Local Restrictions On Air Rifle Shooting

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I live in California...need I say more ?

I shoot indoors...of my house. Across the living room, and down the hall into a foam archery target. Not the best, but I can shoot any time I want. If I were feeling brave, I could open the back door, and extend the distance greatly...IF. I were feeling brave ! Or, I can hit the road for an hour to one of two available outdoor ranges. Haven't done that yet.

I live in California...need I say more ?

I shoot indoors...of my house. Across the living room, and down the hall into a foam archery target. Not the best, but I can shoot any time I want. If I were feeling brave, I could open the back door, and extend the distance greatly...IF. I were feeling brave ! Or, I can hit the road for an hour to one of two available outdoor ranges. Haven't done that yet.

I'm in California, in the city, have a relatively long yard with a creek out back and a higher creek bank on the otherside of the creek. I have good neighbors on both sides. A couple of my rifles are next door for chicken protection.

45 yards out my office window to my long target. Not legal to shoot in city limits. But that is true in most cities regardless of state.

Multiple ranges within 25 miles, at least 1 with dedicated airgun hours.
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I live in gun-hating Colorado. The legislature here is constantly imposing new restrictions on smokeless pistols and rifles, along with ammunition. Was wondering if any you are seeing your local elected reps starting to pass restrictive rules and regulations on the use of air rifles and ammunition?
Sounds like you need a better local and state government! No extra regulations on air powered weapons in Michigan. No constitutional carry law so I had to get a CPL.

Michigan loves to try and squeeze my 2nd amendment rights because are governor is a communist dictator. Thank God for term limits. She is out of here soon and is a lame duck with a republican house and senate. Worst governor ever.

I live in a condominium complex so shooting in a green space is verboten. I shoot in my basement during the winter time. My club is 30 minutes away and my shooting buddy's house is 45 minutes away. I can run to my club during the weekdays if I play my cards right and work from there.

I suggest finding a local club or a like-minded neighbor to shoot with.
Sounds like you need a better local and state government! No extra regulations on air powered weapons in Michigan. No constitutional carry law so I had to get a CPL.

Michigan loves to try and squeeze my 2nd amendment rights because are governor is a communist dictator. Thank God for term limits. She is out of here soon and is a lame duck with a republican house and senate. Worst governor ever.
CA also has a termed out gov. The CA ex and the MI ex will be running mates in 2028. 😩 so I feel your pain. Probably too political..apologies in advance.
If you interpret the law where I live literally, then it's illegal to fire any device designed to throw a projectile except for within a licensed facility. Rubber band guns, tennis ball throwers, pretty much anything fits their loose definition, but slingshots are specifically mentioned and any of it is technically illegal to fire and often to possess and confiscation is one of the penalties. I think it's one of those cases where they make the definition ridiculously wide and then figure that for misdemeanors it can mean whatever they want it to mean and for felonies they have other laws that they will apply as necessary. It's probably not constitutional on a variety of levels, but good luck ever winning in court or getting your property back.
I think it is accurate to say that most local ordinances are now including air rifles under the "firearm" restrictions. Mine names "air guns" specifically. Other locations define the restrictions by essentially including anything that moves any type of projectile through the air. I still shoot in my yard. I started before I knew it was against the law. I talked with my near neighbors about it in the beginning, and they have no problem with it. Of course, I expect they also didn't know it was against the law. I think the reality is, it shouldn't be a problem unless there is a complaint. No police officer is going to be cruising for air rifle use. But again, it's probably prohibited in most locations, and I won't recommend anything illegal.
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I live in gun-hating Colorado. The legislature here is constantly imposing new restrictions on smokeless pistols and rifles, along with ammunition. Was wondering if any you are seeing your local elected reps starting to pass restrictive rules and regulations on the use of air rifles and ammunition?

No, because I live in a very conservative county in Texas. :unsure: Matter of fact, I stage monthly long-range airgun competitions on my 30 acre home-place; aka- My Little Slice Of Texas Heaven On Earth.

In fact, when I sold 2 five-acre slices of the original 40 acres I screened the deluge of prospective buyers to be sure I wasn't importing any 'personas non grata'. I oriented prospective buyers to the fact ALL my neighbors are shooters; as also are my new neighbors. (y)(y)

Now with neighbors on three sides within a couple hundred yards of my Extreme Field Target course, the only way my neighbors know I've had a competition weekend is when asked they say, "I noticed cars coming and going", or, "We heard some loud laughing". 😂🤣

Full Group GP.jpeg

Double rainbow Maggyy.jpg

My ex-wife worked for the Beto campaign, stuffing envelopes. I got rid of her shortly thereafter. Here's a photo of her leaving for Portland, Oregon that I titled 'Liberation!'


She left a momento, that I put to good use-

Bye Bye Beto.JPG
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I'm in California, in the city, have a relatively long yard with a creek out back and a higher creek bank on the otherside of the creek. I have good neighbors on both sides. A couple of my rifles are next door for chicken protection.

45 yards out my office window to my long target. Not legal to shoot in city limits. But that is true in most cities regardless of state.

