Looking for a new gun, kalibrgun cricket vs colibri 22 vs 25 thoughts opinions

I'm looking into getting a high end airgun, I'm sort of leaning toward kalibrgun. I was looking at the cricket an then saw the colibri Iv watched some reviews on each but I'd like to hear what everyone thinks. Especially someone who has one or the other, my primary use would be small game hunting and target/plinking. I'm also torn between calibers 22 or 25 and sound level is a concern. Any insight is appreciated thanks guys.
I have a Cricket in. 22 and. 25. The
. 22 is absolutely adequate on pest birds, squirrels, rabbits, etc. It is very accurate and very quiet without aftermarket gizmos.

The. 25 is equally accurate, an absolute hammer, but much louder even with a custom LDC. Ammo is more expensive and usually needs to be ordered. In my opinion, it is overkill for common pests or target shooting at less than 75 yards.

You can't go wrong with either.
Jedediah hello and welcome, man where to start.....well I have owned a .22 cal and a .25 call in the kalibre cricket. You are going to get a bit more shot count out of the .22 and it will be quieter for you. However, the trade off is power. A not so good shot with the .22 will result in a un humane kill, but with the .25 well it normally does the job on small game. IF, your shot placement is a little off. Accuracy is going to be great with either of them, out shoots me all the time! Now, I didn't buy the Colibri mainly because it didn't come in .25 cal. But from what I read and have seen, it is definately quite, and for small game, it has mooorrreee than enough to take any of them. And your going to get plenty shots. The cocking mech. Is much better than that of it's bigger brother. IMO. It still comes down to personal preference though. I sorta look at it like this. If I buy it and don't like it then just sell it and buy another. Or if you have the funds just buy both then get rid of the one YOU don't like as much. lol.....I know decisions, decisions. That's what makes this stuff so much fun! Well I hope this helps ya out. Best, with what ever you get. Steve
The colibri is Much More compact than the cricket. That said, the cricket is more tried and tested. The initial reviews of the colibri indicated superb accuracy but a few tweaks necessary to get the gun in perfect shape. Initial reviews on forums indicated the magazine indexing problem and a few other minor issues. All of which could be fixed with some tweaking. Between calibers I would strongly suggest the.25. It bucks the wind better than the .22 and like Steve said, it does the job even when shot Placement isn't perfect. 
I will not hunt anymore with a .22. I have killed every type of critter fir and feather with .177 .22 .25 calibers. There is no comparison with the .25. The .25 bucks the wind more it kills more quickly and it is quiet enough for field use. If this gun is for a suburban backyard I would not recommend the .25, not just for noise but the gun is too powerful for the backyard. I like .177 for the backyard pushing around 18 foot pounds. For field use get the .25