Leishiy 2 velocities

Too windy today to post groups but I had to shoot it to see how it sounds and get some velocities in .22 and .30 calibers. My first impression of the gun is its impressive how much power can be had out of this little gun. It’s literally a pistol with a stock attached. Not a super light weight but heavy enough to hold steady offhand. You definitely need to get a high strength rare earth magnet and glue it to something to carry with you to take the black cylinder plate off the back of the red cylinders. I made my own with a magnet cemented between two pieces of leather with a lanyard to hang around my neck. It will be interesting what others come up with. A potential problem came up regarding the cylinders while working on my gun on my garage workshop table. The cylinders have a strong magnet within them and so they attract any little piece of steel metal. My table had tiny shards of steel from filing and grinding that I had not cleaned up well and before long my cylinders were covered looking fuzzy. They were not easy to clean so be careful where you place your cylinders and check them regularly . Even the magnet you will use to remove the cylinder cover will attract metal shards and can transfer them to the cylinder and cover. Now I have the gun I see there is no clearance to add any material to the outside edge of the cover so that isn’t an option. I’m going to try filling one of the cylinder protrusions at an angle to give a little relief to get a finger nail under the cover. My cylinders do not have numbers on them so that will be my #1 when loading and I can see when I’m about out of ammo. My gun came as a 350mm in .22 so I assume the regulator is set at 130 bar. I shot JSB jumbo Monsters RD 25.39 gr. At a velocity of 783 to 788 FPS. I then shot Predator Poly Mags 16 gr and got 883 to 890 FPS . Last I shot JSB Hades 16 gr and got 889 to 897 FPS. I then put my .30 caliber 450mm barrel on which is so easy and quick. I was never a fan of multi barrel guns but this one is a snap to change . I can see why Ed added the split ring to the breech end of the barrel as it gives you a positive stop but that means you have to remove the moderator every time you change a barrel to pull it out the rear of the action. With out the ring you can just pull the whole assembly out the front and leave the moderator on the barrel and insert a different set up from the front saving a lot of time . It is no problem to just close the action with a cylinder in place and when the barrel touches the cylinder you tighten the lock screws and it is set. You still have to make sure the barrel is just touching the cylinder when you have the split ring on the barrel. If Brian reads this maybe he can let us know if there is any harm in inserting the barrel from the front without the split ring. I then shot the JSB 44.75 gr and got 618 to 621 FPS. Obviously the regulator needs adjusted up for the .30 caliber but the instructions do not show how to do this and I’m not going to get into tearing down the gun until I see a video from Ed or ‘Brian . I’m hoping I can set the regulator at 160 for the .30 and then drill out the extra Puck to tune it down for the .22 to shoot what it likes best. I talked to Brian today and he is working on more videos for us so be patient . I ordered the ShoPot forearm and moderator for both the 350mm and 450mm barrels. I can tell you the standard moderator on the 350mm in .22 is very quiet with reg on 130 bar. The ShoPot set up have more of a Pop to them so I wouldn’t call them back yard friendly. I shot the gun without the moderator and it cracked like a .22lr! So the moderators are Still working well. Perhaps some one can tell us how well the other larger Valkyrie moderators work. Be sure to clean out your barrels before you start shooting. They are coated with machine oil. I’ll post more on accuracy once I get the barrels worn in and the wind isn’t an issue. 

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Too windy today to post groups but I had to shoot it to see how it sounds and get some velocities in .22 and .30 calibers.

My first impression of the gun is its impressive how much power can be had out of this little gun. It’s literally a pistol with a stock attached. Not a super light weight but heavy enough to hold steady offhand.

You definitely need to get a high strength rare earth magnet and glue it to something to carry with you to take the black cylinder plate off the back of the red cylinders. I made my own with a magnet cemented between two pieces of leather with a lanyard to hang around my neck. It will be interesting what others come up with.

A potential problem came up regarding the cylinders while working on my gun on my garage workshop table. The cylinders have a strong magnet within them and so they attract any little piece of steel metal. My table had tiny shards of steel from filing and grinding that I had not cleaned up well and before long my cylinders were covered looking fuzzy. They were not easy to clean so be careful where you place your cylinders and check them regularly . Even the magnet you will use to remove the cylinder cover will attract metal shards and can transfer them to the cylinder and cover.

Now I have the gun I see there is no clearance to add any material to the outside edge of the cover so that isn’t an option. I’m going to try filling one of the cylinder protrusions at an angle to give a little relief to get a finger nail under the cover. My cylinders do not have numbers on them so that will be my #1 when loading and I can see when I’m about out of ammo.

