Local Restrictions On Air Rifle Shooting

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I wish I was at the stage in life you were. Very nice brother. It makes me happy seeing people have the position to be "unf#$kwithable". I hope to have what you do one day

Thank you, RoC.

Besides being an honest, unmuzzled and shameless man of convicition(s), much of the reason I am unf#$kwithable is because being not only retired, I have no family to worry about. Hence I can't be cancelled, lose my job or career, or bring any other forms of lunatic malfeasance(s) down on loved-ones. To paraphrase, I'm immune to attack(s) on my First Amendment rights. That said, I understand why folks with family, jobs and careers must moderate their opinions.

Thankfully that is now changing for the better. :D

Thank you, RoC.

Besides being an honest, unmuzzled and shameless man of convicition(s), much of the reason I am unf#$kwithable is because being not only retired, I have no family to worry about. Hence I can't be cancelled, lose my job or career, or bring any other forms of lunatic malfeasance(s) down on loved-ones. To paraphrase, I'm immune to attack(s) on my First Amendment rights. That said, I understand why folks with family, jobs and careers must moderate their opinions.

Thankfully that is now changing for the better. :D

I am childless and also jettisoned a vicious snake woman. The lonely road seems to be the one I'm mean for. I am employed by family so another worry I can forego, but, to a limit I don't want to reflect poorly on them. However, I do not have the isolation and freedom from neighbors, HOA and suburban LE that a large, solitary plot of land allows. That and "F you" money are all I need now.
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Even in gun loving states, ignorant anti gunners, dishonest neighbors and moron cops can apparently piss all over your freedoms. At home this Saturday, shooting a .177 ive now shipped, a very quiet .177 at a catch box, in my backyard at 35y, the catch box is backed by a 12' tall berm. I had fired my 6th shot, and the neighbors beyond, above, and about 40y to the left of my property I notice is filming me through the woods like I'm running some terror training camp, I ask "can I help you" and she says, and in broken English "I call police, you escare me perro, me dog'. I told her nothing I was doing was illegal, that I'm not shooting in her direction, nor is it going on her property in anyway. And that her INDOOR dogs feelings (not a bark or whimper heard) were her problem, not to mention it's odd their constant revving of their insanely loud straight piped M3s and the constant mortar shell fireworks they do at all hours didn't scare her dog but a 73dB pellet gun at least 85y away as the crow flies to the back of their yard, does. They just want it their way. Why is it every gun naive person always defaults to "this is coming at me, this is an assault on me". Mind you in the past 4 months, on 2 occasions has this "es-scared me perro' I've been out there a good 3 days a week every week for the last year. Because during the work week I don't often feel like making the 32 .mile drive to the nearest place I can freely shoot any time.

What do you know, the cops come knocking 2 hours later. We have a police force that is extremely fast and present. They had to concoct a story...the gun which the loudest feature is the hammer slap was "escaring her dog", now all of a sudden my projectiles are "hitting their house, there are at least 3 pellet sized holes or dents and if they get called again there will be a problem"
HORSE FECES. I showed them my target which is IMMEDIATELY backed by a 12' tall berm that stretches hundreds of yards in both directions, backed by a catch box, and the 6 bullseye stickers with a couple tightly packed groups each. I am more cautious and anal of negatively impactint anyone or being detrimental to them, or their property's wellbeing than I have to be. Far more.

The typical naive answer "ricochets do weird things". Sure when the laws of physics and geometry allow them.. but, they do not allow a 22fpe soft lead slug projectile to impact a target, a 18"thick catch box, hot soft packed dirt somehow make a boomerang arc, to somehow make it over the berm, travel left 40 yards and back another 50 through extremely thick brush and tree cover to impact a house creating a perfectly round hole,yet no projectile in the "pellet hole".

I explained calmly it's not possible, and in my 25yrs at that property I've NEVER had an issue until these... "New americans" who have less than zero respect for their neighbors all of a sudden go from "it scares our dogs" to 2 hours later oh look 3 convenient holes, sans projectiles "he chooteen our house " when popo comes.

So now I'm not allowed to enjoy MY hobby because when the female of the house is home and notices I'm outside aallllll of a sudden it's a problem and now whenever there POS feel their annoyed I'm going to be on the receiving end. I've seen how this plays out in my 40yrs. Now that these liars have an incident reported, things will start mysteriously being damaged and I'll be scapegoated. I am really beginning to dislike this entire system. I bother No one, I do nothing to anyone, I keep my yard nice, my house presentable, I am careful, I do things during daytime hours only. I kind my own business. And now this. I'm selling with going van by the river mode. This shouldn't have me so furious but it does.

