Long Range Arms \"Send It\" Shooting Level Review/Test (GRAPHIC)

Not sure if this topic has been discussed yet...

I recieved this Long Range Arms Precision Shooting Level called "Send It" about a week ago.


Total weight: 2 oz.
Length: 3.31"
Width: 1.08"
Height: 0.85"

Build & craftsmanship is very well made.
Edges on all parts are not sharp & parts assembly was very straight forward. Assembly took about 10 minutes assisted by the current nightforce scope ring bubble level already leveled w/ my scope reticle. The Send It level comes to you automatically calibrated from factory horizontally & vertically. The entire scope mounting kit, & the Send It level came w/ all neccessary tools which was very nice. After the install of the 30mm scope mounting parts, all that was needed was a quick twist of the thumb/finger lock on the level to attach her to the picatinny rail. To turn her on, just twist the dial at the bottom. Once you click the dial on, further turning the dial controls how bright the led lights shine.
Sleep mode will turn the level off automatically after 10 minutes of non activity. LRA states the level can be used for 100 hrs of intermittent use from the battery provided (surely on the lowest light settings). Adjustable led brightness will help w/ dawn/dusk/night/day time shooting. There's 5 sensitivity settings & a battery check also.





The bubble level cover can be taken off the main led body to be used/placed on your scope to further level your scope/rifle.



If the double blue led lights shine, then your rifle is canted to the left way too much.


If the single blue led light shines, then your rifle is canted to the left just a tad.


If the double red led lights shine, then your rifle is canted to the right way too much.


If the single red led light shines, then your rifle is canted to the right just a tad.


& if the single green led light shines, then your rifle is level so you can pull your trigger when ready.


Pic of the Send It level w/ the Sideshot scope cam attached (you can still see the bright green led reflection off the barrel, stock, & areas of the Sideshot scope cam adaptor).


Other more detailed reviews of this Send It level can be found on Youtube...

I've tested the Send It level 3 times so far (further longer test will be done when pest & time permits):

Shots were taken on various days, times, temperatures, & winds...

Rifle: .22 Mutant Shorty shooting JSB 15.89g pellets @ 815 fps @ 23 fpe...

Shooting App: Strelok Pro...

Moderators: DonnyFL's or none...

Scope: SWFA 3-15X42 FFP Scope mostly @ 15X...

Scope Zero: 22 - 34 yards...

Scope cam/phone: Sideshot scope cam adaptor w/ the Galaxy S7 cell phone camera. All editing was completed on the same cell phone.

Shooting positions: Various positions...

This 1st shot I was shooting off my 4" tall recycling bin which was unlevel.


Watch "26 yard hole" on YouTube



This 2nd shot I was sitting in my truck using the driver side window frame as a brace...(grackle was left for Mother Nature to devour)...


Watch "52 yard grackle" on YouTube

This 3rd shot I was standing shooting off the top of truck hood using the small atlas bipod. Impact on the huge crow was the lower neck/upper chest. Then to my surprise Mr. Redtail Hawk swooped down upon the fresh kill. I took some video footage of him on top of the dead crow. Then I decided to walk over for a closer look. The hawk decided to fly 10' up to the closest pine tree to perch & to watch me. I grabbed my crow for some quick pics, then I threw the dead crow back underneath the hawk. Mr. Redtail hawk flew down grabbed the crow w/ his huge talons, & flew off w/ her for a free meal. Event was really awesome to witness.


Watch "56 yard crow w/ a surprise visit..." on YouTube



So far so good w/ the Send It level. I like her.
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Reactions: SMH77 and WaltherV
Thats pretty cool. Maybe for sighting in your rifle or bench rest competition. Cause i dont know if i want lights shining in my face while shooting and the added bulk/weight. Most hunting shots i would assume are under 50 yards. All these gizmos kindat ake the fun out of it for me.