Multiple ranges within 25 miles, at least 1 with dedicated airgun hours.
Northern California here as well. Live outside city limits in the sierra foothills.
CAN SHOOT IN MY FRONT or BACK YARD with no restrictions what so ever !!

Really thinking most if not all the whining of California comes from those situated in or around the incorporated cities and there outlying city limits ordinances.
Get outside of the controlled population centers / areas you can enjoy your air guns unhindered :love: (y)
Even in gun loving states, ignorant anti gunners, dishonest neighbors and moron cops can apparently piss all over your freedoms. At home this Saturday, shooting a .177 ive now shipped, a very quiet .177 at a catch box, in my backyard at 35y, the catch box is backed by a 12' tall berm. I had fired my 6th shot, and the neighbors beyond, above, and about 40y to the left of my property I notice is filming me through the woods like I'm running some terror training camp, I ask "can I help you" and she says, and in broken English "I call police, you escare me perro, me dog'. I told her nothing I was doing was illegal, that I'm not shooting in her direction, nor is it going on her property in anyway. And that her INDOOR dogs feelings (not a bark or whimper heard) were her problem, not to mention it's odd their constant revving of their insanely loud straight piped M3s and the constant mortar shell fireworks they do at all hours didn't scare her dog but a 73dB pellet gun at least 85y away as the crow flies to the back of their yard does. They just want it their way. Why is it every gun naive person always defaults to "this is coming at me, this is an assault on me". Mind you in the past 4 months, on 2 occasions has this "es-scared me perro' I've been out there a good 3 days a week. Because during the work week I don't often feel like making the 32 .mile drive to the nearest place I can freely shoot any time.

What do you know, the cops come knocking 2 hours later. We have a police force that is extremely fast and present. They had to concoct a story...now the gun which the loudest feature is the hammer slap "escaring her dog". Now all of a sudden my projectiles are "hitting their house, there are at least 3 pellet sized holes or dents and if they get called again there will be a problem"
HORSE FECES. I showed them my target which is IMMEDIATELY backed by a 12'twll berm that stretches hundreds of yards in both directions, backed by a catch box, and the 6 hullseye stickers with a couple tightly packed groups each. I am more cautious and anal of negatively impactint anyone or being detrimental to them, or their property's wellbeing.

The typical naive answer "ricochets do weird things". Sure when the laws of physics and geometry allow them.. but, they do not allow a 22fpe soft lead slug projectile to impact a target, a 18"thick catch box, hot soft packed dirt somehow make a boomerang arc, to somehow make it over the berm, travel left 40 yards and back another 50 to impact a house creating a perfectly round hole.

I explained calmly it's not possible, and in my 25yrs at that property I've NEVER had an issue until these... "New americans" who have less than zero respect for their neighbors all of a sudden go from "it scares our dogs" to 2 hours later oh look 3 convenient holes, sans projectiles "he chooteen our house " when popo comes.

So now I'm not allowed to enjoy MY hobby because when the female of the house is home and notices I'm outside aallllll of a sudden it's a problem and now whenever there POS feel their annoyed I'm going to be on the receiving end. I've seen how this plays out in my 40yrs. Now that these liars have an incident reported, things will start mysteriously being damaged and I'll be scapegoated. I am really beginning to dislike this entire system. I bother No one, I do nothing to anyone, I keep my yard nice, my house presentable, I am careful, I do things during daytime hours only. I kind my own business. And now this. I'm selling with going van by the river mode. This shouldn't have me so furious but it does.

Edit. I didn't want to mention this, to avoid sounding political, but, I can see the "how do you know and what does it matter". Comjng

I know their direct next door neighbors, who are homeowners, these are temp renters using a proxy as the leasee. They're "Biden parollee" Venezuelans with zero respect for anyone. They abuse the system and use it against anyone they decide they don't like. The upsetting part is they get away with it. They've had problems with every property adjacent to them. First they had a massive trash dump pile behind their property line, partially on mine, partially on my nextdoor. 2nd, the cars, partying, fireworks and loud music 24/7. Just this past Thursday partying till 3am.. so I put up with it and keep my mouth shut. But they'll do this.

Also, the local ordinance is airguns are fine as long as it stays on your property. And knowing police these days they probably did the wink wink nudge nudge "is it hitting your property, because otherwise we can't do anything"...

I also asked them. "If I've hit their house, why is there not a citing or damage claim"? Yeah, no answer.
Call Homan
Northern California here as well. Live outside city limits in the sierra foothills.
CAN SHOOT IN MY FRONT or BACK YARD with no restrictions what so ever !!

Really thinking most if not all the whining of California comes from those situated in or around the incorporated cities and there outlying city limits ordinances.
Get outside of the controlled population centers / areas you can enjoy your air guns unhindered :love: (y)
Not easily done for some of us.
No, because I live in a very conservative county in Texas. :unsure: Matter of fact, I stage monthly long-range airgun competitions on my 30 acre home-place; aka- My Little Slice Of Texas Heaven On Earth.