Edit. I didn't want to mention this, to avoid sounding political, but, I can see the "how do you know and what does it matter". Comjng

I know their direct next door neighbors, who are homeowners, these are temp renters using a proxy as the leasee. They're "Biden parollee" Venezuelans with zero respect for anyone. They abuse the system and use it against anyone they decide they don't like. The upsetting part is they get away with it. They've had problems with every property adjacent to them. First they had a massive trash dump pile behind their property line, partially on mine, partially on my nextdoor. 2nd, the cars, partying, fireworks and loud music 24/7. Just this past Thursday partying till 3am.. so I put up with it and keep my mouth shut. But they'll do this.

Also, the local ordinance is airguns are fine as long as it stays on your property. And knowing police these days they probably did the wink wink nudge nudge "is it hitting your property, because otherwise we can't do anything"...

I also asked them. "If I've hit their house, why is there not a citing or damage claim"? Yeah, no answer.
Been in a similar situation( oddly I was not shooting my pellet gun that day but someone reported gun shots and when the police came, my neighbor said, this guy has a BB gun but I did not see him shoot today. That was enough to get a warrant and turn my home upside down to make me be a bad guy) It sucks man, my stuff was confiscated but luckily returned a month later. There was no case so they could not charge me with anything but having arrogant neighbors and police force really puts a hamper on our hobby.
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Been in a similar situation( oddly I was not shooting my pellet gun that day but someone reported gun shots and when the police came, my neighbor said, this guy has a BB gun but I did not see him shoot today. That was enough to get a warrant and turn my home upside down to make me be a bad guy) It sucks man, my stuff was confiscated but luckily returned a month later. There was no case so they could not charge me with anything but having arrogant neighbors and police force really puts a hamper on our hobby.

what did they site as PC? I don't care who you are or even if YOU have a 4th waiver or are on probation... That's not evidence of anything. They either Lied outright, the police or neighbor. Or your entire jurisdiction is full of tyrant nuts. No judge shouldve signed a warrant. Suspicion of a crime without evidence, observations, or corroborated multiple independent statements is nothing more than "a hunch".

Makes me sick. "That guy has a replica p53 Enfield". "Nuff for me, call HRT/SWAT, BREACH EM!"
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what did they site as PC? I don't care who you are or even if YOU have a 4th waiver or are on probation... That's not evidence of anything. They either Lied outright, the police or neighbor. Or your entire jurisdiction is full of tyrant nuts. No judge shouldve signed a warrant. Suspicion of a crime without evidence, observations, or corroborated multiple independent statements is nothing more than "a hunch".

Makes me sick. "That guy has a replica p53 Enfield". "Nuff for me, call HRT/SWAT, BREACH EM!"
Yeah I would be speed dialing an attorney on that one.
what did they site as PC? I don't care who you are or even if YOU have a 4th waiver or are on probation... That's not evidence of anything. They either Lied outright, the police or neighbor. Or your entire jurisdiction is full of tyrant nuts. No judge shouldve signed a warrant. Suspicion of a crime without evidence, observations, or corroborated multiple independent statements is nothing more than "a hunch".

Makes me sick. "That guy has a replica p53 Enfield". "Nuff for me, call HRT/SWAT, BREACH EM!"
Be careful eating that Pop Tart
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I live within 15 minutes of the closest Walmart but not within the limits of any city here in South Carolina. It is legal for me to shoot airguns on my property and I do. My neighbors know I do but some of them do too and nobody has complained. I trap almost all the pellets and periodically recycle them. I make sure each gun is well under 90 db. I try to be a good neighbor. If I want to shoot beyond 35 yards I have to drive to a range nearly an hour away so I only do it a few times a year.

If I lived in the next county to the east I would not be able to shoot in my yard regardless of whether I was in a city. Taxes are too high in that county too. No chance I will live there.
what did they site as PC? I don't care who you are or even if YOU have a 4th waiver or are on probation... That's not evidence of anything. They either Lied outright, the police or neighbor. Or your entire jurisdiction is full of tyrant nuts. No judge shouldve signed a warrant. Suspicion of a crime without evidence, observations, or corroborated multiple independent statements is nothing more than "a hunch".

Makes me sick. "That guy has a replica p53 Enfield". "Nuff for me, call HRT/SWAT, BREACH EM!"
Shooting into public property. Unlawful discharge of firearm/weapon. Assault charges etc. The report said gunshot heard from direction X (general direction of my home the 2 homes next to mine) but no visual confirmation was provided by the reportee.

Detective came to my door, asked me if I had a "BB Gun". I could not say no since my neighbor had already ratted me out. I said I do, he said can I see it. I said no. Then he said I am detained, I asked for what crime? He said they are figuring that out and that he will get a warrant to search my home.

