refills to figure that out that a 3000 psi fill was a wasted effort, and I did not even own a chrongraph yet.
I settled on a 2600 fill and ended up with a pretty consistant shot string. One hand loaded shot at a time. And that is not a bad thing.
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I agree.
Simple, reliable, accurate, and affordable. What's not to like.

I got my TalonP and it only took me a few refills to figure that out that a 3000 psi fill was a wasted effort, and I did not even own a chrongraph yet.
I settled on a 2600 fill and ended up with a pretty consistant shot string. One hand loaded shot at a time. And that is not a bad thing.
Yeah as long as you can figure it out they’re awesome.
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I have an air force talon and condor. Dead simple, hardly anything in then to fail. Valve and tank are on the outside, so super easy to fix or replace. Not much to the inside of them. Light and fairly durable. Not the best shooter but quite well enough for a beginner. Parts interchange across models so easy to mix and match to make it the size and power you want. Like Legos or an LS engine.
Maybe I missed it, but I don't think Crosman or Benjamin have even been mentioned in this thread.

The 2 WORKING airguns I have are the .177 Akela and the Gen2 .177 Fortitude.

The Akela is sub-moa out to 93 yards (without wind) and the Fortitude has been sub-moa out to 63 yards, but right now is moa or sub only out to ~30 yards, but I am working on that.

You don't have to sell your soul to have a good PCP. Of course, you can spend as much money as you want to.

There are more people with more $ than sense than there are people with more sense than dollars. That is proven everyday.

Yeah, I know I will be at least shadow banned for stating the obvious... (chuckle) Hell, I already am.

All my best!

I am not going to recommend a gun as the choice is entirely up to the buyer but I will give some advice.
Get a gun with the fewest parts, the most solid construction, the least o rings and least adjustment.
While bullpups are popular I wouldn’t recommend one of those either, they tend to be more hold and head position sensitive making them more difficult to be accurate with, also the barrel to scope centre is also greater making range hold over/under more critical.
IMO sporter stocks are easier to live with.

Maybe I missed it, but I don't think Crosman or Benjamin have even been mentioned in this thread.

The 2 WORKING airguns I have are the .177 Akela and the Gen2 .177 Fortitude.

The Akela is sub-moa out to 93 yards (without wind) and the Fortitude has been sub-moa out to 63 yards, but right now is moa or sub only out to ~30 yards, but I am working on that.

You don't have to sell your soul to have a good PCP. Of course, you can spend as much money as you want to.

There are more people with more $ than sense than there are people with more sense than dollars. That is proven everyday.

Yeah, I know I will be at least shadow banned for stating the obvious... (chuckle) Hell, I already am.

All my best!

Yuuuup! Finally found someone else that agrees with me on the Akela. The Akela was my 2nd PCP, forst was the gauntlet .25 and it was great but I started thinkering with that one and it was also too long for me.

But gat Akela, I took out iguanas beyond 150yds with that thing, shots at 50yds and 60yds were childs play. To this day that gun is probably the best I have owned for the money, sadly I sold it a few years ago and I keep thinking about getting another one lol.
Some people tends to forget that there are other people that don't have the money available to buy anything but budget PCPs and a handpump. If everybody had unlimited money to spend there would not be any budget PCP on the market. Budget items of any kind are available for a reason.
Absolutely agree with you. Also on the flip side most people that I know that own high end stuff are on a budget too including myself. I bought junk at the beginning only to be frustrated with my purchases. Now I’ve learned just hold off a bit more and get something worth it because my obsession level with pcps is 11/10 and I have several criteria that cheap stuff doesn’t meet. If you’re ok with good nuff then cheap works but I’m not ok with that.
I started with a Gen 1 Mrod. Airguns don't really get much simpler. These days you can get a regulated starter gun for less than the cost of an unregulated Mrod, but I still think it was an awesome place to start. You learn so much from unregulated guns, kinda like learning to drive a manual transmission vehicle. It was a foundational experience from which to grow and expand upon. Sure, you can jump right in with an Impact or the like, but most inexperienced airgunners will find themselves in over their heads in pretty short order. I can't think of a worse way to start in the hobby than buying a gun with too many things to twist and turn and no idea how to adjust them.