In fact, when I sold 2 five-acre slices of the original 40 acres I screened the deluge of prospective buyers to be sure I wasn't importing any 'personas non grata'. I oriented prospective buyers to the fact ALL their neighbors are shooters; as also are my new neighbors.

Now with neighbors on three sides within a couple hundred yards of my Extreme Field Target course, the only way my neighbors know I've had a competition weekend is when asked they say, "I noticed cars coming and going", or, "We heard some loud laughing". 😂🤣

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My ex-wife worked for the Beto campaign, stuffing envelopes. I got rid of her shortly thereafter. Here's a photo of her leaving for Portland, Oregon that I titled 'Liberation!'

View attachment 547943

She left a momento, that I put to good use-

View attachment 547942

I wish I was at the stage in life you were. Very nice brother. It makes me happy seeing people have the position to be "unf#$kwithable". I hope to have what you do one day
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From what I understand, I'm good to go....from our city Municipal Code where I live:

9.36.030 Discharging air guns or bows and arrows.​

A. It is unlawful for any person to shoot or discharge any air pistol, air rifle or other air gun or bow and arrow or crossbow recklessly or with intent to do bodily injury to another or to destroy or damage property. For the purpose of this section, a person shall be presumed to have acted recklessly or with intent to do bodily injury to another or to destroy or damage property when it is shown that any pellet, arrow, or like projectile has struck, lodged, or otherwise been carried onto public property or private property owned by any person other than the person discharging the air pistol, air rifle or other air gun or bow and arrow or crossbow. In any criminal prosecution brought pursuant to this section, this presumption shall continue unless and until the same is rebutted by other competent evidence.

B. For the purpose of this section, “recklessly” means a willful and wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property. [Ord. 36-12 § 2 (Att. A), 2012; Ord. 251 § 1.26.030, 1977].

9.36.040 Minors discharging air guns.​

It is unlawful for any person under the age of 14 years to shoot or discharge any air pistol, air rifle, or other air gun within the city limits of the city of West Richland unless such person is accompanied and supervised by a parent, guardian, or other adult over the age of 21 years. [Ord. 36-12 § 2 (Att. A), 2012; Ord. 251 § 1.26.040, 1977].

9.36.050 Confiscation of weapons.​

Upon conviction of any person for violating any provision of this chapter, the chief of police shall confiscate the firearm or other weapon or instrument carried, concealed or discharged in violation of this chapter, and shall dispose of the same in the manner provided for the disposal of unclaimed property unless such disposal is contrary to law. [Ord. 36-12 § 2 (Att. A), 2012; Ord. 251 § 1.26.060, 1977].
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I have found most all cities in the US have some kind of projectile ordinance within city limits. You have to check your local laws, as they are going to be more restrictive than the state or county laws. This is why my next house with be well outside city limits so there is no concern. Technically where I live now is legal to shoot pellets in my backyard but I dont to avoid the risk of property damage etc.
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Pretty much every “city” in the US has some sort of ordinance prohibiting or regulating shooting air guns or firearms within the “corporate limits” of a municipality.

Easiest solution for the vast majority of states is to live outside of city limits. A state being anti or pro gun has very little to do with this sort of thing.

Prime example is Ohio. Very gun friendly state but virtually every city (with a few exceptions) prohibits discharge of any projectile weapon even on your own property.
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I live in a Northwest Metro Atlanta GA City. It is legal for me to shoot my airguns, slingshots, and blowguns—there are no restrictions except a safe backstop. However, the ordinance is old and is due for an upgrade as the City has grown and gotten more crowded. For example, there are no restrictions on large-bore PCPs. Therefore, all it would take is somebody to upset someone, and projectile devices would be outlawed. Nobody would come out against the restrictions. Therefore, I only shoot my quiet guns infrequently and hide the activity.
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I live in a Northwest Metro Atlanta GA City. It is legal for me to shoot my airguns, slingshots, and blowguns—there are no restrictions except a safe backstop. However, the ordinance is old and is due for an upgrade as the City has grown and gotten more crowded. For example, there are no restrictions on large-bore PCPs. Therefore, all it would take is somebody to upset someone, and projectile devices would be outlawed. Nobody would come out against the restrictions. Therefore, I only shoot my quiet guns infrequently and hide the activity.
I'm in Gwinnett. All it takes is a complaint and a cop that doesn't just tell people "doesn't effect you, doesn't harm you, they're following the law, deal with it unless it is hitting you or your property or done outside of noise ordinance hours".
I am in northern California, a great place to live. I shoot in my backyard, no problems, of course, I am quiet. There are 3 ranges near me where I can shoot loud Powder burners. I also go up the country not far from me and shoot PB. We have Duck Clubs and many other shooting organizations around me. '
Truth, I always wanted California to be two states.
Of course cities are going to have ordinances.You know what, replica pistols have to have orange ends?
people that complain about my state need to go elsewhere or stfu.
I live in the San Pablo Bay area and also next to the Sacramento River; life is good.
We have Dove,Duck and Pheasant seasons ,also deer and within 20 miles of me there are Elk herds
i love Northern CaliforniaView attachment 547962
jan 24 24 032.JPG
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