N/A Looking for a better quailty pcp

New here and looking for some advice for a good quality pcp that can shoot 100 plus and hold a group currently have the gauntlet 2 in .22 and it holds decent groups at 75 but looking for something that's lighter and just overall better quality trigger sucks bolt sucks and what not does have good shot count and can be a tack driver under 75 yard just kind of a crappy gun over all
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Price point doesn't really matter I guess might take an extra week or two to get then was contemplating on the m3 compact or the pantera hunter bit I've read along of mixed reviews on the quality of the brand lately
Don’t overlook the BRK Brococks… solid lineup of no nonsense PCPs.
New here and looking for some advice for a good quality pcp that can shoot 100 plus and hold a group currently have the gauntlet 2 in .22 and it holds decent groups at 75 but looking for something that's lighter and just overall better quality trigger sucks bolt sucks and what not does have good shot count and can be a tack driver under 75 yard just kind of a crappy gun over all
Taipan veteran 2 with unchocked CZ barrel, tons of power, good shot counts and will shoot slugs too. Priced well. Rugged. GREAT trigger.
Don’t overlook the BRK Brococks… solid lineup of no nonsense PCPs.
what l.leon said - Daystate aka Brocock are solid and simply constructed. Also consider a platform that doesn't require a fill probe... just one more thing to loose or maintain.
Remember that the more o-rings and moving parts any PCP/airgun has, the more can go wrong with a that platform.
Also think seriously about caliber choice / how will that gun will be used 90% of the time...
if it's just for targets or just for hunting or if you want the flexibility to do both. We all have our favorites.
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I have a number of higher end .22 caliber PCPs (AA S510 XS, HW100S FSB, Wolverine R and the FX Crown, Impact and Panthera).

For general usage, plinking, pesting, hunting and target work, the Crown MK2 (500mm barrel) is my overall favorite. It ticks off all the boxes you mention and is the lightest of the ones I have. Ergonomics are good as are fit and function - easy to carry and smooth to operate. Accuracy is excellent. I like that it has a wide power range and can be fine tuned to the pellet of choice. Shot count is dependent on power settings but there's lots in a fill. It's slug capable if you want to go there though I would recommend the 600 mm barrel for that.

Good luck with you search!
Classic rifle style or tactical/modular/bullpup? There are some incredible straight out of the box shooters that easily (depending on shooter's ability) reach past 100 yards. FX Royale/Boss/Bobcat platform is what I use. No tinkering just pinpoint accuracy, JUST. Also Daystate Huntsman to name a couple. Taipan is great. AGT guns are great (Uragan, Vulcan). You're getting into this at a time that the technology & options are virtually limitless. With a little research & asked questions I'm sure you'll find something. Good luck & welcome aboard!
If you like classic, go for Daystate Wolverine HP in .25 Cal. With a 580 or 700 cc bottle.

If you like bulpups/tactical, Uragan, Vulcan 3 or FX Panthera Hunter in .25 Cal with a big bottle in the front will do it.

If you want a super comfortable intermediate rifle among clasic and bullpup/ tactical, go for a brocock Sniper XR Magnum .25 Cal, but ask it with a 580 or 700 cc bottle, and you will be done!

Those rifles have enough energy for shooting farther than 100 yards.

Uragan and Vulcan 3 shoot better slugs than the other mentioned rifles. But all shoot pellets like champs.
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For a brand with so many questionable qualities, FX has a solid following. For every bad post about them there are several who love them.
Do not think that there is an air gun out there that does not have it’s issues. Most FX problems are and negative posts are people who tinker without knowledge, apply YouTube blather to them and end up in trouble because they never learned the guns, tuning and tinkering.
I am an FX fan through and through. Almost every issue I have had with them were owner caused due to ignorance. Now that I have learned to tune properly and left the sea of aftermarket trash behind I have not had any problems.
FX is it’s own worst enemy promoting after market performance add ons and flooding YouTube with shallow promotions for performance enhancement.
Buy one, get it tuned properly and leave it alone. It will impress you with what it can do.
I have a next to new AGT Vulcan 3 in 30 cal with a vortex diamondback tactical ffp scope Donny FL tatsu. My duplicate one shot out to 300 yards sub moa no problem. Power can be adjusted to suit your needs. These AGT Vulcan 3s are incredible. I have the original Russian polygonal Alpha Precision barrel. It's a gem. If interested please let me know.