The small Magpul screwed the butt end of grip then attaches with Picatinny to Arca adapter.Veyron worked nicely on my Lelya. I prefer the UTG QD scope mounts. How is that Lelya mounted to that tripod?
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The small Magpul screwed the butt end of grip then attaches with Picatinny to Arca adapter.Veyron worked nicely on my Lelya. I prefer the UTG QD scope mounts. How is that Lelya mounted to that tripod?
I decided to just buy another Veyron 4x16x44 FFP IR for the price and the performance of my other one the only downside being thinner reticle lines. I just couldn't push myself to an Optisan for twice as much $. From some of the reviews Optisans have their issues also.@AlabamaLarry So what’s the verdict? Do you prefer the Optisan or Vector Veyron?
I don't like prisms for anything but self defense on my powder burners.Sold my Optisan CP 3-12 and bought the Hawke prism 6x36. Don't get me wrong, the CP is a great little scope but I want to go smaller and lighter.