My gun came as a 350mm in .22 so I assume the regulator is set at 130 bar. I shot JSB jumbo Monsters RD 25.39 gr. At a velocity of 783 to 788 FPS. I then shot Predator Poly Mags 16 gr and got 883 to 890 FPS . Last I shot JSB Hades 16 gr and got 889 to 897 FPS. I then put my .30 caliber 450mm barrel on which is so easy and quick.

I was never a fan of multi barrel guns but this one is a snap to change . I can see why Ed added the split ring to the breech end of the barrel as it gives you a positive stop but that means you have to remove the moderator every time you change a barrel to pull it out the rear of the action. With out the ring you can just pull the whole assembly out the front and leave the moderator on the barrel and insert a different set up from the front saving a lot of time . It is no problem to just close the action with a cylinder in place and when the barrel touches the cylinder you tighten the lock screws and it is set. You still have to make sure the barrel is just touching the cylinder when you have the split ring on the barrel. If Brian reads this maybe he can let us know if there is any harm in inserting the barrel from the front without the split ring. 

I then shot the JSB 44.75 gr and got 618 to 621 FPS. Obviously the regulator needs adjusted up for the .30 caliber but the instructions do not show how to do this and I’m not going to get into tearing down the gun until I see a video from Ed or ‘Brian . I’m hoping I can set the regulator at 160 for the .30 and then drill out the extra Puck to tune it down for the .22 to shoot what it likes best. I talked to Brian today and he is working on more videos for us so be patient .

I ordered the ShoPot forearm and moderator for both the 350mm and 450mm barrels. I can tell you the standard moderator on the 350mm in .22 is very quiet with reg on 130 bar. The ShoPot set up have more of a Pop to them so I wouldn’t call them back yard friendly. I shot the gun without the moderator and it cracked like a .22lr! So the moderators are Still working well. Perhaps some one can tell us how well the other larger Valkyrie moderators work.

Be sure to clean out your barrels before you start shooting. They are coated with machine oil. I’ll post more on accuracy once I get the barrels worn in and the wind isn’t an issue. 

There you go . . . OP (and the rest of you) can thank me later ;)
When I bought my FX Impact I shot it straight out of the box and watched and read the forms and all the videos I could find to get a complete grasp/understanding of the gun before I started trying to adjust and tune it. Im not as experienced as others with how all these parts interact and effect how the gun operates. That could be why I never needed to replace a single Oring or any other part in over 5 years on that gun. Just thinking out loud. BTW I like the magazines in the Kalibergun and FX wildcat MK2...simple and effective.
Directional insert of barrel

I don't have a choice untill I find someone with a lathe. My barrel came boogered up to the point it won't slide in from the front. My concern if having to remove the the barrel clip, for whatever reason, I will eventually lose that locking ring! Then rifle becomes in operable for the time being.

Hard to imagine how this got past inspecton(s), nor reasons for such marks on a barrel to begin with. A little disheartening after spending such money.




Your 22 cal 350 came with regulator set at 120 bar. My 30 cal 350 came with regulator set at 130 bar. That’s why when you swapped out your 22 cal barrel for the 30 cal, your velocities are so low. Check the back of the box the gun came in. It should list the regulator pressure for each caliber. 
My 30 cal 350mm is shooting 805fps with standard puck out of the box. 
Those are odd marks on your barrel. I can't figure out how that might have happened. I'd be sending it back (well, probably not, because I'm impatient and own a lathe, but it should be sent back, and I can see that clearly, since it's not mine...). That said, you could probably smooth that out by hand, with a file. It won't remove the marks, but you only need to knock off the high spots so that nothing is higher than the nominal diameter. It'll still look chowdered, but it'll let you assemble the way you want, and there's almost no way you'll damage the accuracy beyond whatever befell that poor thing previously. 

From my experience (others may vary) I've never had a real issue with any edgun I've owned (on my 5th) . Sorry to hear about your barrel ,Ed's attention to detail is pretty good and never would get past Bryan, that being said ..... how does it shoot? I'm all in for pretty but I'd rather have a laser than a wallhanger. Hope you get it sorted out ,in the meantime sling some lead!!👍

Your 22 cal 350 came with regulator set at 120 bar. My 30 cal 350 came with regulator set at 130 bar. That’s why when you swapped out your 22 cal barrel for the 30 cal, your velocities are so low. Check the back of the box the gun came in. It should list the regulator pressure for each caliber. 
My 30 cal 350mm is shooting 805fps with standard puck out of the box. 

