Did a model of the trigger guard just for the fun of it and to learn a bit about OpenScad, printed in ABS red, came out rather nice and looks very good in contrast to the black
Here's how it look with the imported AR grip posted on this site (Thanks!)
A Stanley vice is very useful when working with Leshiy, with the rubber adaptors it grips the trigger guard very secure
and because of the ball joint you can move it around (sorry about the messy floor)
but whilst changing the trigger guard that was not useful so made some adapters for the barrel shroud (ø37mm octagon) and tank (ø30mm)
forgot to reduce the diameter for the tube so had to glue on a slice of rubber (is corrected in the model)
best to print standing for strength
STL files attached if anyone should own same Stanley vice and want to print the items
View attachment leshiy trigger guard.1601837980.stl
View attachment leshiy_grip_extender.1601837980.stl
View attachment stanley vice clamps leshiy tube.1601838042.stl
View attachment stanley vise clamps leshiy shroud.1601838042.stl
Here's how it look with the imported AR grip posted on this site (Thanks!)
A Stanley vice is very useful when working with Leshiy, with the rubber adaptors it grips the trigger guard very secure
and because of the ball joint you can move it around (sorry about the messy floor)
but whilst changing the trigger guard that was not useful so made some adapters for the barrel shroud (ø37mm octagon) and tank (ø30mm)
forgot to reduce the diameter for the tube so had to glue on a slice of rubber (is corrected in the model)
best to print standing for strength
STL files attached if anyone should own same Stanley vice and want to print the items