The variety of guns is what makes this hobby so great, a gun for everyone's needs, taste and budget.
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I've shot Iguana's with my EG L2 250 mm .177 (115 bar) and 350 mm .25 (145 bar) and my buddy with his EG L2 350mm .22 (at 110 bar), as well as with my Sidewinder Compact in .22 (150 bar). At the end of the day it's all about shot placement. If your an excellent shot and can hit them in the eye it's one and done with a .177.No experience with Iguana's here, but .177 for 5' iguanas seems very anemic.
.25 would be my preference....maybe even jump to .30 depending on your ratio of coyotes vs. iguanas.
If you have electricity, skip the hand pump!
If Palm Beach offers to let you shoot before you purchase, Id spend a entire day, experimenting with different brands and calibers.
Good luck!
That one was 15.68 lbs and 5.8 feet long, my record and the record for this particular golf course in West Palm Beach. The big orange alpha males are easy targets, specially during mating season, as they are territorial. Most of them won't move unless you get too close.Thats one big tree chicken
I have the leshiy 2 250mm Barrell shooting .25 cal pellets. I love this gun. I believe you can achieve excellent reliability with this platform if you know what you are doing and you kind of baby it (don't repeat tactical deployments of the foldable stock on repeat in your bedroom although it is tempting...... learned this the hard way). The plenum tube is attached to the jet/ magazine rotation mechanism via threads, this attachments point is rock solid when there is pressure in the plenum but when no pressure is present it can shift causing your stock to not be vertical with the rest of the rifle (this is easy to fix but it is an annoying little quirk I have found). When opening the stock make sure the magazine has fully rotated/seated or you could damage the magazine. Avoid dryfire. The trigger is not adjustable there is a screw on the trigger but it adjusts the arm that engages the "hammer"/plenum release valve. I have achieved 2 inch groups at 50 yards with a red dot shooting FN barracuda 28.3 grain pellets. I am using a huma air 30 cal moderator with 4 baffles and it is more than backyard quiet. I have nothing bad to say about the .25 caliber although it seems to perform very well especially with slugs. For pesting..... excellent. My pellets fly clean through a 2x4 at 20 yards. check out table for one on YouTube for some slow motion on all sorts of pests. I would definitely recommend the new digital plenum gauge from edgun west it would be very helpful and I want one bad. I don't think a speed reloader is necessary unless you have money to burn. trust me spend those precious dollars on ammo, you are going to need it with the leshiy. if you have a compressor definitely go with the bigger bottle but if you have a tank the stock one will do fine in the back yard. I usually get around 15-20 shots depending on how hot i am running.I was thinking that I wanted a Sidewinder compact, but then I started looking at Leshiy 2. I am looking at these because I want a semi-auto with removable magazine that has excellent reliability and reasonably compact. I have a .25 GK1 and everything about it is great except for the nonremovable mag. I would probably get .25 again in either of these since I already have the GK1 in .25 and lots of different ammo to try out, but I'm not set on the caliber. At least the Leshiy is an easy barrel/mag swap to a different caliber (and I think Sidewinder might be also), but can you even buy the barrels to do so? I haven't seen them listed for sale anywhere.
What am I looking for? No fuss reliability. Compact and portable. Reasonably accurate (either of these are better than my skills). Use for informal target shooting and rare pesting. Bonus if it is extremely quiet because then I can occasionally shoot in the backyard for a quick session, but max 20yards so more suited for pistol. I also don’t shoot if any neighbors are out and nothing with any noise so they don’t think I’m doing anything more than plinking with a BB gun. I probably don't get to shoot enough to justify the cost of either of these but I want a great experience when I do. Any other contenders for my criteria?
(This thread has lots of good comments on these already… )
Leshiy 2 "Wolverine" long, 350mm, Behemoth moderator, large 460cc bottle
+ Great design
+ I love that it folds up so small, especially with the twist off suppressor option
+ easy to make completely safe
+ available speed loader (I saw a video on it but haven't seen it for sale)
+ from reviews, seems like it’s pretty quiet with the behemoth
- no regulator guage (easy add though)
- not as powerful as Sidewinder at max (at least in .25)
- can't easily adjust power (I would prefer to typically use low or medium power for shot count but turn up on occasion) Could this be replaced with a nice knob?
- smaller magazine (8 rounds)
- cost
- cost
- cost
What's the shot count with the large bottle? (at max power or at an acceptable lower power)
Does it still fold completely into lock-in position with the large 460cc bottle?
Sounds like this is pretty quiet with the Behemoth. Any comments on noise with that or the standard suppression? If it's quiet enough then I can sometimes shoot in the backyard.
Sidewinder S compact
+ easy to adjust power and has regulator guage
+ Can do more power than Leshiy
+ bigger magazine (15 rounds)
+ sounds like it might be a little less fiddly than the Leshiy, or maybe at least with adjustments
- longer. Even the compact is not as portable as a folded Leshiy, but probably ok for me.
- lower shot count on compact due to smaller bottle, but still sounds like more shots per fill than the Leshiy
- cost
- cost
Is there a speed loader available, or do I need to buy extra of those expensive mags?
From what I've read on this, with the standard suppression it probably isn't quiet enough to use in my backyard. Any comments on noise level or upgrading suppression, beyond weevil and subscriber's great thread here
In general, I love the portability and design of the Leshiy. But the Sidewinder power adjustment and cost are big pluses. And at lower power, the Sidewinder might have better shot count.
This is not a near term purchase. The GK1 still stings. Probably at least a year maybe two, so who knows what else might be out by then too, but I want a goal post for the next purchase.
so six years?IVe had my L2 for a couple three years now. One thing Ive learned..... I will never transport it in my backpack folded.
there are o-rings and "hockey pucks" that are just friction fit, and you could lose one afield. Not a big deal if you can find it or have spares on hand.
Also.... NEVER dry fire it without a mag installed.... dont ask how I know this
if some one could develop a "sock" or a "boot" to go over the end(s) of a folded L2 to protect and keep those bits in place, theyd have a winning product