I wanted to see which I could shoot better in a long shot string, A heavy or light gun, used a Bobcat Mk2 .25 (12 pounds) and a Wildcat Mk1 .22 (7 pounds), from sitting position at 25yds. Shot 55 shots with the Bobcat, using JSB 25.39's and 52 shots with the Wildcat using 18.1's, ( ran out of air ). I shot as fast as I felt comfortable only stopping to load the mags. Both guns are sweet shooters and the groups are about identical, surprisingly the weight of the guns didn't seem to matter as much as just concentrating on the hold and grip on the gun, I got the shakes with both at the end of the string, just wore me down. I could have continued shooting either gun but accuracy would have suffered. I target shoot from sitting almost exclusively but never 50+ shots at the same target. For long shot strings I would prefer the heavier gun, the lighter one required more effort to hold on target, still rather have the Wildcat though, just so much fun to shoot!