But what i really really want to know is where did you get the barrel that shoots screw drivers???
Great review! Now tell me about that beer can looking turret! lol I want one

*********BEFORE any1 STARTS this PROCESS of making a oversized elevation turret & label PLEASE make sure your SCOPE can track KNOWN DISTANCES w/ RELIABILITY & CONSISTENCY...(if you DO NOT HAVE A CONSISTENT RELIABLE TRACKING SCOPE, THIS PROCESS WILL FAIL FOR YOU**********

*********& also MAKE SURE YOUR AIR RIFLE IS SHOOTING extremely accurate out to any distance w/ @ least a extreme spread of +-4 or less. If your air rifles is shooting anywhere above +-4 extreme spread, then this process is VERY DIFFICULT TO SET POA & POI @ ANY YARD DISTANCE on the elevation label**********

Hahah...The Eric Sanders custom elevation turret is the beer can turret your speaking of. I contacted Eric Sanders of


to machine me a custom oversized elevation turret for my swfa 3-15×42 ffp scope. I sent Eric my stock elevation turret measurements (I took measurements w/ my digital calipers) & the size I would like the new oversized elevation turret to be. Eric machined the aluminum turret for me to proper specs & shipped her to me in less than a week, a very fast turn around time.


The new oversized custom elevation turret was about $80 shipped if I remember correctly, & she is attached into place by sliding her over my stock swfa elevation turret which is held tight by 3 grub screws (allen screws). Eric protects your stock scope elevation turret from being scratched/marred up by placing a thin piece of aluminum between your original elevation turret & the new oversized elevation turret w/ the 3 grub screws.


The elevation turret label itself was made by me with Eric Sanders own label making program purchased here:


$26 for ALL the custom elevation/parallax labels you can create is a steal in my opinion. After the purchase of the label making program, Eric emailed me the password to access the program for me start making my own custom turret labels. I then went out to shoot groups @ know distances (w/ my nikon rangefinder) from 5 yards all the way out to 135 yards while clicking my new oversized elevation turret as I marked every distance on my sample elevation turret. I plugged in all the data collected into the program & I probably made about 4-5 elevation test labels & finally was satisfied w/ the last one that was the most accurate that matched up w/ my rifle/pellet weight/fps/yards. I duplicated 2 or 3 final elevation turret labels & printed them out. Then, I placed some clear transparent tape over the label for protection from the elements and test fitted the label over the turret for a tight fit.



I can say that I am very satisfied dialing my elevation turret @ any range distance and blasting away & knowing I will hit my target (w/ wind doping). The elevation pointer can me purchased on Eric's webpage also.


Here's a previous flapper being shot dialing my turret @ 72 yards. Dialing is very easy & very accurate once all the above is completed to the dot.

For a 23 fpe pup shooting jsb 15.89g pellets this .22 Mutant Shorty is amazingly accurate.

I have setup Strelok Pro on this same rifle so I can use holdover if I want also.

Watch "Seventy 2 yard flapper" on YouTube



  • Like
Reactions: Grim_Reaper
Thats pretty cool. Maybe for sighting in your rifle or bench rest competition. Cause i dont know if i want lights shining in my face while shooting and the added bulk/weight. Most hunting shots i would assume are under 50 yards. All these gizmos kindat ake the fun out of it for me.

But what i really really want to know is where did you get the barrel that shoots screw drivers???

The Send It level has a dimmer control so you can set the led lights barely on or bright as possible. You have the controls. Plus she only weighs 2 oz's. My hunting shots include anywhere from 5 yards all the way out to 100 yards for this bullpup.

To each his own sir...

The barrel that shoots screwdrivers are custom 1 of a kind...hahah...

Heres a head shot on a flapper shot @ 106 yards using Strelok Pro from sitting in my truck...


Watch "106 yard love tap" on YouTube


Thanks for the heads up on this great product! I will likely pick one up. This will actually solve a problem I have has when trying to find a bubble level for me: I am far sighted (and getting worse) and can’t seem to locate a bubble level far enough away to check it while shooting. The color coding on this is brilliant and would solve my problem in a practical way!

Thanks again for this information-I never knew about this brand or product before your review. +1 to you!

Thanks for the heads up on this great product! I will likely pick one up. This will actually solve a problem I have has when trying to find a bubble level for me: I am far sighted (and getting worse) and can’t seem to locate a bubble level far enough away to check it while shooting. The color coding on this is brilliant and would solve my problem in a practical way!

Thanks again for this information-I never knew about this brand or product before your review. +1 to you!


Your welcome Sean...hope the level helps out...

Thanks for all your hard work testing pellets & bc's also...keep it up!...