Looking for a 10m pistol

I’m picking up a FWB P8x that I found used in my local vicinity. We have a club that shoots 10m Airgun. I did a search and came up empty. Anyone shooting one of these? Thanks,
Yes. The P8x is my 10m training and competition target pistol. I have used it for nearly 4 years now, and it has worked flawlessly so far. The grip is very adjustable and the trigger is second to none. The best mechanical trigger I know of, FWB did thir homework on this one. :)
Well, as luck would have it, not only did I pick up Ron's FEG, but I also stumbled into a FWB 100 once I gave up and stopped looking for one! So while I had every intention of picking up some form of the IZH46M (and I likely still will) that is an acquisition sitting on the back burner at the moment. I have the ssp I set out to get first on the way. The Drulov 10 is still absolutely on my list but I'm really looking forward to getting my hand on this FEG.
How do you like the fwb 100? Been thinking about buying one for some time if I could locate a nice one.
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Growlamunkey, I hope you are enjoying that FWB 100! It is a fantastic pistol!

At the end of the day a FWB100 series, a Pardini K58, a Walther LPM-1, or an Izzy 46 (along with any variants by name), is virtually the same pistol. I have not seen, read, heard, or used any SSP of similar ilk that would change my mind. Perhaps others know of something that betters these pistols?
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Good evening everyone,

As the title suggests, I am looking for a 10m pistol. I'm especially interested in single stroke pneumatics particularly the Walther LPM-1 mk2. My understanding is they tend to be a good bit cheaper than the Feinwerkbau 100, 102, and 103 that I was originally hunting for. I don't really intend to compete, although anything is possible I suppose. Mostly I intend to shoot indoors with my father now that he has retired. We've been really looking into bell targets and setting up a bell target range in his game room (though I'll likely set my own up as well, can't have him pulling too far ahead of me after all). If you've got anything in the closet that you don't think you'll miss too much, let me know, it will have a good home here.

I have strongly considered a izh46 and I haven't completely abandoned the idea, but after talking with Buck (I believe was his name, super helpful and nice gentleman that is their gunsmith there) at Pilkguns the lack of available seals has me a bit hesitant. Also, for reference I already own a HW75, and HW40. Both pistols are fun plinkers and I especially enjoy the HW75 but I'm really after something with a grip that I can make truly fit my hand, or order a set of Rink grips for.

Thank you for any responses or advice,

I don't know about now, but a couple of months ago Canada shooting supply had good prices on the IZH 46m, I got one fast shipping and delivery from Canada to Texas, no problems. They also had extra seals so picked up some, labeled them and put them in the freezer for long term storage.
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I don't know about now, but a couple of months ago Canada shooting supply had good prices on the IZH 46m, I got one fast shipping and delivery from Canada to Texas, no problems. They also had extra seals so picked up some, labeled them and put them in the freezer for long term storage.
Believe it or not, I was the one that posted that info up two months ago. I had decided to buy an Izzy when I stumbled into the fwb 100 and figured Id give everyone else a crack at them too.

Fishermen, I honestly can't give you a fair assessment yet. Don't get me wrong, the pistol is great; quality is fantastic, fit and finish leave nothing to be desired, the trigger is phenomenal, the balance is superb, etc... However, I have a freakishly wide hand and that fact has made my pellet pistol shooting somewhat cumbersome. I now own 4 match pistols, a FWB 65, a FEG GPM-01, a Tau 7, and the FWB 65. None of these pistols come even remotely close to fitting my had. The FWB 65 comes the closest and I shoot it fairly well, right until my hand starts cramping then it all goes to hell. That is the case with every match pistol I've got. I can shoot my HW40 and HW75 for much longer than any of my match pistols due to increased comfort. The FEG is ridiculous until my hand cramps up and the Tau is no slouch either. I have about 14k RWS Meisterkugeln pellets that 3 of the pistols seem to be fairly content shooting, particularly the FEG, the FWB100 however, isn't nearly as fond of them it seems. I've tried a few different pellets in the 100 and haven't stumbled upon one it seems to really appreciate yet, the closest Ive got so far is some much older Meisterkugelns I had on hand. I also ordered a set of Dick Horton grips for that pistol that I've been slowly reshaping to fit my hand better, haven't got them quite right yet though. Hopefully I'll get that pistol lined out soon, but its admittedly a little hard for me to get excited about ordering more pellets to try when I've go 14k sitting next to me. I'm sure this wasn't the response you where looking for, and I apologize for that, but it is an honest one.
Thanks for the feedback. My fwb 65 came with target grips and the sport type grips with stippling. I like the sport grips the best but I’m definitely not a match target shooter. I just enjoy the one hole groups it makes at 10 yards.

How were the seals on the 100 you picked up? The 65 I bought a few years back had to be resealed.
My seals in the FWB 100 had been replaced a few years prior and are holding strong. I’ve got 4 seal kits on hand now for it as I found them fairly cheap ($14) and had to order a fill adapter for my c60 anyway.

My fwb 65 on the other hand, much like yours, needed some attention before it was shootable as well. I believe it was my 4th tear down of the 65 that I finally got everything exactly right and now it shoots like a champ.

I’m like you, I don’t really shoot 10m per say, I’m just shooting for fun. It’s become prohibitively expensive for me to shoot my powder burners so I just shoot pellet pistols at the moment for enjoyment.
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