Letting some1 with no exp try ur favorite airgun???

Was having a blast with my guantlet 30 let my cousin try he sits at table ,I say "guns ready pop safety off ,point and shoot his phone rings he hangs it up and double feeds the gun now slugs stuck un barrel and can't get mag out tried the dowel rod down the barrel lightly tapping the slug back I to the mag but just can't get it got to bring it in to get cleared hope it's not a nightmare to clear .oh I did mention round was chambered kinda pissed but my fault I guess it's true what they say ,,a guy good with firearms don't mean he's good with airguns .
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Take the barrel off. Not familiar with the gauntlet but assuming it's not too difficult. Before even reading your description of what happened my brain said "double feed"! Couple slugs shouldn't be that hard to clear if you can pull the barrel & use a dowel rod & rubber mallet from the muzzle end. I always watch closely people trying my guns for the 1st time. I'm sure you will too from now on.
Nightmare clearing my first double-feed in original Gauntlet .25, too. No luck with dowel rod, ended up cutting lead pellet with razor, then wiggling magazine loose enough to remove lid using Allen key on center magazine bolt. Not sure if .30 OEM Umarex magazine plastic lid is held in place by Allen head bolt but worth checking out. WM
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It is easy to assume that people who like to shoot would already be familiar with the specific quirks of an airgun they borrow. And we all know that detailed procedural instructions aren't always appreciated (by my sons as teenagers) or followed (again with the teenagers), especially when it comes to safety.

Even though I have taken much enjoyment from airguns over the years, I am still disappointed at how frequently some of them failed with normal use. A common comment on the forums is that (I paraphrase) to be a real airgun owner a person will eventually need to be able to disassemble their airgun to replace O-Rings or other failed parts. I suppose that owning an airgun is similar to owning a car, in the sense that it needs basic maintenance, and parts will eventually fail and need to be replaced, either by the owner or a mechanic. But it is also possible to make an airgun which does not allow a double feed, or an airgun that uses fewer O-Rings and of a more robust material. In the meantime, we at least have some good YouTube airgun disassembly and maintenance videos to help us perform do-it-yourself surgery on our new airguns.

I was at a NE Louisiana range and had my FWB65 along. One of the range officers showed some interest, so I showed him how to cock and load , handed it to him along with a tin of pellets, and reminded him not to fire without a pellet chambered and said go to it. He came back a few minutes later, grinning and thanked me.
When i double load, i just fire them.
Mind you that’s with the regular " light " pellets and slugs, i dont think i could pull that off with 2 X 24 grain .177 slugs.

On the Two i currently use, i actually pull the barrel every time i clean it, fortunately it is just screwed on, so that part of the operation just take 30 - 40 seconds and only that long due to the fine thread on the damn thing.

I am desperately trying to get family members to come shoot with me, even if all of them have absolutely 0 experience in shooting.
It is not rocket science, but i do think i would put my NV 500 scope on it, and so not have to explain the eye box thing, this way they can focus on getting the crosshairs on the target and shoot it.
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Never hand a loaded gun to someone. I will demonstrate for them if they ask. Loaded magazine is on table next to cleared safe gun. With powder burning semi auto pistols, I have new shooters load and fire several magazines that I have only put 1 round in each to familiarize them with the process before turning them lose with a full mag.
When i double load, i just fire them.
Mind you that’s with the regular " light " pellets and slugs, i dont think i could pull that off with 2 X 24 grain .177 slugs.

On the Two i currently use, i actually pull the barrel every time i clean it, fortunately it is just screwed on, so that part of the operation just take 30 - 40 seconds and only that long due to the fine thread on the damn thing.

I am desperately trying to get family members to come shoot with me, even if all of them have absolutely 0 experience in shooting.
It is not rocket science, but i do think i would put my NV 500 scope on it, and so not have to explain the eye box thing, this way they can focus on getting the crosshairs on the target and shoot it.
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Not a double loading issue , but I Remember I let my nephew shoot my Weihrauch HW97K .22 cal. After he shot it some he leaned it against garage, 2 seconds later tipped over on concrete sidewalk, scuffed up the stock good😭. my heart dropped, but I wasn’t mad, it wasn’t intentional and he was so excited to shoot the gun. I didn’t want to ruin the memory. And he said was sorry, told him it was ok, it happens, was little windy out, wind must pushed it over.
I Ended up gifting the gun to him when he got little older. He was very happy, take good care of it.