thanks, I see that now , it’s in the manual too. I think I read on another post the regulator can be set up to 160 but don’t take that for gospel. I will wait for that from Brian or Ed. One guy has already screwed up his gun working on it without having proper instructions. I ordered the regulator tester yesterday so I’ll be ready when we get the video. I have the 30 caliber in 450mm so I should get another 50 to 60 FPS than your 350mm At 130 bar = 860 + or -. That’s encouraging. Right now it is shooting the .22 16 grn Hades right at the speed my FX Crown likes them . Tonight I shot a few cylinders just before dark when the wind died down and I’m getting a couple of flyers at 40 yards consistently out of all three cylinders ( I bought an extra one). Got too dark on me so I’m going to re adjust the barrel to make sure it is all the way forward to where the ring bottoms out. And then check before each shot to see that the cylinder is completely indexing on each shot. Then go from there. 
Directional insert of barrel

I don't have a choice untill I find someone with a lathe. My barrel came boogered up to the point it won't slide in from the front. My concern if having to remove the the barrel clip, for whatever reason, I will eventually lose that locking ring! Then rifle becomes in operable for the time being.

Hard to imagine how this got past inspecton(s), nor reasons for such marks on a barrel to begin with. A little disheartening after spending such money.



I don’t buy your story. For those that don’t own the guns, let me explain. See where it says Alfa Precision in the first pic? That writing is near the tip of the front of the barrel. It’s spotted as soon as you take the gun out of the box. No need to remove the barrel to see it. If he received the gun with these marks on it from Brian, he would have/should have called him as soon as he opened the box because it’s glaringly obvious. 
No. That’s not what happened. This guy Houli decided to try and remove his barrel on his own with no guidance/knowledge of what he’s doing and couldn’t get the barrel to budge so he used some sort of vice grips on it and scratched the barrel in the process. Go read what he said again. He was having a hard time removing the barrel. 
Liar liar pants on fire. I don’t buy what you’re selling. Want proof? Go watch my unboxing video again. You can see where the Alfa Precision is etched on the barrel when I pull it out of the box. 
Wow Noland! No porridge for you, think you need to go to your corner for some time out!

Assumptions, Accusations and no Facts, and you don't even know me! So you think you got this figured out do ya. You are pretty smart fellow. You seem to be quite full of yourself!

Personally I think your response says more about yourself as a person than any mis conceived contents you posted. There is a saying that gets passed along as being good advice, let me share it with you.

"Sometimes it's best for a person not to open their mouth and let people Assume they are of a certain way, than to open their mouth and Prove they are!"

I have enclosed a screen shot of the text message I sent to Brian the day I received my Leshiy. For your viewing - though it's none of your business, I just thought it might be a good time to have you pull your foot out of your mouth!

There comes a time when we all need to heal our tongue and suggest we put this behind us for the good of all.


I've just been talking with Alfa Precision, showing them this thread. The facts are:

1. The barrels were checked manually by three person at Alfa before being sent to USA, they have the documents with the signatures of those people there. 

2.The customs wanted to get a medal for catching the weapon smugglers and they stopped the shipment, saying they are the firearms barrels. So, the representatives from the factory went to Moscow and they have checked with the police officers, custom officers all the barrels, manually, each of them for over 6 hours, with registering everything in protocol and making pictures of it.

Yes, there is a chcnce it could happen that all those people, including Brian, who has installed the barrels, missed it, but in this case that is a real miracle! 

I have a question ...why would anyone mess up their own barrel that bad on a new $2500.00 dollar gun? Maybe he didnt IDK but for me to call him a liar not knowing the facts is beyond me. NoLandBeyond ...If you put your nose any farther up Eds backside your going to suffocate. You really should mind your own business. BTW I have fallowed a lot of the Leshiy threads and consider EdGuns fine pieces of equipment and considering purchasing the Leshiy2 myself though not from Brian as I have had a bad experience with doing business with him myself. He sent me a (new) regulator with narled up threads and when I asked for a replacement he told me it was all he had, (not that he could order me another) and when I returned it he deducted his shipping. Just to be clear I Bought a new Leshiy an extra 350 barrel kit and a Dedal scope and he treated me this way so personally I wouldnt put this past him.
He messed up his own gun out of stupidity. Too bad for him. Sucks to be you guys. Sonny without a Leshiy 2 acting like he has one. And Houli the liar blaming his idiotic methods of removing a perfectly good barrel with pliers. Good job you two! You are the poster children of entitled little kids. 
For reference: Brian received the barrels separately from the guns. He had to clean each barrel by hand and remove the oils the barrels were shipped with.

He then had to install each barrel for each gun, by hand. 
This is the polyurethane tool used to install the barrels. You think this tool caused those marks? Houli is making stuff up because he can’t believe he ruined his own barrel on day 1 of having the gun. 

Sonny just needs to stop commenting on stuff he has no clue about.