Lelya best Scope Options?

Veyron worked nicely on my Lelya. I prefer the UTG QD scope mounts. How is that Lelya mounted to that tripod?
The small Magpul screwed the butt end of grip then attaches with Picatinny to Arca adapter.

Really hard to beat those light, little 3-12x FFP Veyrons with their $160 price tag. Definitely punch well above their weight at that price. I've had one on my primary pester for several years now and it's never given me a reason to take it off....despite my always looking really hard to find such a reason. It really holds it's own next to budget scopes 2-3x the price.
Another vote for the Optisan CP line of scopes. I have the 3-12x32 on four of my springers. Had a focus issue with one scope, contacted Optisan and got a replacement after some emails went back and forth.

Very nice glass, Trenier Airguns carries them.

@AlabamaLarry So what’s the verdict? Do you prefer the Optisan or Vector Veyron?
I decided to just buy another Veyron 4x16x44 FFP IR for the price and the performance of my other one the only downside being thinner reticle lines. I just couldn't push myself to an Optisan for twice as much $. From some of the reviews Optisans have their issues also.
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I’ve purchased a couple of the 3-12 FFP scopes for my Lelya, they never even made it onto the gun. Like someone else mentioned, I buy non fixed power scopes for a reason. I like to use the full range of magnification. With FFP, if I can’t see it, I can’t take advantage of it. My Lelya got a little Discovery 3-12 SFP from day one. It’s been a good scope.