I was detained and sat in back of a squad car for 4.5 hours. Then they took all my stuff and I waited to either have the DA charge me or I am free. Turned out there was nothing so I got my stuff back. Even though I did not participate in any activity that day (it is legal to discharge pellet gun on private property in my county/city), I was extremely paranoid to use my pellet guns after the fact. Live in a very blue part of state/county and city. I spoke with a lawyer and her response was that there are DAs that are just very happy to pull people in and prosecute so if I am lucky it will be dropped or I will be charged and have to fight the charges in court.

Got lucky and nothing happened but it soured my taste because all the police force involved that day were rude and did not care to follow the law.
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Shooting into public property. Unlawful discharge of firearm/weapon. Assault charges etc. The report said gunshot heard from direction X (general direction of my home the 2 homes next to mine) but no visual confirmation was provided by the reportee.

Detective came to my door, asked me if I had a "BB Gun". I could not say no since my neighbor had already ratted me out. I said I do, he said can I see it. I said no. Then he said I am detained, I asked for what crime? He said they are figuring that out and that he will get a warrant to search my home.

I was detained and sat in back of a squad car for 4.5 hours. Then they took all my stuff and I waited to either have the DA charge me or I am free. Turned out there was nothing so I got my stuff back. Even though I did not participate in any activity that day (it is legal to discharge pellet gun on private property in my county/city), I was extremely paranoid to use my pellet guns after the fact. Live in a very blue part of state/county and city. I spoke with a lawyer and her response was that there are DAs that are just very happy to pull people in and prosecute so if I am lucky it will be dropped or I will be charged and have to fight the charges in court.

Got lucky and nothing happened but it soured my taste because all the police force involved that day were rude and did not care to follow the law.

Man, I bet more than one civil rights attorney or pro 2a attorney would take that pro bono. That's national headline type stuff.

In my case the cops were both under 25yo And completely firearms ignorant. Approaching the situation as if the complainant is always correct is such B.S. I'm assuming the 2hr gap between "I call poliss" and then showing up was them waiting on the front leasee who doesn't live there to show up. I asked why tthe woman wasn't the one giving the story. And did she show her surveillance video... Where she claims it's about scaring her dogs to the police. No. I5 was totally adversarial them vs. me. I was the bad guy. I need to leave this place. GA used to be common sense. No more.
Man, I bet more than one civil rights attorney or pro 2a attorney would take that pro bono. That's national headline type stuff.

In my case the cops were both under 25yo And completely firearms ignorant. Approaching the situation as if the complainant is always correct is such B.S. I'm assuming the 2hr gap between "I call poliss" and then showing up was them waiting on the front leasee who doesn't live there to show up. I asked why tthe woman wasn't the one giving the story. And did she show her surveillance video... Where she claims it's about scaring her dogs to the police. No. I5 was totally adversarial them vs. me. I was the bad guy. I need to leave this place. GA used to be common sense. No more.
I feel most people have lost any common sense. We have become a nation full of paranoid idiots.
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I live in gun-hating Colorado. The legislature here is constantly imposing new restrictions on smokeless pistols and rifles, along with ammunition. Was wondering if any you are seeing your local elected reps starting to pass restrictive rules and regulations on the use of air rifles and ammunition?
Keep on heading down 285 to Park county and most of your problems will go away!
Man, I bet more than one civil rights attorney or pro 2a attorney would take that pro bono. That's national headline type stuff.

In my case the cops were both under 25yo And completely firearms ignorant. Approaching the situation as if the complainant is always correct is such B.S. I'm assuming the 2hr gap between "I call poliss" and then showing up was them waiting on the front leasee who doesn't live there to show up. I asked why tthe woman wasn't the one giving the story. And did she show her surveillance video... Where she claims it's about scaring her dogs to the police. No. I5 was totally adversarial them vs. me. I was the bad guy. I need to leave this place. GA used to be common sense. No more.
I was so scared man. Scared of losing my job. Scared of retaliation and becoming a target of police. Worried about catching charges and in state of VA charges like I mentioned stay on your record forever. My line of work has me working with Federal government agencies and government contractors and when I saw the charges against me, I saw everything I had worked for being under threat of taken away if the charges stuck. I could never work in my line of work again and be able to live the life I have worked so hard to build. It wasn’t until I was cleared of everything that I thought how poorly I was treated. All these rights we have are only words on a document that do not mean anything if not upheld. I felt violated that day and lost all trust in our system. I felt powerless that day and many months after. Its like all these rights we have do not mean anything to law enforcement or people in general.
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