let's pretend.

"ninja"Let's pretend that money is no object, what pcp set up would you get. I personally want the daystate Pulsar in grey wood but don't know enough about tanks to pick one yet. I am interested to now what other people are interested in and to hopefully learn something.
I'd love a air compressor setup to fill my own tanks. That and a Boss FX 500 .30 would be nice to have :)
I ask this due to not finding a 44...

http://marchscopes.com/tactical-3-24-x-42-ffp.html thats a 42.

Little bit of import export intel for the masses. Anything you buy from Australia, do the math on it with our conversion rates. Looked at that March scope - the illuminated, 3350 AUD to 2586.20USD - also, theres a 1/11 aud tax they will take out if "exporting" - so you could make out like a bandit if buying direct.....

I do this all the time, I'm picking up a nice new LARGE package from the port later this month.