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Long Ranger shooting-BS or not?

Shooting golf balls at extended ranges looks is challenging and looks like fun. I can see that up to 200 yards, it can be practically done. But some folks claim and show videos of hitting golf balls up to 300 yards and more. I looked at pellet trajectories on Chairgun up to 300 yards and the pellets drop so significantly, that I'm beginning to question this. Please comment (be nice) on this.

For a 25 caliber air rifle shooting 33 gr pellets at 915 fps or 63 fpe (That's what my Charlie Frear tuned Cricket shoots):
at 200 yards, the drop is over 300 inches=30 MOA
at 250 yards, the drop is 900 inches=90 MOA
at 300 yards, the drop is 2400 inches=240 MOA

For a 30 cal rifle shooting 44.95 gr pellets at 900 fps:
at 200 yards, the drop is 280 inches
at 250 yards, the drop is 1000 inches
at 300 yards, the drop is 2300 inches

At those extended ranges, the pellet is practically dropping vertically on the target. I don't think anyone makes adjustable scope rings that can compensate for that kind of drop and scope holdover would be out of the optical range. Adjustable rings would work ok at 200 yards, but beyond that??? So, I think that hits at 300 yards is pure s--t luck. Please point out the error of my thinking.
jps2486 I think you are inputing something wrong into chairgun. Im shooting a .25 JSB King heavy 33.95 gr pellet at 865-870 fps out of my condor ss generating about 55 foot pounds and my drop is "ONLY" (haha) 98.58 inches. I have done the 150 and 175 challenge and both times my chairgun was within 2-3 inches of my target. I am going to try for 200 this weekend if i can find a spot. Check your chairgun program and make sure you got everything filled in right. Hope this helps. I had to make a special target because my 12 power scope was out of mil dots.
 Good luck and give it a try. It is fun! You only have a few more days.
"jps2486"Shooting golf balls at extended ranges looks is challenging and looks like fun. I can see that up to 200 yards, it can be practically done. But some folks claim and show videos of hitting golf balls up to 300 yards and more. I looked at pellet trajectories on Chairgun up to 300 yards and the pellets drop so significantly, that I'm beginning to question this. Please comment (be nice) on this.

For a 25 caliber air rifle shooting 33 gr pellets at 915 fps or 63 fpe (That's what my Charlie Frear tuned Cricket shoots):
at 200 yards, the drop is over 300 inches=30 MOA
at 250 yards, the drop is 900 inches=90 MOA
at 300 yards, the drop is 2400 inches=240 MOA

For a 30 cal rifle shooting 44.95 gr pellets at 900 fps:
at 200 yards, the drop is 280 inches
at 250 yards, the drop is 1000 inches
at 300 yards, the drop is 2300 inches

At those extended ranges, the pellet is practically dropping vertically on the target. I don't think anyone makes adjustable scope rings that can compensate for that kind of drop and scope holdover would be out of the optical range. Adjustable rings would work ok at 200 yards, but beyond that??? So, I think that hits at 300 yards is pure s--t luck. Please point out the error of my thinking.
With Diabolo pellets you are probably right that 300 yards is pushing the envelope - but moving into cast rounds - you are completely wrong. I am using the FX No Limits rings and just made this crazy 350 yard shot yesterday with my Texan .357. I think I just took the lead - but we will see what AGD says. I am watching the Leaderboard like a hawk!

Trust me - it can be done and with enough homework and fine tuning it is possible. I actually have enough adjustment left on these rings that I could push this out to 500 yards, but I am going to need to change the shape of the round to a more ballistic tipped option. I was using AeroMagnum Devastator 128 gr. hollow points for this shot and I hear they may be coming out with a 129 gr. Devastor Alloy Ballistic Tip (ABT) for longer range accuracy. Now that is what I may need to get out there even further. Stay tuned!
"crittahitta"jps2486 I think you are inputing something wrong into chairgun. Im shooting a .25 JSB King heavy 33.95 gr pellet at 865-870 fps out of my condor ss generating about 55 foot pounds and my drop is "ONLY" (haha) 98.58 inches. I have done the 150 and 175 challenge and both times my chairgun was within 2-3 inches of my target. I am going to try for 200 this weekend if i can find a spot. Check your chairgun program and make sure you got everything filled in right. Hope this helps. I had to make a special target because my 12 power scope was out of mil dots.
 Good luck and give it a try. It is fun! You only have a few more days.

I just checked Chairgun with your numbers of 33.95 gr pellets at 870 fps.. At 150 yards, drop is 115 inches and at 200 yards, drop is 360. Is something wrong with chairgun?
"Gunnertrones"And what is your far zero at jps? What will the drop show if you set this to - let us say 140 yards?
Drop would be 230 inches from a 140 yard zero. My original premise was using a 55 yard zero. I see where you are going with this. Now, how practical is it to zero the gun at 140 yards? Even with a 140 yard zero, the pellet will drop 2200 inches from there. 200 yards seems to be the edge of the cliff.
Maybe Im doing something wrong, but I cant figure out where you are getting such a drop. Maybe Im the one looking at it incorrectly. Drop is from muzzle horizontal and zeroing (5-140yd) has little significance. POI will change more on zero distance. I get a drop of 378" at 300yd with 34gr and BC .042 with 915fps velocity. But, maybe Im looking at something different. 
"Prouzy"Maybe Im doing something wrong, but I cant figure out where you are getting such a drop. Maybe Im the one looking at it incorrectly. Drop is from muzzle horizontal and zeroing (5-140yd) has little significance. POI will change more on zero distance. I get a drop of 378" at 300yd with 34gr and BC .042 with 915fps velocity. But, maybe Im looking at something different.
I'm using Chairgun. I've checked and re-checked the numbers.
"Prouzy"Maybe Im doing something wrong, but I cant figure out where you are getting such a drop. Maybe Im the one looking at it incorrectly. Drop is from muzzle horizontal and zeroing (5-140yd) has little significance. POI will change more on zero distance. I get a drop of 378" at 300yd with 34gr and BC .042 with 915fps velocity. But, maybe Im looking at something different.
I'm using Chairgun. I've checked and re-checked the numbers. I'm looking at it right now. I've set the zero to 140 yards. The pellet rises 40 inches at 85 yards, then drops to zero at 140 yards, then drops 2029 inches at 290 yards. Seems reasonable to me.
Ok, folks, I think I've got this straightened out. I used the wrong BC, my bad. I calculated that for a 33.95 gr pellet with a muzzle veloctiy of 870 fps and a terminal velocity at 290 yards of 321 fps, the correct BC is 0.036. Plug that into the equation with a zero distance of 140 yards, the pellet rises 20 inches at 75 yards, zero at 140 and drops 290 inches at 290 inches. Now I feel better.
I'm using Burris Tactical Signature rings. On my RAW 30, I have used 0.015 shims to add an additional 15 MOA to the built in 22 MOA in order to keep the scopes elevation in the middle of the adjustment range at 100 yards. I can put a total of 40 MOA in these rings if need be. These are easy to set up as long as you know more or less, what you need. I don't like screwing around with feeler stock and trial and error tightening grub screws. The Sportsmatch rings look kinda easy to use but they are $140. The Burris are around $75.


BTW, you can also adjust for cant with this system. The plastic inserts won't damage or scratch your scope tubes either.